Cornelius Castoriadis Agora International Website
English-Language Bibliography of Writings About Cornelius Castoriadis
N.B.: This draft bibliography is an updated and reorganized version of the English-language bibliographies of writings about Cornelius Castoriadis that appeared in Cornelius Castoriadis's Political and Social Writings, translated and edited by David Ames Curtis, volume 1 (©1988 by the University of Minnesota) and volume 3 (©1993 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota). Published and © by Agora International and used by permission of the University of Minnesota Press.
Readers are kindly requested to communicate any additions or corrections to Agora International, c/o David Ames Curtis: 27, rue Froidevaux 75014 Paris FRANCE; TEL/FAX: Copies of texts not readily available can be ordered from the AI Archives.
# = Information not yet found/information to be verified.
N.B.: Cette bibliographie provisoire est une mise à jour et un remaniement des bibliographies anglaises des écrits sur Cornelius Castoriadis parues dans lesPolitical and Social Writingsde Cornelius Castoriadis, trad. et éd. par David Ames Curtis, tome 1 (©1988 par l'University of Minnesota) et tome 3 (©1993 par les Regents de l'University of Minnesota). Publication et droits de reproduction : Agora International avec la permission de l'University of Minnesota Press.
Veuillez contacter Agora International, chez David Ames Curtis 27, rue Froidevaux 75014 Paris FRANCE; TEL/FAX:, pour toutes additions ou corrections. Des copies des textes rares peuvent être commandées auprès d'Agora International.
# = Informations à compléter/vérifier.
- ASA (= A Society Adrift: More Interviews and Discussions on The Rising Tide of Insignificancy, Including Revolutionary Perspectives Today. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: October 2010.
- CCRD (EN2014A) Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy. Ed. Vrasidas Karalis. [Trans. from the Greek by Vrasidas Karalis and Anthony Stephens.] Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. 295pp.
- CL (= EN1984C ) Crossroads in the Labyrinth (translation of FR1978A ). Trans. Martin H. Ryle and Kate Soper. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Brighton, England: Harvester Press, 1984. 345pp.
- CL1 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 1. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 438pp.
- CL2 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 2: Human Domains. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 471pp.
- CL3 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 3: World in Fragments. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 379pp.
- CL4 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 4: The Rising Tide of Insignificancy.Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service.Electronic publication date: March 2022. 336pp.
- CL5 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 5: Done and To Be Done. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 384pp.
- CL6 (= Crossroads in the Labyrinth, vol. 6: Figures of the Thinkable. Tr. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2022. 402pp.
- CR ( =EN1997A ) The Castoriadis Reader. Ed. David Ames Curtis. Malden, MA and Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 1997. 470pp.
- DR (= Democracy and Relativism: Discussion with the "MAUSS" Group. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: January 2013. 63pp.
- FTP&K (= or ) Figures of the Thinkable (including Passion and Knowledge). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: February 2005. 428pp.
- IIS (= EN1987A ) The Imaginary Institution of Society (translation of FR1975A ). Trans. Kathleen Blamey. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1987. 418pp.
- Paperback edition. Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1997. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998.
- (complete but with incorrect pagination).
- (complete 2005 reprint).
- (complete 2005 reprint).
- MPSW1-2 (= More Political and Social Writings, 1945-1997. Books 1 and 2. The Question of the Workers' Movement. Volumes 1 and 2. Beta Version (Translator/Editor's Foreword forthcoming). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: October 2023. 435pp.
- OPS ( =EN2002A ) On Plato's Statesman (translation of FR1999B ). Trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002. 227pp.
- PPA (= EN1991A ) Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy. Essays in Political Philosophy (N.B.: the subtitle is an unauthorized addition made by the publisher). Ed. David Ames Curtis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. 304pp.
- PSRTI (= Postscript on Insignificancy, including More Interviews and Discussions on the Rising Tide of Insignificancy, followed by Six Dialogues, Four Portraits and Two Book Reviews. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: March 2011. 2nd ed. August 2017.
- PSW 1 (= EN1988A) Political and Social Writings . Volume 1: 1946-1955. From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. 348 pp.
- PSW 2 (= EN1988B) Political and Social Writings. Volume 2: 1955-1960. From the Workers' Struggle Against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern Capitalism. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. 363 pp.
- PSW 3 (= EN1993A ) Political and Social Writings. Volume 3: 1961-1979. Recommencing the Revolution: From Socialism to the Autonomous Society. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. 405 pp.
- RTI (= or ) The Rising Tide of Insignificancy (The Big Sleep). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: 2003. Notice . Ibid., p. ii. Foreword . Ibid., pp. xi-li.
- SouBA (= ) Jean Amair, Hugo Bell, Cornelius Castoriadis, S. Chatel, Claude Lefort, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Daniel Mothé, Panonicus, Paul Romano, Albert Véga, Jack Weinberg, A Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology: Autonomy, Critique, and Revolution in the Age of Bureaucratic Capitalism. Originally published without copyright in France by Acratie in 2007. Edited by Helen Arnold, Daniel Blanchard, Enrique Escobar, Daniel Ferrand, Georges Petit, and Jacques Signorelli. Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. With a Translator/Editor's Introduction by David Ames Curtis (March–April 2016). London, Eris, 2018. 488pp.
- WIF (= EN1997B ) World in Fragments. Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination. Ed. and trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997. 507pp.
- WoC (= ) Window on the Chaos, Including “How I Didn't Become a Musician” (Beta Version). Translated from the French and edited anonymously as a public service. Electronic publication date: July 21, 2015.
Castoriadis Pseudonyms
(Pseudonymes de Castoriadis)
- Paul Cardan
- Pierre Chaulieu
- Jean-Marc Coudray
- Jean Delvaux
- Marc Noiraud
English-Language Critical Assessments of and Responses to Castoriadis (and/or to Socialisme ou Barbarie):
- EN1954a Raya Dunayevskaya. "Socialism or Barbarism " (column: "Two Worlds: Notes from a Diary "). Correspondence, July 10, 1954: ##.
- The Correspondence Booklet. ##: ##, 1954: ## (edited version).
- EN1955a Raya Dunayevskaya. "'Socialism or Barbarism': On the Problem of a Workers' Paper." News & Letters, 1:4 (August 5, 1955): 5.
- "A response to Castoriadis’s 'Socialism or Barbarism.'" News & Letters, 52:5 (October-November 2007): 4.
- EN1958a Anon. "Facing Reality--1958" and "Readers from All Walks of Life Hail New Publication" (reviews of Facing Reality, a book that included an unauthorized editing of Pierre Chaulieu's--i.e., Castoriadis's--contribution). Correspondence Special Book Supplement, June 1958: 1S.
- EN1958b Anon. "French Crisis Speeds Plans for New Workers Paper" (summary of a Chaulieu article in the July 1958 issue of S. ou B.).Correspondence,July 1958: ##.
- EN1959a Alasdair MacIntyre. "The 'New Left.'" Labour Review, 4:3 (October-November 1959): 98-100; see esp.: 99 ("at the point of production").
- EN1960a Edward Thompson. "The Point of Production." New Left Review, 1:1 (January 1960): 68-70 (criticism of Alasdair MacIntyre's use of this term, as inspired by S. ou B., in EN1959a).
- EN1960b The Socialist Programme. Socialism Reaffirmed, 2 [July 1960]. 12pp. See: 5* (reference to EN1960A).
- EN1960c# Cliff Slaughter. "What is Revolutionary Leadership?" Labour Review, 5:3 (October-November 1960): 93-96, 105-111; see: 107-108 (S. ou B.), 110-11 (S. ou B./Socialism Reaffirmed).
- EN1961a Ken Coates. "Socialism and the Division of Labor. Some Notes on the Views of Paul Cardan" (discussion of EN1961B ). International Socialism, 5 (Summer 1961): 18-23.
- EN1965a "Cardan Meeting." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 3:10 (16 August 1965): 22–25.
- EN1965b Chris Harman. "Return to Utopia. Modern Capitalism and Revolution" (review). International Socialism, 22 (Autumn 1965): 28.
- EN1966a George Lichtheim. "Bureaucracy and Totalitarianism." Marxism in Modern France. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966: 182-92.
- EN1966b "About Ourselves " (announcement of publication of EN1966A ). Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:3 (August 1966): 23.
- EN1967a "Glasgow Meeting." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:8 (July 1967): 13-14; see; 13 (S. ou B.).
- EN1967b Maurice Brinton. "Vietnam. Discussion Continued." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:8 (July 1967): 24-26; see: 25 (mention of Castoriadis writings).
- EN1967c Maria Fyfe. "Sexual Thermidor" (response to EN1967B ). Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:9 (18 September 1967): 19-21.
- EN1967d M[aurice] B[rinton]. Review of Marxism in Modern France. Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:10 (November 1967): 17-18; see: 17 (mention of S. ou B.).
- EN1967e Jenny James. "Sexual Thermidor-2" (response to EN1967B and EN1967c). Solidarity for Workers' Power, 4:10 (November 1967): 21-23.
- EN1968a Jean-Paul Sartre. The Communists and the Peace. New York: George Braziller, 1968: 3-231.
- EN1968b Anon. "Student Movements in France" (includes review of La Brèche). Times Literary Supplement, 25 July 1968: 769-70.
- EN1969a "Outline of a Revolution". The French Student Uprising, November 1967 - June 1968. An Analytical Record (translation of FR1969a ). Pierre Vidal-Naquet and Alain Schnapp, eds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969: 1-64; see: 3, 9-10, 65-66, 115, 140n1, 289 (S. ou B.).
- EN1969b M[aurice] B[rinton]. "Capitalism and Socialism: A Rejoinder." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 5:8 (March 1969): 21-25; see: 25 (mention of Castoriadis writings).
- EN1969c M[aurice] B[rinton]. Review of Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative (see EN1968B ). Solidarity for Workers' Power, 5:9 (April 1969): 19-20.
- EN1969d David Ramsay Steele. "'Solidarity': Not so Solid." Socialist Standard: Official Journal Socialist Party of Gt. Britain and World Socialist Party of Ireland, 774 (February 1969): 24-26.
- EN1969e Anon. "About Ourselves." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 5:9 (April 1969): 26 (mention of Castoriadis writings).
- EN1969f Anon. "Solidarity Conference." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 5:10 (1 May 1969): 21.
- EN1969g Anon. "About Ourselves." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 5:11 (1 June 1969): 20, 26; see: 20 (mention of Castoriadis writings).
- EN1969h Anon. "About Ourselves." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 6:2 (13 November 1969): 6a-6b; see: 6b.
- EN1970a Maurice Brinton. The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control, 1917-1921; The State and Counter-Revolution. London: Solidarity, 1970: vii n4 (Chaulieu/SouB), 43n58 (Cardan).
- Detroit: Black & Red, 1972, 1975: 11n4 (Chaulieu/SouB), 52n58 (Cardan).
-'%20control.pdf 11n4 (Chaulieu/SouB), 52n58 (Cardan).
- EN1970b Anon. "About Ourselves". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 6:6 (15 October 1970): 26 (mention of ES1970A ).
- EN1971a Allen Binstock. "Socialisme ou Barbarie: Examination of a Revolutionary Project." M.A. History thesis. University of Wisconsin. 1971. 232pp.
- EN1971b John King. "The Economic Fate of Modern Capitalism". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 6:12 (25 December 1971): 19-29.
- EN1972a Bob Potter. "History and Revolution: 1. A Critique of Cardan's Critique." SolidarityDiscussion Bulletin No. 1. No date (1972?): 1-5.
- EN1972b Maurice Brinton. "History and Revolution: 2. On Unhistorical Materialism." Solidarity Discussion Bulletin No. 1. No date (1972?): 6-14.
- EN1972c Anon. "Our Latest Pamphlet Workers Councils and the Economics of Self-Management." Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:1 (9 April 1972): 29.
- EN1972d M.B. "On the Solidarity Wavelength". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:4 (8 December 1972): 20-22.
- EN1973a Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Adventures of the Dialectic (FR1955a).Trans. Joseph Bien. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1973: 232 (Castoriadis is the "Marxist friend" referred to in the text of this 1955 essay).
- EN1973b Anon. "On the Solidarity Wavelength". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:5 (no date): 16-19.
- EN1973c A[ki] O[rr], "Political Consequences of A Philosophical Illusion (Marx's Theory of 'Being' and 'Consciousness')," Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:6 (April 22 1973): 14-18.
- (with incorrect pagination).
- EN1973d Anon. "National Solidarity Meeting". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:6 (22 April 1973): 19-20, 30 (Cardan).
- EN1973e C. S. "On the Solidarity Wavelength". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:7 (20 July 1973): 15-19.
- EN1973f Adam Buick. "Solidarity, the Market and Marx." [Libertarian Communist], 2 (April 1973): 1-4.
- EN1973g H.S. "I.C.O...NOGRAPHY". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 7:8 (13 October 1973): 22-24.
- EN1974a Anon. "Sectarian Struggles" (review of SB 1, SB 2, EMO 1, and EMO 2). Times Literary Supplement, 11 October 1974: 1110.
- EN1975a Mark Poster. "Socialisme ou Barbarie." In the "Stalinism and the Existentialists" section of his Existential Marxism in Postwar France: From Sartre to Althusser. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975: 201-5 (CC/Lefort/S. ou B.); see also: 172 (Lefort/S. ou B.), 210 (S. ou B.), 211 (CC/Lefort/Morin), 216 (S. ou B.), 222, 371n28 (Morin/Lefort/Coudray, 384 (S. ou B.), 387n52 (Morin/Lefort/CC).
- EN1975b Richard Gombin. The Origins of Modern Leftism. Trans. Michael K. Perl. London: Penguin, 1975: 32-39, 94-95, 98-105.
- EN1975c Jean Baudrillard. The Mirror of Production. Translated with "Introduction" by Mark Poster. St. Louis: Telos Press, 1975: 106n9 (Cardan/Cornélius [sic] Castoriadis/S. ou B.), 108 (Cardan), 143 (Cardan), 150 (Cardan).
- EN1975d Dick Howard. "Introduction to Castoriadis." Telos, 23 (Spring 1975): 117-31.
- EN1975e Anon. "On the Solidarity Wavelength". Solidarity for Workers' Power, 8:2 (31 May 1975): 28.
- EN1975f Paul Piccone. "Korsch in Spain." New German Critique, 6 (Fall 1975): 148-63; see 152-53n11.
- EN1976a Claude Lefort. "An Interview with Claude Lefort" (19 April 1975 interview originally published in Anti-Mythes, 14; contains many references to Castoriadis). Trans. Dorothy Gehrke and Brian Singer. Telos, 30 (Winter 1976-77): 173-92.
- EN1977a Dick Howard. "Ontology and the Political Project." The Marxian Legacy. London: Macmillan Press, 1977: pp. 262-301, with notes 328-33.
- 2nd ed. London: Macmillan, and Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988: 224-63, with notes: 398-403 (see also EN1988a ).
- EN1977b André Liebich. "Socialisme ou Barbarie: A Radical Critique of Bureaucracy." Our Generation, 12 (Fall 1977): 55-62.
- EN1977c Andre Gorz. "Sartre and the Deaf." Telos, 33 (Fall 1977): 106-8.
- EN1977d Edgar Morin. "The Noise and the Message." Telos, 33 (Fall 1977): 110-11.
- EN1977e Bernard-Henri Levy. "Response to the Master Censors." Telos, 33 (Fall 1977): 116-19.
- EN1978a Leszek Kolakowski. Main Currents of Marxism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978: 3:481.
- New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005: 1172.
- EN1978b E. P. Thompson. The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays. London: Merlin press, 1980: 360, 396n167.
- EN1978c "Pamphlets." Solidarity for Social Revolution, 6 (December 1978 - January 1979): 17.
- EN1978d John King. "Economic Crisis: Myth and Reality." Solidarity for Social Revolution, 6 (December 1978 - January 1979): 5-9, 12.
- EN1979a Harry Cleaver. Reading Capital Politically. Brighton: Harvester, 1979: 49-52 (Castoriadis and S. ou B.).
- EN1979b J. C. "The Poverty of Theory" (review of E. P. Thompson's book, with reference to Cardan) Solidarity for Social Revolution, 7 (March - April 1979): 6-7.
- EN1979c Gregory Renault. "From Bureaucracy to L'imaginaire: Cornelius Castoriadis' Imminent Critique of Marxism" Catalyst, 13 (Spring 1979): 72-90.
- EN1979d Gregory Renault. "Major Works of Cornelius Castoriadis." Catalyst, 13 (Spring 1979): 105-10.
- EN1979e Jack the A. [Jack Grancharoff]. "Marxism-Leninism: Vehicle of Capitalism." Red and Black: An Anarchist Journal, 9 (Spring 1979): 2-7; see: 7nn2-4,7,10-11.
- EN1979f K. M. "Autonomy & Politics." Solidarity for Social Revolution, 9 (August - September 1979): 20.
- EN1979g Brian Singer. "The Early Castoriadis: Socialism, Barbarism and the Bureaucratic Thread." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 3:3 (Fall/Autumn 1979): 35-56.
- EN1979h Vincent Descombes. Modern French Philosophy. New York and Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1979): 129-34.
- EN1980a Georges Duby. The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined. Trans. Arthur Goldhammer. With a Foreword by Thomas N. Bisson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980: 133 (citation), 165 (citation), 355 (citation), 366n3, 367n6, 375n2.
- EN1980b Brian Singer. "The Later Castoriadis: Institutions under Interrogation." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 4:1 (Winter 1980): 75-101.
- EN1980c Anon. "Return of: 'In Search of the Ruling Class.'" Solidarity for Social Revolution, 11 (January - February 1980): 15.
- EN1980d Ron Rothbart. "The Limits of Mattick's Economics: Economic Law & Class Struggle." Solidarity for Social Revolution, 11 (January - February 1980): supplement 1-8; see: 1, 2, 4, 7n2.
- EN1981a Arthur Hirsh. "Castoriadis and Socialisme ou Barbarie." The French New Left: An Intellectual History from Sartre to Gorz. Boston: South End Press, 1981: 108-37.
- EN1981b Donald C. Hodges. The Bureaucratization of Socialism. Amherst, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981: 89-90, 92-93.
- EN1981c P. Canjuers [Daniel Blanchard] and Guy Debord. "Preliminaries Toward Defining a Unitary Revolutionary Program." Situationist International Anthology. Ed. and trans. Ken Knabb. Berkeley, CA: Bureau of Public Secrets, 1981: 305-310. Reprinted in 1989 and 1995.
- Revised and Expanded Edition, 2006: 387-93.
- EN1981d Charles Levin. Translator's Introduction. In Jean Baudrillard. For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. Trans. with an Introduction by Charles Levin. [No listed place of publication]: Telos Press, 1981: 5-18; see: 13.
- EN1981e Andrew Arato. "Empire vs. Civil Society: Poland 1981-82." Telos, 50 (Winter 1981-82): 19-48; see: 45n55, 46-47.
- Andrew Arato. From Neo-Marxism to Democratic Theory. Essays on the Critical Theory of Soviet-Type Societies. Armonk, New York and London, England: M. E. Sharpe, 1993: 212-42; see: 235n55, 236-37.
- EN1982a Victor Zaslavsky. The Neo-Stalinist State: Class, Ethnicity, and Consensus in Soviet Society. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe and Brighton, England: Harvester Press, 1982: 165n11, 177n42, 186n7.
- EN1982b Michael Kelly. Modern French Marxism. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982: 98 ("the greatly overestimated 'Arguments' and 'Socialisme ou Barbarie' groups").
- EN1982c Michel Foucault. "Interview: Michel Foucault," Skyline, March 1982: 16-20; see 18 ("the self-institution of society, etc.").
- "Space, Knowledge and Power: An Interview with Michel Foucault." The Foucault Reader. Ed. Paul Rabinow. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984: 239-256; see: 247 ("the self-institution of society, etc.").
- EN1982d Gabor T. Rittersporn. "Facing the War Psychosis." Telos, 51 (Spring 1982): 22-31.
- EN1982e Andrew Arato and Jean Cohen. "The Peace Movement and Western European Sovereignty." Telos, 51 (Spring 1982): 158-70; see: 164, 170.
- EN1982f Scott McConnell. "The Present Danger" (Le Spectateur engagé by Raymond Aron; Devant la guerre by Cornelius Castoriadis). Commentary, 73:4 (April 1982): 85-88.
- EN1982g# Greil Marcus. "The Long Walk of the Situationist International." Voice Literary Supplement, 7 (May 1982):
12-18; see: ## (S. ou B.).-
- Revised version. Guy Debord and the Situationist International : Texts and Documents. Ed. Tom McDonough. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2002: 1-20; see: 4 (S. ou B.).
- EN1982h Jean Cohen. "Between Crisis Management and Social Movements: The Place of Institutional Reforms." Telos, 52 (Summer 1982), pp. 21-40; see: 35-37.
- EN1982i John B. Thompson. "Ideology and the Social Imaginary: An Appraisal of Castoriadis and Lefort." Theory and Society, 11:5 (September 1982): 659-681 (see revised version in EN1984a ).
- EN1982j Andrew Arato and Jean Cohen. "Reply to Our Non-Critics." Telos, 53 (Fall 1982): 188-92.
- EN1982k Victor Zaslavsky. "Reply to Castoriadis." Telos, 53 (Fall 1982): 198-201. (See EN1982D .)
- EN1982l Paul Piccone. "On Social Movements, Non-Liberals and Castoriadis." Telos, 53 (Fall 1982): 201-8. (See EN1982D .)
- EN1982m Solidarity, new series, 1:1 (1982##). We're Back.
- EN1982m1 Anon. "Making a Fresh Start." Ibid.: 3-5; see: 3-4 (CC/Cardan/S. ou B.).
- EN1982m2 John King. "Marx and the Current Unemployment." Ibid.: 6-12; see: 6 (Cardan), 12n19 (Cardan).
- EN1982m3 L. Erizo. Review of EN1981a. Ibid.: 17-18.
- EN1982m4 "Castoriadis in English." Ibid.: [back page].
- EN1982n Solidarity, new series, 1:2 (1982##). Soviet Militarism and the Peace Movement.
- EN1983a Robert W. Clawson. "Devant la guerre, vol. 1, Les Réalités" (review). Slavic Review, 42:2 (Summer 1983): 308.
- EN1984a John Thompson. "Ideology and the Social Imaginary: An Appraisal of Castoriadis and Lefort." Studies in the Theory of Ideology. Cambridge, England: Polity, 1984: 16-41. (See EN1982f .)
- "Castoriadis on the Imaginary Institution of Society" (partial reprint: 21-24). In Patrick Joyce, ed. Class (Oxford Readers). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1995: 113-17 (see EN1995h ).
- EN1984b Oliver W. Holmes. Review of EN1981a. The American Historical Review, 89:1 (February 1984): 141-42.
- EN1984c Francisca Goldsmith. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (review). Library Journal, 109 (1 March 1984): 494.
- EN1984d Bernard Flynn. "Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (review). Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 10:1 (Spring 1984): 179-83.
- EN1984e "Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (review). Bloomsbury Review, June-July 1984: 28.
- EN1984e Robert D'Amico. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (review). Telos, 60 (Summer 1984): 193-200.
- EN1985a Dick Howard. From Marx to Kant. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985: vi, 298n9.
- 2nd ed. completely revised and augmented. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993: 289n14, 301n56, 309n23325n9.
- EN1985b Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London and New York: Verso, 1985: 90n30.
- 2nd Edition. 2001: 90n30.
- EN1985c Stephen Rousseas. "Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (review). Transaction/Society, January-February 1985: 85-87.
- EN1985d Joel Whitebook. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (reply to D'Amico's review, EN1984e ). Telos, 63 (Spring 1985): 228-39.
- EN1985e Robert D'Amico. "Deconstructing D'Amico, or Why Joel Whitebook Is So Upset" (reply to Whitebook's reply, EN1985d ). Telos, 64 (Summer 1985): 153-59.
- EN1986a Tony Judt. Marxism and the French Left: Studies in Labour and Politics in France, 1830-1981. Oxford, England: Clarendon, 1986: 15, 172, 185, 189-90, 196, 202, 205, 208, 211, 218, 219nn89,90, 221, 235n120, 305.
- EN1986b Nicole Loraux. The Invention of Athens: The Funeral Oration in the Classical City. Trans. Alan Sheridan. Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press, 1986: 341n6, 466n5, 469n42 ("E. [sic] Castoriadis").
- Brooklyn, NY: Zone Books, 2006: ##, ##, ##.
- EN1986c Axel Honneth. "Rescuing the Revolution with an Ontology: On Cornelius Castoriadis' Theory of Society" (translation of DE1985b ). Trans. Gary Robinson. Thesis Eleven, 14 (1986): 62-78.
- The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. Charles W. Wright, ed. New York: SUNY Press, 1995: 168-83; see also: xxiv-xxv, 10.
- EN1986d Alan Wolfe. "Crackpot Moralism, Neo-Realism and U.S. Foreign Policy." World Policy Journal, 3:2 (Spring 1986): 251-75; see: 260 ("former leftists and Maoists in France like Carlos Castoriadis").
- EN1986e William H. Austin. "Crossroads in the Labyrinth" (review). Religious Studies Review, 12:2 (April 1986): 138-39.
- EN1986f Sunil Khilnani. "The Fact of Creation" (review of DH). Times Literary Supplement, 12 December 1986: 1404.
- EN1987a Jürgen Habermas. "Excursus on Cornelius Castoriadis: The Imaginary Institution." The Philosophical Discourse on Modernity:Twelve Lectures(translation of DE1985a ). Trans. Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987: 327-35 and 419nn1-3; see also: 318-26.
- "Communicative versus Subject-Centered Reason.." Rethinking the Subject: An Anthology of Contemporary European Social Thought. Ed. James D. Faubion. Foreword Paul Rabinow.. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1995: ##-##; see: 158-60. See also Introduction. Ibid.: ##-##; see: 3, 17n13.
- "An Alternative Way out of the Philosophy of the Subject: Communicative versus Subject-Centered Reason". From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford, England and Cambridge, MA: 1996: 589-616; see: 608-11.
- EN1987b Andrew Arato. "The Budapest School and Actually Existing Socialism." Theory and Society, 16:4 (July 1987): 593-619; see: 593, 598, 608-609.
- Andrew Arato. From Neo-Marxism to Democratic Theory. Essays on the Critical Theory of Soviet-Type Societies. Armonk, New York and London, England: M. E. Sharpe, 1993: 122-45; see: 122, 127, 135-36.
- EN1987c Brent A. Nelson. "Cornelius Castoriadis, The Imaginary Institution of Society" (review). Library Journal, 112 (August 1987), p. 128.
- EN1987d Martin Thom. "Under the Volcano" (review of IIS). New Statesman, 2946 (11 September 1987): 29-30.
- EN1987e Shamlal. "A Toothless Radicalism" (review of IIS). Times of India, 26 September 1987: ##.
- EN1987f Sunil Khilnani. "Politics of Honour." New Society, 1294 (16 October 1987): 15-17.
- EN1987g Harry Redner. "Critic, Criticize Thyself!" Social Epistemology, 1:4 (1987): 327-39; see: 332, 337.
- EN1988a Dick Howard. "Cornelius Castoriadis: Ontology as Political." In Afterword to The Marxian Legacy. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan, and Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988: 320-33, with notes: 365-71; also: 334-36. (See also EN1977a .)
- EN1988b Jean-François Lyotard. Peregrinations. Law, Form, Event. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988: 16 and 45-75.
- EN1988c Douglas M. Brown. Towards A Radical Democracy: The Political Economy of the Budapest School. London, England and Boston, Mass.: Unwin Hyman, 1988: 7-9 and 13n2.
- EN1988d #A.W. Metcalfe. For Freedom and Dignity: Historical Agency and Class Structures in the Coalfields of NSW. Sydney , Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1988: 14, 71, 84, 130.
- EN1988e Pavel Campeanu. The Genesis of the Stalinist Social Order. Trans. Michel Vale. Armonk, N.Y. and London: M. E. Sharpe, 1988: 143.
- EN1988f Milan Kundera. The Art of the Novel. Trans. Linda Asher. New York: Grove Press, 1988: 148-49.
- "Key Words, Problem Words, Words I Love." The New York Times. March 6, 1988: Section 7; Page 1, Column 1.
- EN1988g "Editorial: 'In a crowd or in a political party there is neither choice nor responsibility.'" Edinburgh Review, 78/79 (1988): 3.
- EN1988g Alex Richards. "The Academisation of Castoriadis." Edinburgh Review, 78/79 (1988): 226-31.
- EN1988h Tom Osborne. "On Castoriadis." Edinburgh Review, 78/79 (1988): 232-34.
- EN1988i Patrick Murray and Jeanne A. Schuler. "Post-Marxism in a French Context." History of European Ideas, 9:3 (1988): 321-33; see esp.: 321-24, 329-32.
- EN1988j Richard Rorty. "Unger, Castoriadis, and the Romance of a National Future." Northwestern University Law Review, 82:2 (1988): 335-51.
- Critique and Construction: A Symposium on Roberto Unger's Politics. Robin W. Lovin and Michael J. Perry, eds. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990: 29-45.
- Essays on Heidegger and Others. Philosophical Papers, Volume 2. Cambridge, England and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991: 177-98.
- .
- EN1988k György Széll. "Participation, Workers' Control, and Self-Management." Current Sociology, 36:3 (Winter 1988); see: 91-95, 101, 104, 200.
- EN1988l C. A. Linden. "Cornelius Castoriadis, The Imaginary Institution of Society" (review). Choice, April 1988: 1311.
- EN1988m Edmond Wright. "Post-Humptydumptyism" (review of IIS). New Formations, 6 (Winter 1988): 142-45.
- EN1988n Neil Lazarus. "The Imaginary Institution of Society" (review). Sociological Review, 36:3 (August 1988): 579-83.
- EN1988o Anon. "Political and Social Writings...Volume 1...Volume 2." The Chronicle of Higher Education. 5 October 1988: A13.
- EN1988p Alan Sica. "Castoriadis, Cornelius, The Imaginary Institution of Society" (reviewed with Social Theory Today, Anthony Giddens and Jonathan Turner, eds). The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 500 (November 1988): 160-61.
- EN1988q Paul Anderson. "Too Marxist to Be Marxist" (review of PSW 1 and PSW 2). Tribune, 23-30 December 1988: ##.
- EN1989a# Brian Templin Seitz. The Production of Political Representations. State University of New York at Stony Brook PhD Thesis. See ##.
- EN1989b Carl Boggs. "Political and Social Writings, Volume 1...Volume 2" (review). Zeta, 2:1 (January 1989): 75-77.
- Revised version in The Socialist Tradition: From Crisis to Decline. New York: Routledge, 1995: 186-90, 274nn6-15. (See also EN1995e for additional references.)
- EN1989c Dick Howard. "The Hermeneutic Dimension of Critical Theory" (review of Johann Arnason's Praxis und Interpretation DE1988a ). Praxis International, 8:4 (January 1989): 476-90; see: 476-77, 482-88, 489nn6-8, 490nn10,12.
- EN1989d Clare O'Farrell. Michel Foucault: Historian or Philosopher? London: Macmillan, 1989: 4, 5, 108.
- EN1989e John Rundell. "From the Shores of Reason to the Horizon of Meaning: Some Remarks on Habermas' and Castoriadis' Theories of Culture."Thesis Eleven, 22 (1989): 5-24.
- EN1989f Johann Arnason. "Culture and Imaginary Significations." Thesis Eleven, 22 (1989): 25-45.
- EN1989g A.W. Metcalfe. " The Importance of Freedom and Dignity." Anthropological Forum, 6:1 (1989): 49-68; see: passim and 51 (Cardan).
- EN1989h Hans Joas. "Institutionalization as a Creative Process: The Sociological Importance of Cornelius Castoriadis's Political Philosophy" (review essay for CR, IIS, and DH). Trans. Raymond Meyer. American Journal of Sociology, 94:5 (March 1989): 1184-99.
- Pragmatism and Social Theory. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993: 154-71. (See EN1993d for additional references.)
- EN1989i Peter Wollen. "The Situationist International." New Left Review, 174 (March-April 1989): 67-95; see: 70, 71n15, 76, 89 (S. ou B.).
- .
- "Bitter Victory: The Art and Politics of the Situationist International". On the Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International, 1957-1972. Ed. Elisabeth Sussman. Cambridge, MA and London, England: MIT Press and Boston, MA: The Institute of Contemporary Art, 1989: 20-61; see: 25-26, 33, 46 ("Lefort of Socialisme ou Barbarie"), 57-58n13, 59nn26-27.
- EN1989j Richard Rorty. "Comments on Castoriadis's 'The End of Philosophy?'" Salmagundi, 82/83 (Spring/Summer 1989): 24-30.
- EN1989k Peter Beilharz. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Political and Social Writings, Volume One...Volume Two" (review). Thesis Eleven, 24 (1989): 132-41.
- EN1989l Charles Whitney. "Francis Bacon's Instauratio: Dominion of and over Humanity." Journal of the History of Ideas, 50:3 (July-September 1989): 370-91; see: 386-87.
- EN1989m Anthony Flint. "Who's Speaking at Local Colleges: [Third Edition]." Boston Globe. September 17, 1989: B23.
- EN1989n Moishe Gonzales. "Exorcising Perestroika" (includes review of "The Gorbachev Interlude"; see EN1988C ). Telos, 81 (Fall 1989): 141-47.
- EN1989o Octavio Paz. "Time's Voice" (translation of FR1989g ). Trans. Edith Grossman. The New Republic, November 6, 1989: 90-98; see: 98.
- EN1989p Andrew Arato. "Facing Russia: Castoriadis and the Problem of Soviet Society"; Johann P. Arnason, "The Imaginary Constitution of Modernity"; J. M. Bernstein, "Praxis and Aporia: Habermas' Critique of Castoriadis"; David Ames Curtis, "Socialism or Barbarism: The Alternative Presented in the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis"; Ferenc Fehér, "Castoriadis and the Re-definition of Socialism"; Agnes Heller, "With Castoriadis to Aristotle; From Aristotle to Kant; From Kant to Us"; Sunil Khilnani, "Castoriadis and Modern Political Theory"; and Joel Whitebook, "Intersubjectivity and the Monadic Core of the Psyche: Habermas and Castoriadis on the Unconscious." Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 86 (December 1989). Also includes French, Italian, and German articles.
- Autonomie et autotransformation de la société. La philosophie militante de Cornelius Castoriadis. Giovanni Busino, ed. Geneva: Droz, 1989.
- Joel Whitebook. "Intersubjectivity and the Monadic Core of the Psyche: Habermas and Castoriadis on the Unconscious." Praxis International, 9:4 (January 1990): 347-64 (see revised version in EN1995d ).
- Joel Whitebook. "Intersubjectivity and the Monadic Core of the Psyche: Habermas and Castoriadis on the Unconscious." Habermas and the Unfinished Project of Modernity. Critical Essays on The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Ed. Maurizio Passerin d'Entrèves and Seyla Benhabib. Cambridge, England: Polity, 1996: 172-93.
- Agnes Heller. "With Castoriadis to Aristotle; From Aristotle to Kant; From Kant to Us." Agnes Heller and Ferenc Fehér. The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism. New Brunswick, N.J. and London, England: Transaction, 1991: 491-502.
- Ferenc Fehér. "Castoriadis and the Redefinition of Socialism." Agnes Heller and Ferenc Fehér. The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism. New Brunswick, N.J. and London, England: Transaction, 1991: 503-15.
- Andrew Arato. "Facing Russia: Castoriadis and the Problem of Soviet Society." From Neo-Marxism to Democratic Theory. Essays on the Critical Theory of Soviet-Type Societies. Armonk, New York and London, England: M. E. Sharpe, 1993: 146-67.
- David Ames Curtis, "Socialism or Barbarism: The Alternative Presented in the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis"
- EN1989q Tim Wohlforth. "The Great Beast" (letter). Solidarity: A Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 22/23 (Winter 1989-90): 22.
- EN1990a Alex Callinicos. Trotskyism. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1990: 66-72#.
- EN1990b Elisabeth Roudinesco. Jacques Lacan & Co.: A History of Psychoanalysis in France, 1925-1985. Tr. with a Foreword Jeffrey Mehlman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1990: 433.
- EN1990c Sue Rechter. Castoriadis' Social-Historical and Social Theory. Masters Preliminary thesis, Department of Sociology, La Trobe University, 1990.
- EN1990d Jacques Ellul. The Technological Bluff. Trans. Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990: xiii, 15n14, 16, 45n20, 68n54, 73n59, 94, 156, 166, 218, 37.
- EN1990e# Paul Anderson. "At Odds: Interview with Cornelius Castoriadis." Sanity: The Magazine of CND. May 1990: ##-##.
- EN1990f Ravi Arvind Palat. "Political Institutions and the State: Socialism and the Self-Constitution of Society" (review of PSW 1 and PSW 2). Contemporary Sociology, 19:3 (1990): 400-402.
- EN1990g Martin Jay. "Unorthodox Leftist" (review of PSW 1 and PSW 2). Dissent, Summer 1990: 400-402.
- EN1990h Alison Peat. Review of Agis Stinas, Mémoires: un révolutionnaire dans la Grèce du XXe siècle ( FR1990i ). Revolutionary History, 3:1 (Summer 1990): 44-46; see: 45 ("Stinas...was later the principal representative in Greece of the Socialism or Barbarism current").
- JEN1990i ohann Arnason. "The Theory of Modernity and the Problematic of Democracy." Thesis Eleven, 26 (1990): 20-45; see 33-36, 38-41.
- EN1990j Kevin Robins and James Cornford. "Bringing It All Back Home." Futures, 22:8 (October 1990): 870-79; see esp.: 871-72, 877, 878nn8-11,13.
- EN1990k Hans G. Furth. "The 'Radical Imaginary' Underlying Social Institutions: Its Developmental Base" (English version of FR1989b ). Human Development, 33 (1990): 202-13. Followed by Gustav Jahoda. "Commentary." Ibid.: 214-16. Followed by Hans G. Furth. "Reply." Ibid.: 217-19.
- EN1991a Julian Pefanis. Heterology and the Postmodern: Bataille, Baudrillard, and Lyotard. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1991: 87-89 (CC and S. ou B.), 99, 148nn19-20.
- EN1991b John Tomlinson. Cultural Imperialism. A Critical Introduction. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1991: 155-69, 171nn33-50,52,55.
- EN1991c Agnes Heller and Ferenc Fehér. The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism. New Brunswick, N.J. and London, England: Transaction, 1991: 7, 177, 184, 193n5. See also additional Heller and Ferenc references in EN1989p .
- EN1991d# L. H. Leander. Liberty, Democracy and Legislation: Law Against the Powerless. Bunel University (U.K.) PhD thesis in Law, Theory and Methods of Sociology. See ##.
- EN1991e David Ames Curtis. Foreword (December 1989). Cornelius Castoriadis. Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy. Ed. David Ames Curtis. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991: v-x.
- Electronic reprint. . Includes: Preface to the Electronic Reprint of the 1989 Editor's Foreword (2003) and Previously Excised Text Restored for Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy 's 1989 Foreword .
- EN1991f Jacques Sapir. The Soviet Military System. Trans. David Macey. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991: 33, 48, 198, 243, 257, 289, 306n1, 316.
- EN1991g Loukas Karliaftis. "From Acronauplia to Nezero: Greek Trotskyism From the Unification Conference to the Executions." Revolutionary History, 3:3 (Spring 1991): 24-37; see: 24, 27, 29.
- EN1991h David Ames Curtis. "Understanding Castoriadis" Dissent, Summer 1991: 446.
- EN1991i Paul R. Harrison. "Power, Culture and the Interpretation of Democracy." Praxis International, 11:3 (October 1991): 340-53; see: 347-50, 353nn33-34, 36.
- EN1992a Anthony Elliot. Social Theory & Psychoanalysis in Transition: Self and Society From Freud to Kristeva. Oxford, England and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1992; see: 4, 27-28, 140-41, 145, 247, 261, 274.
- EN1992b David Ames Curtis. "Cornelius Castoriadis." Social Theory: A Guide to Central Thinkers. Peter Beilharz, ed. North Sydney, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 1992: 46-53.
-,M1 (partial electronic reprint).
- EN1992c Hans G. Furth. "The Developmental Origin of Human Societies." H. Beilin. & P. B. Pufall, eds. Piaget's Theory: Prospects and Possibilities. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1992: 252-265 (see EN1996b for revised version).
- EN1992d Iris M. Zavala. Colonialism and Culture. Hispanic Modernisms and the Social Imaginary. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1992: 19.
- EN1992e "Pierre Lanneret, Alias Camille: A Biography" In: Pierre Lanneret. Internationalists in France during the Second World War. London: Calverts, 1992: 5-24; see: 9-12 (CC and S. ou B.).
- EN1992f Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust. Trans. Jeffrey Mehlman. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992: 6, 116-17 (CC and S.ou B.).
- EN1992g Review of EN1988A. Organise! For Class Struggle Anarchism, 25 (January-March 1992): 18.
- EN1992h Takis Fotopoulos. "Direct and economic democracy in ancient Athens and its significance today." Society and Nature, 1 (May 1992): 1-17; see: 6.
- EN1992i Takis Fotopoulos. "The 'Objectivity of the Liberatory Project.'" Society and Nature, 2 (September-October 1992): 1-31; see: 1n1, 2n3, 17, 19, 21nn40,41, 28n60, 29n62, 30.
- EN1992j John Ely. "The Politics of 'Civil Society.'" Telos, 93 (Fall 1992): 173-191; see 182, 186-87, 191.
- EN1993a Jean-François Lyotard. Libidinal Economy. Trans. Iain Hamilton Grant. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1993: 116-20 (includes references to "Carlos" Castoriadis).
- EN1993b Phillip Hansen. Hannah Arendt: Politics, History and Citizenship. Stanford, CA; Stanford University Press, 1993; see: 11, 131, 155, 156, 158-59, 161, 162, 163, 222, 252n31.
- EN1993c Sunil Khilnani. Arguing Revolution: The Intellectual Left in Postwar France. New Haven, CT and London, England: Yale University Press, 1993: viii, 84, 125, 129-30, 133, 134, 149, 151, 152, 172, 182, 211-12n26, 212nn27,29, 219nn120-21,123, 220n140,234.
- EN1993d Hans Joas. "Cornelius Castoriadis's Political Philosophy." Pragmatism and Social Theory. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993: 3, 8, 10, 13n21, 48, 173, 176, 204, 211, 212. (See EN1989p for additional references.)
- (for the Introduction only).
- EN1993e Wolfgang Iser. The Fictive and the Imaginary. Charting Literary Anthropology (translation of DE1991h ). Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993: xvii, 78, 204-23, 315n81, 328nn59-60,63-65,68.
- EN1993f David Macey. The Lives of Michel Foucault. London: Hutchinson and #New York: Pantheon, 1993: 27, 442.
- EN1993g Johann Arnason. The Future that Failed: Origins and Destinies of the Soviet Model. London and New York: Routledge, 1993: 1, 8, 10-11, 20, 33, 66, 94, 102, 113-14, 205.
- EN1993h Stephen Watson. "Merleau-Ponty, the Ethics of Ambiguity, and the Dialectics of Virtue." Merleau-Ponty in Contemporary Perspective. P. Burke and J. Van der Veken, eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993: 147-170; see: 163 and 170n37.
- EN1993i Agnes Heller. A Philosophy of History in Fragments. Oxford, England and Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell, 1993: 100, 189, 195, 198.
- EN1993j Andrew Arato. From Neo-Marxism to Democratic Theory. Essays on the Critical Theory of Soviet-Type Societies. Armonk, New York and London, England: M. E. Sharpe, 1993: ix, x, 4, 68, 245, 270, 290. (See also EN1981c , EN1987b , EN1989p .)
- EN1993k David F. Bell. Circumstances: Chance in the Literary Text. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, cop. 1993: 1, 2, 8, 205n1.
- EN1993l Martin Jay. Force Fields: Between Intellectual History and Cultural Critique. New York, NY and London: Routledge, 1993: 65, 199n17, 200n30, 201n40, 217n25.
- EN1993m Robert V. Daniels. The End of the Communist Revolution. London and New York: Routledge, 1993: 28, 183.
- EN1993n Moishe Postone. Time, Labor and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993: xii, 171n110, 180.
- EN1993o Luc Ferry. Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age (1990). Trans. Robert de Loaiza. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993: 241-45.
- EN1993p# Louis Althusser. The Future Lasts a Long Time: A Memoir. Trans. Richard Veasey and ed. Olivier Corpet and Yann Moulier-Boutang. London: Chatto and Windus, 1993: 238-39.
- EN1993q Paul Anderson. "Rethinking the Left: Interview with Cornelius Castoriadis." Tribune, 15 January 1993: 6. See EN1993E.
- EN1993r Donald M. Kaplan. "What is Sublimated in Sublimation?" Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 41:2 (1993): 549-70; see esp.: 551-52.
- EN1993s Peter Beilharz. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy" (review). Political Theory Newsletter (Department of Politics, University College, The University of New South Wales Australian Defence Force Academy), 5:1 (April 1993): 70.
- EN1993t David Fel. "The 'Real ' Since Freud: Castoriadis and Lacan on Socialization and Language." American Imago, 50:2 (Summer 1993): 161-95.
- EN1993u J. J. Lecercle. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy" (review). Radical Philosophy, 65:3 (Autumn 1993): 58.
- EN1993v Peter Murphy. "Romantic Modernism and the Greek Polis" (in lieu of a review of PPA). Thesis Eleven, 34 (1993): 42-66.
- EN1993w Takis Fotopoulos. "Beyond Scientism and Irrationalism." Society and Nature, 4 (1993): 182-96.
- EN1994a John Rundell . Introduction. Rethinking Imagination: Culture and Creativity. Gillian Robinson and John Rundell, eds. London and New York: Routledge, 1994: 1-11; see 6-10.
- EN1994b Johann P. Arnason. "Reason, Imagination, Interpretation." Rethinking Imagination: Culture and Creativity. Gillian Robinson and John Rundell, eds. London and New York: Routledge, 1994: 155-70.
- EN1994c David Roberts. "Epilogue. Sublime Theories: Reason and Imagination in Modernity." Rethinking Imagination: Culture and Creativity. Gillian Robinson and John Rundell, eds. London and New York: Routledge, 1994: 171-85; see esp.: 176-80, 182-5.
- EN1994d Anthony Elliott. Psychoanalytic Theory: An Introduction. Oxford, England and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1994: 8, 18, 85, 99-100, 161-65, 170n, 172n, 175n, 180.
- EN1994e Mark Lilla. "Introduction: The Legitimacy of the Liberal Age." Mark Lilla, ed. New French Thought: Political Philosophy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994: 3-34; see esp.: 11-13, 26, 29n19, 30n26.
- EN1994f Ivan Szelenyi, Katherine Beckett, and Lawrence P. King. " The Socialist Economic System." The Handbook of Economic Sociology. Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, eds. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994: 234-251; see: 238, 248n6.
- EN1994g Peter Wagner. A Sociology of Modernity: Liberty and Discipline. London and New York: Routledge, 1994: 13, 14, 22.
- EN1994h Zygmunt Bauman. "Morality without Ethics." Theory, Culture & Society, 11 (1994): 1-34; see esp.: 3, 4, 7-9, 12, 17, 32n3, 33n6, 34.
- Life in Fragments: Essays in Postmodern Morality. Oxford, England and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1995: 13-14, 17, 19, 23, 28.
- EN1994i Peter Wagner. A Sociology of Modernity: Liberty and Discipline. London and New York: Routledge, 1994: 13-14, 22.
- EN1994j Todd May. The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994: 17-18, 38-44.
- EN1994k Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Ed. David B. Grusky. Boulder, San Francisco; Oxford : Westview Press, 1994: 725, 728.
- EN1994l# Pierre Lanneret. Pierre Lanneret, Alias Camille : A Biography. Followed by Third Camp Internationalists in France During the Second World War. London : Phoenix Press, [1994]: ##, ##, ##.
- EN1994m Jean-François Chanlat. "Francophone Organizational Analysis (1950-1990): An Overview." Organization Studies, 15:1 (January 1994): 47-80; see esp.: 56, 58, 63, 64, 71.
- EN1994n Barry D. Adam. "Cornelius Castoriadis, Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy" (review). Canadian Philosophical Review, 14:1 (February 1994): 12-13.
- EN1994o Mark Lilla. "The Other Velvet Revolution: Continental Liberalism and Its Discontents." Daedalus, 123 (Spring 1994): 129-57; see: 148, 156n18.
- EN1994p# "Decadence: The Theory of Decline or the Decline of Theory? Part Two." Aufheben 3 (Summer 1994): ##-##.
- EN1994q Takis Fotopoulos . "The End of Socialist Statism." Society and Nature, 6 (August 1994): 11-68; see: 15n8, 21n22, 37n52, 60n84.
- EN1994r Konstantinos Kavoulakos. "The Relationship of Realism and Utopianism in the Theories of Democracy of Jurgen Habermas and Cornelius Castoriadis." Society and Nature, 6 (August 1994): 69-97.
- EN1994s Paul Gordon. "Interrogating the Analysts" (includes review of EN1994A ). Times Literary Supplement, 16 September 1994: 12.
- EN1995a Peter Starr. Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory After May '68. Stanford: Stanford University Press: 2, 4-5, 21-22, 24-27, 29, 32, 39-40, 70, 120, 217nn.2,3.
- EN1995b Kanakis Leledakis. "Castoriadis and the 'Social Imaginary Significations.'" Society and Psyche: Social Theory and the Unconscious Dimension of the Social. Oxford, England and Washington, DC: 1995: 108-21; see also: 3, 14, 68, 166, 179, 186, 189, 190, 191n2, 193, 195-99, and 209-10.
- EN1995c Takis Fotopoulos. "The Crisis of the Growth Economy." Education, Culture & Modernization. Denmark: Roskide University Centre, 1995: 83-118; see: 88, 92, 112, 117.
- EN1995d Joel Whitebook. "Linguistic Turn or Bilderverbot?: Wish, Image and Word in Psychoanalytic Theory." Perversion and Utopia: A Study in Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory. Cambridge, MA and London, England: MIT Press, 165-215; see also 7, 15, 16, 89, 96, 118, 218, 231-32, 235-46, 267n40, 288n94, 289n2, 296n129, 316-17n51 (see EN1989p ).
- EN1995e Carl Boggs. The Socialist Tradition: From Crisis to Decline. New York: Routledge, 1995: 98, 191. (See also EN1989b for additional references.)
- EN1995f Étienne Balibar. The Philosophy of Marx. Trans. Chris Turner. London and New York: Verso, 1995: 79, 136.
- EN1995g# Thomas Patrick Helscher. The Melodrama of Subjectivity: Genre as Social Fantasy. University of Virginia PhD Thesis in American Literature. 209pp. See: ##.
- EN1995h Patrick Joyce, ed. Class (Oxford Readers). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1995: 4, 13, 73 (see also EN1987A and EN1984a reprints).
- EN1995i Brian Seitz. The Trace of Political Representation. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995: vi, 40, 102, 109-12, 146, 156, 159, 162, 165n3, 166n8, 168n2, 176n34, 197n87, 202n16, 203nn22-28 and 30.
- EN1995j Yoshio Sugimoto and Johann Arnason, ed. Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1995: 22, 235n9.
- EN1995k J. M. Bernstein. Recovering Ethical Life: Jürgen Habermas and the Future of Critical Theory. London and New York: Routledge, 1995: 7, 197-208, 214, 229, 231, 232.
- EN1995l C. L. R. James. His Intellectual Legacies. Selwyn R. Cudjoe and William E. Cain. Eds. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995. See also EN1995A , EN1995B, and EN1995C.
- EN1995l1 Selwyn R. Cudjoe and William E. Cain. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-19; see 12-14.
- EN1995l2 Selwyn R. Cudjoe. "'As Ever, Darling, All My Love, Nello': The Love Letters of C. L. R. James." Ibid.: 215-43; see: 242n17.
- EN1995l3 Letter No. 1 Raya Dunayevskaya to C. L. R. James. Ibid.: 298-300; see: 298.
- EN1995l4 Letter No. 2 C. L. R. James to Cornelius Castoriadis and Friends. Ibid.: 300-301.
- EN1995l5 Paul Buhle. "From a Biographer's Notebook: The Field of CLR James Scholarship." Ibid.: 435-51; see: 449n8.
- EN1995m David Morley and Kevin Robins. Spaces of Identity: Global Media, Electronic Landscapes and Cultural Boundaries. London and New York: Routledge, 1995: 22, 162, 166, 170.
- EN1995n Florian Rötzer. "Cornelius Castoriadis." Conversations with French Philosophers. Foreword Rainer Rochlitz. Trans. Gary E. Aylesworth. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1995: 31-42.
- EN1995o Gillian Robinson. "The Greek Polis and the Democratic Imaginary." Thesis Eleven, 40 (1995): 25-43.
- EN1995p Peter Beilharz. Review of PSW 3, along with reviews of books by C.L.R. James and Moishe Postone. Thesis Eleven, 40 (1995): 133-38; see esp.: 136-37.
- EN1995q David Ames Curtis and Sparta Castoriadis. Introduction to EN1995E. Free Associations, 34 (1995): 123-24.
- Introduction to Castoriadis's "From the Monad to Autonomy." .
- EN1995r Paul Gordon. Review of PSW 3 and PPA. Free Associations, 5:3 (1995): 390-94.
- EN1995s Takis Fotopoulos. "Development or Democracy?" Society and Nature, 7 (February 1995): 57-92; see: 58n3, 84, 87nn72,73.
- EN1995t Kevin Anderson. "French Intellectuals Wanted Truth Told." New York Times, July 23, 1995: section 4, p. 4.
- EN1996a Kent Worcester. C. L. R.. James: A Political Biography. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1996: 123-24, 139-41, 183-84, 278n, 279n, 289-90n.
- EN1996b Hans G. Furth. "Developmental Perspectives." Chapter 10 in Desire for Society: Children's Knowledge as Social Imagination. Plenum Press, 1996: 167-182 (revised version of EN1992c ).
- EN1996c Hans G. Furth. "The Imaginary Institution of Society: The Radical Perspective of Castoriadis." Chapter 11 in Desire for Society: Children's Knowledge as Social Imagination. Plenum Press, 1996: 183-200.
- EN1996d James Williams. "Castoriadis, Cornélius [sic]. " Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers. Ed. Stuart Brown, Diané Collinson, Robert Wilkinson. London and New York: Routledge Reference, 1996: 136.
- EN1996e# Michael J. Lattanzi. Imagination, Language and Being: The Question of Political Critique. University of Notre Dame Dept. of Government and International Relations PhD Thesis. 394pp. See Chapter 6: Imagination and Institution in Castoriadis#.
- EN1996f David Ames Curtis. Translator's Foreword. Pierre Lévêque and Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Cleisthenes the Athenian: An Essay on the Representation of Space and of Time in Greek Political Thought from the End of the Sixth Century to the Death of Plato. Trans. David Ames Curtis. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1996: ix, xviii-xxiii, xxvi, 140n15, 141nn.20-21,24, 142nn.30,35.
- EN1996g Hans Joas. The Creativity of Action. Trans. Jeremy Gaines and Paul Keast. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996: 2, 105, 114, 236, 238, 280n.
- EN1996h Nigel Thrift. Spatial Formations. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage,1996: 2, 8, 21-22, 33-35, 53, 68, 99, 176.
- EN1996i Maria Helena Oliva Augusto. "Individual, Time, and Death in Contemporary Society." Alienation, Ethnicity and Postmodernism. Ed. Felix Geyer. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1996: 181-92; see: 182-84, 188, 191, 192n1.
- EN1996j Daniel Bell. "Afterword 1996." The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. Twentieth Anniversary Edition. New York: Basic Books, 1996: 283-339; see: 300 ("Cornelius Castoriades [sic]").
- EN1996k Arjun Appadurai. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1996: 145.
- EN1996l# Anthony Elliott. Subject to Ourselves : Social Theory, Psychoanalysis, and Postmodernity. Cambridge, MA: Polity Press: 1996: ##, ##.
- # 2nd ed. New Foreword by Zygmunt Bauman. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2004: ##, ##.
- London and New York: Routledge, 2016: xv, xxi, xxiv, 10, 23, 29, 33, 38, 39, 79-80, 94, 102, 118, 130, 157nn6-9, 158n28, 161nn13-14, 162n32, 163n9.
- EN1996m Paisley Livingston. "Reconstruction, Rationalization, and Deconstruction." Cahiers d'Épistémologie, 9608 (1996). 26pp. See: 5.
- EN1996n Anthony Elliott and Charles Spezzano. "Psychoanalysis at its Limits: Navigating the Postmodern Turn." Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 55 (1996): 52-83; see esp.: 70, 78-79, 82.
- EN1996o Göran Therborn. "Dialectics of Modernity: On Critical Theory and the Legacy of Twentieth-Century Marxism." New Left Review, 215 (January-February 1996): 59-81; see: 69.
- EN1996p Takis Fotopoulos. "Beyond Statism and the Market Economy: A New Conception of Democracy." Democracy and Nature, 8 (April 1996): 36-95; see esp.: 42, 45, 47, 51n, 66, 67, 94.
- EN1996q Theodoros Papadopoulos. Review of PPA. Democracy and Nature, 8 (April 1996): 162-73.
- EN1996r Marcela Tovar-Restrepo. "Notes on Urban Culture and Planning." Exploring the Cultural Dimension of Urban Planning. Working Paper No.76. London: Development Planning Unit, University College of London, May 1996: 7-10; see: 8-10.
- EN1996s Eugene Victor Wolfenstein. "Psychoanalysis in Social Theory" (review of books by Alford, Frunner, Glass, and Whitebook [ EN1995d ]). Political Theory, 24:4 (November 1996): 706-46; see esp. 715-18, 720, 722, 723, 725, and 726n2.
- EN1996s Bill Brown. "Workers' Councils, Cornelius Castoriadis and the SI." Not Bored!, 26 (November 1996): 44-53.
- .
- Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 248-58.
- EN1996t Xavier Leflaive. "Organizations as Structures of Domination." Organization Studies, 17:1 (January 1996): 23-47; see esp.: 25, 28, 36-37, 39, 41, 45.
- EN1997a Johann P. Arnason. Social Theory and Japanese Experience: The Dual Civilization. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1997: xviii . 57-58, 71, 299-300, 321, 356-58, 469, 534n9.
- EN1997b Takis Fotopoulos. Towards an Inclusive Democracy: The Crisis of the Growth Economy and the Need for a New Liberatory Project. London and New York: Cassell, 1997: passim (see Index).
- EN1997c François Dosse. History of Structuralism. Vol. 1: The Rising Sign, 1945-66(translation of FR1991c ). Trans. Deborah Glassman. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1997: xviii, 123, 161, 163.
- EN1997d François Dosse. History of Structuralism. Vol. 2: The Sign Sets, 1967-Present (translation of FR1992e ) Trans. Deborah Glassman. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1997: xviii, xvi, 113, 115.
- EN1997e Elisabeth Roudinesco. Jacques Lacan. Trans.Barbara Bray. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997: 310, 385, 386-87, 505nn5-6.
- EN1997f David Ames Curtis. Foreword. The Castoriadis Reader. Ed. David Ames Curtis. Malden, MA and Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 1997: vii-xv.
- EN1997g Maurizio Passerin d'Entrèves. Introduction. Habermas and the Unfinished Project of Modernity : Critical Essays on the Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Ed Maurizio Passerin d’Entrèves and Seyla Benhabib. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997: 1- 37; see: 19-22, 37n14. (See EN1989p/Whitebook)
- EN1997h Richard Shiff. "Breath of Modernism (Metonymic Drift)." Ed. Terry Smith. In Visible Touch: Modernism and Masculinity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997: 184-213; see: 202n36.
- EN1997i J. Peter Euben. Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997: 59, 105.
- EN1997j Patrick Avaakum. "The Life and Times of Bob Pennington." Workers' Liberty, 38 (February/March 1997): 33-35; see: 35 (Castoriades [sic]/Chaulieu/Cardan/Pallas/Solidarity).
- EN1997k Patrick Avaakum. "Bob Pennington in the Trotskyist Archipelago: Part 2 of The Life and Times of Bob Pennington." Workers' Liberty, 39 (April 1997): 42-44.
- EN1997l Charles D'Adamo . Review of A Critical Sense. Interviews with Intellectuals (see reprint of EN1990D ). Counterpoise, 1: 2 (April 1997): 28-29.
- EN1997m Marcel van der Linden. "Socialisme ou Barbarie: A French Revolutionary Group, (1949-65)." Left History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry and Debate, 5:1 (Spring 1997): 7-37.
- .
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- EN1997n "Philosopher to explore the 'roots of hate'" (announcement of April 17 Castoriadis lecture). Yale Bulletin & Calendar, 25:28 (April 14, 1997 - April 21, 1997): 9.
- EN1997o David Ames Curtis. "Introduction." Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): iii-v.
- EN1997p Johann P. Arnason and Peter Beilharz. "Castoriadis and Thesis Eleven." Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): vi-viii.
- EN1997q Vasillis Lambropoulos. "Justice and Good Governance." Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): 1-30.
- EN1997r Stathis Gourgouris. "Philosophy and Sublimation." Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): 31-43.
- EN1997s Fabio Ciaramelli. "The Self-Presupposition of the Origin: Homage to Cornelius Castoriadis." Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): 45-67.
- EN1997t Stephen Hastings-King. "On the Marxist Imaginary and the Problem of Practice: Socialisme ou Barbarie, 1952-6." Thesis Eleven, 49 (May 1997): 69-84.
- EN1997u Lawrence D. Kritzman. "The Nostalgia for the Subject: French Intellectual Thought of the 1980s." The Romanic Review, 88:3 (May 1997): 485-##; see: 486, 492.
- EN1997v Takis Fotopoulos. "Outline of an Economic Model for an Inclusive Democracy." Democracy and Nature, 9 (June 1997): 21-56; see: 24, 42.
- EN1997w Murray Bookchin . "Comments on the International Social Ecology Network Gathering and the "Deep Social Ecology" of John Clark."Democracy & Nature, 9 (June 1997): 154-97; see 187-93.
- EN1997xMurray Bookchin. "Advisory Board Resignation Letter." Democracy and Nature, 9 (June 1997): 198-201.
- EN1997y Janet Biehl. "Advisory Board Resignation Letter." Democracy and Nature, 9 (June 1997): 202.
- EN1997z Pavlos Stavropoulos, Nikos Raptis, Theodore Papadopoulos, Takis Fotopoulos. "Response to the Resignations of Janet Biehl and Murray Bookchin." Democracy and Nature, 9 (June 1997): 203-08. Additional comments by Takis Fotopoulos. Ibid.: 208-11.
- EN1997aa Scott McLemee. "The Radical Imagination" (review of WIF and CR). Linguafranca: The Review of Academic Life, August 1997: 20-22. .
- EN1997bb Anon. "The Reemergence of Cornelius Castoriadis" (review of WIF and CR). The Front Table, October 1997: 25 (N.B.: contains more than the usual share of factual inaccuracies).
- EN1997cc Peter Murphy. "The Roar of Whispers: Cosmopolitanism and Neohellenism." Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 15:2 (October 1997): 274-81.
- EN1997dd Margaret Atack. "Edgar Morin and the Sociology of May 68." French Cultural Studies, 8:3 (October 1997): 295-307; see: 297, 299 (Lyotard/S. ou B.), 300, 301 (S. ou B.).
- EN1997ee Bill Brown. "Comments on Pierre Guillaume's 'Debord.'" Not Bored!, 28 (December 1997): 32-35.
- .
- "Pierre Guillaume's 'Guy Debord." Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 155-60.
- EN1997ff Pierre Guillaume. "Debord." Not Bored!, 28 (December 1997): 52-69.
- EN1997gg Anon. "Cornelius Castoriadis" (obituary). The Herald (Glasgow), 30 December 1997: 16.
- EN1997hh Douglas Johnson. "Cornelius Castoriadis: Trotskyist Who Embraced the Individual" (obituary). The Guardian, 31 December 1997: 15.
- EN1998a Fabio Ciaramelli. "Castoriadis" (entry). Trans. David Ames Curtis. A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder, eds. Oxford, England and Malden, MA: Blackwell, 492-503.
- See EN1998zz .
- EN1998b Fabio Ciaramelli. "The Circle of the Origin." Reinterpreting the Political. Continental Philosophy and Political Theory. Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 20. Ed. Lenore Langsdorf and Stephen H. Watson, with Karen A Smith. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998: 127-40; see 134-137.
- EN1998c Steven Hendley. "Reconsidering the Limits of Democracy with Castoriadis and Lefort." Reinterpreting the Political. Continental Philosophy and Political Theory. Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 20. Ed. Lenore Langsdorf and Stephen H. Watson, with Karen A Smith. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998: 171-82.
- EN1998d Richard Rorty. Truth and Progress. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998: 318-19.
- EN1998e Tobin Siebers. The Subject and Other Subjects: On Ethical, Aesthetic, And Political Identity. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998: 8, 19-20n16, 27, 46n12, 118-19n3, 130n8.
- EN1998f# Vasilios Romanos. Modernity and Autonomy: Cornelius Castoriadis' Defense of Democracy. University of Essex Department of Government Ph.D. dissertation.. 226pp.
- EN1998g# John Edward Rapko. Reason, Art, and Otherness: Heidegger in Light of Contemporary Criticism. University of California-Berkeley Philosophy PhD Thesis. 202pp. See ##.
- EN1998h Perry Anderson. The Origins of Postmodernity. London and New York: Verso, 1998. 28.
- EN1998i Grace Lee Boggs. Living for Change: An Autobiography. Foreword Ossie Davis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998: 65, 110, 276n26.
- EN1998j Alain Finkielkraut. The Future of a Negation: Reflections on the Question of Genocide. Trans. Mary Byrd Kelly. Intro. Richard J. Golsan. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1998: 20-26 (S. ou B./CC/Lefort).
- EN1998k Henri Simon. "Communism in France: Socialisme ou Barbarie, ICO and Echanges." Red & Black Notes, 5 (January 1998): 4-5.
- .
- EN1998l Paul Gordon. "Why This Law Rather Than Another One?" (review of WIF and CR). Times Literary Supplement, 16 January 1998: 10.
- Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 397-401.
- EN1998m Peter Beilharz. "Maverick Intellectual an Advocate of Autonomy" (obituary). The Australian, 20 January 1998: ##.
- Peter Beilharz. "Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1998 [sic])." Footnotes: A Magazine of the American Sociological Association, April 1998 (Volume 26, Number 4): 10.
- EN1998n "Cornelius Castoriadis" (obituary). The Times, 28 January 1998: ##.
- EN1998o Dick Howard and Diane Pacom. "Autonomy--The Legacy of the Enlightenment: A Dialogue with Castoriadis." Thesis Eleven, 52 (February 1998): 83-101.
- EN1998p Colin Ward. "Obituary - Comelius [sic] Castoriadis." Freedom: Anarchist Fortnightly, February 1998: ##-##.
- EN1998q Glen Newey. "Albino Sea-Cucumber" (review of IIS, FAF, and CR). London Review of Books, 5 February 1998: 6-7 (see EN1998o ).
- EN1998r David Ames Curtis. Letter to the Editor published as "Humpty Dumpty Got it Wrong." London Review of Books, 5 March 1998: 4 (see EN1998n ).
- EN1998 Albert Shore. "Bookshop Notes." Freedom: Anarchist Fortnightly, March 1998: ##-##.
- EN1998t Memorial notice of Castoriadis's death. Common Knowledge, 7:1 (Spring 1998): opposite page 1.
- EN1998u Warren Breckman. "Cornelius Castoriadis contra Postmodernism: Beyond the 'French Ideology.'" French Politics and Society, 16:2 (Spring 1998): 30-42.
- EN1998v## . "Cornelius Castoriadis 1922-1997." Organise! For Revolutionary Anarchism, 48 (Spring 1998): ##-##.
- EN1998w David Ames Curtis. "Cornelius Castoriadis: An Obituary." Salmagundi, 118-119 (Spring-Summer 1998): 52-61.
- Reprinted as "Cornelius Castoriadis: Philosopher of the Social Imagination. " Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 321-30.
- about.html .
- and (unauthorized posting, in two parts, of draft version).
- EN1998x M[ark?] L[illa]. "Cornelius Castoriadis." Committee of Intellectual Correspondence Newsletter, 2 (Spring/Summer, 1998): 43-44.
- EN1998y Nicolas Walter. "True Thinker" (review of CR). New Statesman, 27 March 1998: 50.
- EN1998z Peter Beilharz. "Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1998 [sic])" (obituary). American Sociology Association Footnotes, April 1998: 10.
- EN1998aa Anthony Elliott. "Philosopher of Passion" (review of WIF). The Australian, 1 April 1998: 37.
- EN1998bb Johann P. Arnason and Peter Beilharz. "Cornelius Castoriadis 1922-1997." Thesis Eleven, 53 (May 1998): iii-iv.
- EN1998bcc Patrick F. McKinlay. "Postmodernism and Democracy: Learning from Lyotard and Lefort." The Journal of Politics, 60:2 (May 1998): 481-502; see: 482n1 (Lyotard/Lefort/CC/"a working group, Socialism au Barberie (roughly translated as Socialism either/or Barbarism").
- EN1998cdd Editor's Note. Constellations, 5:2 (June 1998): 139.
- EN1998ee Joel Whitebook. "Requiem for a Selbstdenker: Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)." Constellations, 5:2 (June 1998): 141-60.
- "Omnipotence and Finitude" (excerpt). Radical Philosophy, 90 (July/August 1998): 5-8.
- "Requiem for a Selbstdenker: in memoriam Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)." Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 331-56.
- EN1998ff Andreas Kalyvas. "Norm and Critique in Castoriadis's Theory of Autonomy." Constellations, 5:2 (June 1998): 161-82.
- EN1998gg Bill Brown. "Cornelius Castoriadis, 1922 to 1997" (review of PSW 3). Not Bored!, 29 (July 1998): 64-69.
- .
- Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 304-12.
- EN1998hh John Barker. "Cornelius Castoriadis: 11 March 1922 - 26 December 1997 " (obituary). Capital and Class, 65 (Summer 1998): 159-66.
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- [sic].
- EN1998ii Little Billy not de Bored. "United Auto Workers on Strike." Not Bored!, 29 (July 1998): 24.
- Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 553-54.
- EN1998jj Takis Fotopoulos. "Toward a Democratic Conception of Science and Technology." Democracy and Nature, 10 (July-August 1998): 54-86; see: ##.
- EN1998kk Takis Fotopoulos. "Obituary: Castoriadis and the Democratic Tradition." Democracy and Nature, 10 (July-August 1998): 157-163.
- EN1998ll Axel Honneth. "Last of the Western Marxists" (translation of DE1997f ). Radical Philosophy, 90 (July/August 1998): 2-3.
- EN1998mm Edgar Morin. "An Encyclopaedic Spirit" (translation of FR1997v ) Radical Philosophy, 90 (July/August 1998): 3-5.
- EN1998nn Nicolas Walter. "Cornelius Castoriadis." Freedom, August 15, 1998: ##.
- "Cornelius Castoriadis: A Review." Nicolas Walter. Damned Fools in Utopia and Other Writings on Anarchism and War Resistance. Ed. David Goodway. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2011: 179-81.
- EN1998oo Thomas M. Kemple. Review of WIF. American Journal of Sociology, 104:2 (September 1998): 577-78.
- EN1998pp Gilberto Pérez Campos. "Social Representation and the Ontology of the Social World: Bringing Another Signification into the Dialogue ."Culture & Psychology, 4:3 (September 1998): 331-47.
- EN1998qq Kevin Anderson. Review of CR. Contemporary Sociology, 27:5 (September 1998): 541-42.
- EN1998rr Pierre Vidal-Naquet. "Homage to Cornelius Castoriadis." Trans. David Ames Curtis. Common Knowledge, 7:2 (Fall 1998): 1-4.
- EN1998ss Peter Beilharz. Review of CR and Zygmunt Bauman's Postmodernity and its Discontents. Thesis Eleven, 55 (1998): 120-22.
- EN1998tt John Rundell. " The Hermeneutic Imagination and Imaginary Creation: Ourselves Others, and Autonomy." Divinatio, 8 (Autumn-Winter 1998): 87-109.
- EN1998uu John Griffin. " Pragmatic Anarchism." Total Liberty, 1:3 (Autumn 1998): ##-##; see: #.
- EN1998vv David Ames Curtis and Andreas Kalyvas. "Fighting the Wrong Enemy? Comments on Wolfenstein's Critique of Castoriadis. " Political Theory, 26:6 (December 1998): 818-24.
- EN1998ww E. V. Wolfenstein. "Reply to Curtis and Kalyvas. " Political Theory, 26:6 (December 1998): 825-29.
- EN1998xx Editorial. Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, 24:1 (1998): 5-6.
- EN1998yy Andreas Kalyvas. "The Radical Instituting Power and Democratic Theory." Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, 24:1 (1998): 9-29.
- EN1998zz Fabio Ciaramelli. "An Introduction to Cornelius Castoriadis's work." Journal of European Psychoanalysis, 6 (Winter 1998): 87-91 (a version of EN1998a ).
- EN1998aaa Paul Berman. "Waiting for the Barbarians. An Unsung Hero (and Critic) of the Left" (review of CR, WIF, PSW 1, PSW 2, PSW 3, PPA, IIS). The New Republic, 4379 (21 December 1998): 28-38.
- EN1998bbb Mikko Keinänen. "Rationality and Values in the Context of Global Social Change: Some Theoretical Observations on Democracy and Civil Society." Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki Working Paper, 13 (1998). 13 pp.
- EN1998ccc Takis Fotopoulos. "The Rise of New Irrationalism and its Incompatibility with Inclusive Democracy." Democracy & Nature, 4:2/3 (## 1998): ##-##; see: ##.
- EN1998ddd Hans Hasselbladh and Fotis Theodoridis. "Social Magmas and the Conventional Explanatory Pyramid." Scandinavian Journal of Management, 14:1/2 (1998): 53-76; see: 62-63, 67, 69, 71, 73.
- EN1999a David Ames Curtis. " Cornelius Castoriadis." Dictionary of Cultural Theorists. Ed. Ellis Cashmore and Chris Rojek. London: Edward Arnold and New York: Oxford University Press, 1999: 96-98.
- "Castoriadis on Culture" (expanded version with Author's Note). Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 367-73.
- .
- EN1999b Slavoj Zizek. The Ticklish Subject. The Absent Centre of Political Ontology. London and New York: Verso, 1999: 23-24.
- EN1999c James D. Young The World of CLR James. His Unfragmented Vision. Glasgow: Clydeside Press, 1999: 298.
- EN1999d Christian Delacampagne. A History of Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. Trans. M. B. DeBevoise. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999: 199, 224.
- EN1999e Caroline Williams. "Reconstituting the Subject of Political Discourse: from Lacan to Castoriadis." Iain MacKenzie and Shane O'Neill, eds.Reconstituting Social Criticism: Political Morality in the Age of Scepticism. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan and New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999: 103-20. See also Shane O'Neill. "Introduction: Reconstituting Criticism Today." Ibid.: 1-15; see: 8.
- EN1999f Stéphane Courtois et al., eds. The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. Trans. Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer. Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press, 1999: 739, 820m18.
- EN1999g Daniel Blanchard. "Debord in the Resounding Cataract of Time." Trans. Helen Arnold (see FR2000b ). Revolutionary Romanticism: A Drunken Boat Anthology. Max Blechman, ed. San Francisco: City Lights, 1999: 223-37 (Debord/S. ou B.).
- EN1999h Stephen William Hastings-King. Fordism and the Marxist Revolutionary Project: A History of Socialisme ou Barbarie, Part I. 1999 Cornell University History PhD dissertation. 600pp.
- EN1999i Paul Gordon. Face to Face: Therapy as Ethics. London: Constable, 1999: 10, 28, 42, 43, 45, 119, 132, 137, 141, 144-45, 151-53.
- EN1999j Octavio Paz. Itinerary: An Intellectual Journey. Trans. Jason Wilson. New York, San Diego, and London: Harcourt, Inc., 1999: 64.
- EN1999k James Donald. Imagining the Modern City. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999: 18, 189n39.
- EN1999l Stephen Eric Bronner. Ideas in Action: Political Tradition in the Twentieth Century, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999: 214-15, 261.
- EN1999m Zygmunt Bauman. In Search of Politics. Cambridge : Polity Press, 1999: 4-7, 15, 79, 83, 106, 125, 136-37, 151, 166-68.
- EN1999n Zygmunt Bauman. Culture as Praxis. New Edition. London, Thousand Oaks, and New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999: xx, xxviii-ix, xlvi,
- EN1999o Nick Dyer-Witheford. Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999: 63, 306n7, 334n15.
- EN1999p Luis Ricardo Dávila. The Notion of the Social Imaginary and Identity (Castoriadis' Linguistic Philosophy). Working Paper No 20: Essex Papers in Politics and Government: A Sub-series in Ideology and Discourse Analysis. July, 1999.
- EN1999q Stephen Hastings-King. "L'Internationale Situationniste, Socialisme ou Barbarie, and the Crisis of the Marxist Imaginary." SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism, 90 (1999): 26-54. Also: Pierpaolo Antonelo and Olga Vasile. Introduction. Guy Debord: A Special Issue. Ibid.: 3-11; see: 6-7.
- EN1999r Miriam Dixson. The Imaginary Australian: Anglo-Celts and Identity, 1788 to the Present. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 1999: 5, 19-20, 29, 53, 72, 80, 137, 176nn6-7, 204n20.
- EN1999s Klaus R. Scherpe. "Alexander Kluge: Germany--An Experience of Words and Images." European Memories of the Second World War. Helmut Peitsch, Charles Burdett and, Claire Gorrara, eds. New York and Oxford, Berghahn Books, 1999: 175-84; see: 176.
- EN1999t Gavin Flood. Beyond Phenomenology: Rethinking the Study of Religion. London and New York: Cassell, 1999: 239n14.
- EN1999u Kevin Robins and Frank Webster. Times of the Technoculture: From the Information Society to the Virtual Life. London: Routledge, 1999: 47, 57, 102, 107, 149, 231, 253, 263n27, 265n67, 275n75, 276n101, 282n4, 283n12, 301nn40,45-46,48-49, 303n59.
- EN1999v Dominique Frager. "Socialism or Barbarism" (review of FR1997d ). New Politics, 7:2 (Winter 1999): 185-87.
- EN1999w Dean Hammond. Review of WIF. Religious Studies Review, 25:1 (January 1999): 51-52.
- EN1999x Andrew W. Metcalfe. "Inspiration." The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 36:2 (## 1999): 217-40; see: 224.
- EN1999y John Ely. "Libertarian Thought, Ideology, and the 'Classics': a Review of Cleisthenes, the Athenian" (review of book in which EN1996A appears).Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:1 (March 1999): 145-61.
- EN1999z David Ames Curtis. "On the Bookchin/Biehl Resignations and the Creation of the New Liberatory Project." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:1 (March 1999): 163-74.
- Electronic version, with additional information (Note 18a): < dnweb1.html >.
- Electronic version, missing material rejected by Democracy & Nature: .
- EN1999aa Takis Fotopoulos. "On a Distorted View of the Inclusive Democracy Project." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:1 (March 1999): 175-88.
- EN1999bb Takis Fotopoulos. "CNS and 'Bookchin-ology.'" Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:1 (March 1999): 189-91; see: 191 on "Castoriadians."
- EN1999cc Agnes Heller. "Interview. Post-Marxism and the Ethics of Modernity." Radical Philosophy, 94 (March/April 1999): 29-39; see: 37.
- EN1999dd #Alex Economou. "Obituary: Cornelius Castoriadis (1922–1997)." Revolutionary History, 7:2 (Spring 1999): ##-##.
- EN1999ee Lois McNay. "Subject, Psyche and Agency: The Work of Judith Butler. " Theory, Culture & Society, 16:2 (April 1999): 175-93; see 185, 187-89, 191nn5-6, 192.
- EN1999ff Bill Brown. "Strangers in the Night...." Not Bored!, 31 (June 1999): 74-83.
- .
- "Cornelius Castoriadis and Guy Debord: 'Strangers in the Night'" Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 363-74.
- EN1999gg Fabio Ciaramelli. "Human Creation and the Paradox of the Originary." Trans. David Ames Curtis. Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 357-66.
- EN1999hhFernando Urribarri. "The Psyche: Imagination and History. A General View of Cornelius Castoriadis's Psychoanalytic Ideas." Trans. Nora Stelzer and Veronica Chehtman, with additional editing by David Ames Curtis. Free Associations, 7:3 (1999): 374-96.
- EN1999ii "Beginning Well and Ending Badly." Not Bored!, 31 (June 1999): 44-49; see: 47.
- "T.J. Clark's The End of An Idea: Beginning Well and Ending Badly." Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 329-63; see: 336.
- EN1999jj John Griffin. "Dodgy Logic and the Olympians" (review of Takis Fotopoulos, Towards an Inclusive Democracy). Total Liberty: A Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism, 2:1 (Summer 1999): 10-11; see: 11.
- EN1999kk Takis Fotopoulos. "The Catastrophe of Marketization." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:2 (July 1999): 275-35; see: 279n11, 289n41
- EN1999ll Takis Fotopoulos . "A Response to Michael Levin's Article." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:2 (July 1999): 395-406; see: ##.
- EN1999mm David Rutledge. "Imagining the Imaginary " (review of CR). Metascience, 8:2 (July 1999): 332-336.
- EN1999nn Paul R. Harrison. Review of WIF ( EN1997B ). Journal of Sociology, 35:2 (August 1999): 231-32.
- EN1999oo Peter Baehr. "In the talking shop" (review of Bauman's In Search of Politics). Times Literary Supplement, 27 August 1999: 12.
- EN1999pp Marcel van der Linden. Review of FR1997d . Left History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry and Debate, 6:2 (Fall 1999): 179-82.
- EN1999qq Martin O'Connor. "Dialogue and Debate in a Post-Normal Practice of Science: A Reflection." Futures, 31:7 (September 1999): 671-87; see: 676n3, 685, 687.
- EN1999rr Charity Scribner. "From the Collective to the Collection: Curating Post-Communist Germany." New Left Review, 237 (September-October 1999): 137-49; see: 138.
- EN1999ss Markus Dirk Dubber. "Reforming American Penal Law." The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 90: 1 (Fall1999): 49-114; see: 53n8.
- EN1999ttJohn Clark. "The Politics of Social Ecology: Beyond the Limits of the City." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:3 (November 1999): 523-38; see: 525n6.
- EN1999uu Takis Fotopoulos. "Social Ecology, Eco-Communitarianism and Inclusive Democracy." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:3 (November 1999): 561-96#; see: 563, 566, 575.
- EN1999vv Ornette Coleman and Clara Gibson Maxwell. "Ornette Coleman: Conversation." Cadence, The Review of Jazz & Blues: Creative Improvised Music, 25:11 (November 1999): 5-13; see: 5, 10.
- "Tone Dialing: A Conversation on Friendship with Ornette Coleman."
- EN1999ww Anreas Kalyvas. Review of IIS (= EN1987A ) and WIF ( EN1997B ). Thesis Eleven, 59 (November 1999): 103-31.
- EN1999xxTakis Fotopoulos. "Social Ecology, Eco-Communitarianism and Inclusive Democracy." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 5:3 (November 1999): 561-##; see ##.
- EN1999yy Kanakis Leledakis. "An Appreciation of Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997), Theorist of Autonomy and Openness." European Journal of Social Theory, 2:1 (1999): 95-98.
- EN1999zz Andreas Kalyvas. "Critical Theory at the Crossroads. Comments on Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition." European Journal of Social Theory, 2:1 (1999): 99-108; see: 99, 102, 106n5, 107n8.
- EN1999aaa Gerald Delanty. Review (Johann Arnason, Social Theory and Japanese Experience, and Yoshio Sugimoto and Johann Arnason, Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity).European Journal of Social Theory, 2:1 (1999): 123-27; see: 124-26.
- EN1999bbb Lorraine Code. "Flourishing". Ethics & the Environment, 4:1 (1999): 63-72; see: 71n4.
- EN2000a Lois McNay. Gender and Agency: Reconfiguring the Subject in Feminist and Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2000: 23-24, 28-30, 117-54, 162-63.
- EN2000b David Ames Curtis. Translator's Foreword. Claude Lefort. Writing: The Political Test. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2000: VII-XXXVII; see: XI, XIII-XV, XIX, XX (S. ou B.), XXIV, XXVI-XXVIIn7, XXVIIn8-9, XXVII-XXVIIIn10, XXVIIIn13, XXVIII-XXIXn16, XXX-XXXIn27, XXXIn28, XXXI-XXXIIn29, XXXIInn32,33, XXXII-XXXIVn34, XXXIVn38, XXXIVn41 (Lyotard/S. ou B.), XXXVn44, 46-47, XXXV-XXXVIn48 (S. ou B.), XXXVIn50, XXXVI-XXXVIIn54, XXXVIIn55.
- EN2000c Aki Orr. Direct Democracy Manifesto: Politics for the 21st Century. Privately printed. See Dedication page (quotation from PSW 1: 21).
- (does not include dedication).
- EN2000d Gerard Delanty. Modernity and Postmodernity: Knowledge, Power, Self. London: Sage, 2000: 107-10, 127.
- EN2000e Zygmunt Bauman. Liquid Modernity. Malden, MA and Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 2000: 22, 212, 215.
- EN2000f James Williams. Lyotard & the Political. London and New York: Routledge, 2000: 9, 11-15, 17, 23-24, 28, 30 (S. ou B.), 31 (CC).
- EN2000g# Phillip Ablett. Beyond Church and Party: Christians for National Liberation in the Philippines. PhD thesis in Sociology. LaTrobe University, 2000. 271pp.; see esp. Ch. 2.
- EN2000h Donald Clark Hodges. Class Politics in the Information Age. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2000: 72-73, 124-26, 132, 136-38.
- EN2000i Lorraine Code. "The Perversion of Autonomy and the Subjection of Women: Discourses of Social Advocacy at Century's End." Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. Ed. Catriona Mackenzie and Natalie Stoljar. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000: 181-210; 202, 208nn87,88.
- EN2000j Russell P. Shuttleworth. The Pursuit of Sexual Intimacy for Men with Cerebral Palsy. Doctoral dissertation in Medical Anthropology, University of San Francisco and University of California, Berkeley, 2000: 30-31, 289, 296n3.
- EN2000k Max Blechman. "Revolutionary Romanticism: A Reply to Agnes Heller." Radical Philosophy, 99 (January-February 2000): 40-43; see: 41, 43nn7-9.
- EN2000l Pierre Vidal-Naquet. "The Tradition of Greek Democracy." Trans. David Ames Curtis. Thesis Eleven , 60 (February 2000): 61-86; see: 66, 81n15.
- EN2000m Steven Hendley. "Sartre and the Idea of Socialism: Normative Limitations of Collective Autonomy." Philosophy Today, 44:1 (Spring 2000): 60-72; see: 63, 65, 70-71n20, 72n28.
- EN2000n David Wallace. "The Otherness of Castoriadis" (review of CR and WIF). Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 3 (Spring 2000): 110-115.
- .
- EN2000o Zygmunt Bauman. "Sociological Enlightenment--For Whom, About What?" _Theory, Culture, & Society, 17:2 (2000): 71-82; see 73-74.
- EN2000p Fuyuki Kurasawa. "The Ethnological Counter-Current in Sociology." International Sociology, 15:1 (March 2000): 11-31; see: 15, 23, 28.
- EN2000q Takis Fotopoulos. "Pragmatic 'Anarchism' or Anarchism?--a Response to John Griffin." Total Liberty: A Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism, 2:2 (Spring 2000): 6-8; see: 7.
- .
- .
- EN2000r Nigel Thrift. "Afterwords." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 18:2 (April 2000): 213-55; see: 215.
- EN2000s Akis Haritopoulos. "Three Works from Cornelius Castoriadis" (review of FP, SPP, and D). European Journal of Social Theory, 3:2 (May 2000): 260-67.
- EN2000t Takis Fotopoulos. "Class Divisions Today--The Inclusive Democracy approach." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 6:2 (July 2000): 211-52; see: ##.
- EN2000u Kenneth G. MacKendrick. "The Moral Imaginary of Discourse Ethics." Critical Horizons, 1:2 (2000): 247-69.
- Critical Theory After Habermas: Encounters and Departures. Ed. Dieter Freundlich, Wayne Hudson, John Rundell. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2004: 280-306.
- EN2000v Jean Laplanche. "The Other Within: Rethinking Psychoanalysis." Radical Philosophy, 102 (July-August 2000): 31-41; see: 32.
- EN2000w Hans Hasselbladh and Jannis Kallinikos. "The Project of Rationalization: A Critique and Reappraisal of Neo-Institutionalism in Organization Studies." Organization Studies, 21:4 (July 2000): 697-720; see 705.
- EN2000x Jorge L. Ahumada. "The Private and the Public: Psychoanalysis as 'Letter' " (review of four books on Lacanianism, including Sherry Turkle's Life on the Screen). Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 48:3 (2000): #-957; see: 956-57.
- EN2000y John Griffin. Letters (reply to Fotopoulos's response to Griffin's review of Fotopoulos's book). Total Liberty: A Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism, 2:3 (Autumn 2000): 12.
- .
- EN2000z Fuyuki Kurasawa. "At the Crossroads of the Radical: The Challenges of Castoriadis's Thought" (Review of WIF and FAF). Theory, Culture, Society, 17:4 (2000): 145-55.
- EN2000aa Takis Fotopoulos. "Systems theory and complexity: a potential tool for radical analysis or the emerging social paradigm for the internationalised market economy?"Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 6:3 (November 2000): 421-46; see: ##.
- EN2000bb Alexandros Gezerlis. "The 'objectivity' of a liberatory project and the issue of 'leaders': preliminary notes --In the sequel of the Marx-Proudhon exchange." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 6:3 (November 2000): 463-##; see: ##.
- (suppressed link).
- EN2000cc Gary Shapiro. "Secret Writer" (review of December 1-3, 2000 New York City Castoriadis Conference). Forward, December 29, 2000: 19.
- EN2000dd Marcelo Lopes De Souza. "Urban Development on the Basis of Autonomy: A Politico-Philosophical and Ethical Framework for Urban Planning and Management." Ethics, Place and Environment, 3:2 (2000), 187-201; see: 187-91, 193-94, 198-99, 199-200n1.
- EN2001a Jeffrey Klooger. Being, Self-creation and Autonomy: A Critical Exploration of Cornelius Castoriadis's Theoretical Philosophical Reflections on Being, Society and the Self. Ph.D thesis, La Trobe University 2001.
- EN2001b Piera Aulagnier. The Violence of Interpretation: From Pictogram to Statement. Trans. Alan Sheridan. East Sussex, England and Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge, 2001: vii, 233n16. See also: Joyce McDougall and Nathalie Zaltzman. Preface to this Edition. xvi-xxiv; see: xvii.
- EN2001c Johann Arnason."Autonomy and Axiality: Comparative Perspectives on the Greek Breakthrough." Agon, Logos, Polis. The Greek Aftermath and its Achievement. Johann P. Arnason and Peter Murphy, eds. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001: 155-206.
- EN2001d François Hartog. Memories of Odysseus: Frontier Tales from Ancient Greece (trans. of FR1996e ).Trans. Janet Lloyd. Foreword by Paul Cartledge. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2001: 12-13.
- EN2001e Andreas Kalyvas. "The Politics of Autonomy and the Challenge of Deliberation: Castoriadis contra Habermas. " Thesis Eleven, 64 (February 2001): 1-19. See also Johann P. Arnason. Introduction. Ibid.: v-vi.
- EN2001f Alex Koutsogiannis. "Social Theory and the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis, An International Workshop, University of Crete, September 2000." Studies in Social and Political Thought (University of Sussex), 4 (March 2001): 77-82.
- EN2001g Paul Berman. "The Felt Quality of Autonomy." First of the Month, March 1, 2001: 4-5.
- EN2001h Ian Pirie. Recommencing Revolution? Politics and Society in the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). Part I. Social Politics Paper No. 19. University of East London, 2001. 19pp.
- (updated: 30/03/2006).
- EN2001i Zygmunt Bauman and KeithTester. Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman. Cambridge , Polity, 2001: 36-39.
- EN2001j Neal Curtis. Against Autonomy: Lyotard, Judgement and Action. Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, 2001: 58, 211.
- EN2001k Takis Fotopoulos. "The Myth of Postmodernity." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 7:1 (March 2001): 27-76.
- EN2001l Suzi Adams. "The Enduring Enigma: Physis and Nomos in Castoriadis." Thesis Eleven, 65 (May 2001): 93-108. See also Johann P. Arnason. Introduction. Ibid.: iii-iv; see: iv.
- EN2001m John Rundell. "Imaginary Turns in Critical Thinking: Imagining Subjects in Tension." Critical Horizons, 2:1 (2001): 61-91.
- Critical Theory After Habermas: Encounters and Departures. Ed. Dieter Freundlich, Wayne Hudson, John Rundell. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2004: 307-43.
- EN2001n Adrian Kear, "Parasites". Parallax: A Journal of Metadiscursive Theory and Cultural Practices. 7:2 (April-June 2001): 31-45; see: 42(n37), 43.
- EN2001o Natalie Doyle. Review of Claude Lefort, Writing: The Political Test ( EN2000b ). Thesis Eleven, 65 (May 2001): 167-71; see 170.
- EN2001p Chamsy Ojelli. "Post-Marxism with Substance: Castoriadis and the Autonomy Project. " New Political Science, 23:2 (June 2001): 225-39.
- EN2001q Marcela Tovar. "The Imaginary Term in Readings about Modernity: Taylor and Castoriadis' Conceptions." Revista de Estudios Sociales (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Los Andes/ Fundacion Social, Bogotá), 9 (Junio/2001): 31-38.
- EN2001r Gilles Labelle. "Two Refoundation Projects of Democracy in Contemporary French Philosophy: Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Rancière."Philosophy & Social Criticism, 27:4 (July 2001): 75-103.
- EN2001s Peter Wagner. "Modernity, Capitalism and Critique." Thesis Eleven, 66 (August 2001): 1-31; see: 4-7, 9, 10, 19-21, 23, 25n4, 29.
- EN2001t Christopher Deutschmann. "The Promise of Absolute Wealth: Capitalism as a Religion?" Thesis Eleven, 66 (August 2001): 32-56; see: 44, 54.
- EN2001u Johann P. Arnason. "Capitalism in Context: Sources, Trajectories and Alternatives" Thesis Eleven, 66 (August 2001): 99-125; see: 99, 106, 112-17, 124.
- EN2001v Diane Alméras. "Violence Against Women: Men and the Social Imaginary." Development, 44:3 (September 2001): 54-58.
- EN2001w Rachel Withers. "Milch." Artforum International, 40 (September 2001): 205-206; see: 206.
- EN2001x Shmuel N. Eisenstadt. "The Civilizational Dimension of Modernity: Modernity as a Distinct Civilization." International Sociology, 16:3 (September 2001): 320-40: see: 320.
- S. N. Eisenstadt. Comparative Civilizations and Multiple Modernities. A Collection of Essays. Part II. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2003: 493-518; see: 493.
- EN2001y Takis Fotopoulos. Letters (response to Griffin's reply to Fotopoulos's response to Griffin's review of Fotopoulos's book). Total Liberty: A Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism, 3:1 (Autumn 2001): 12.
- EN2001z John Rundell. "Love and Modernity: Eros and Imagination." Divinatio: Studia Culturologica Series, 14 (Autumn-Winter 2001): 5-25.
- EN2001aa Alexandros Gezerlis. "Castoriadis and the Project of Autonomy. A Review of The Imaginary Institution of Society." Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 7:3 (November 2001): 469-88.
- (suppressed link).
- (partial reprint).
- EN2001bb Henry A. Giroux. "Something's Missing: From Utopianism to a Politics of Educated Hope," Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture and Politics, 14: 2 (November 2001): 227-252; see: 238, 241-248.
- EN2001cc Chamsy Ojeili. "The 'Advance Without Authority': Post-modernism, Libertarian Socialism, and Intellectuals." Democracy and Nature, 7:3 (November 2001): 391-413; see: 396, 405, 406, 409-413.
- EN2001dd Sharon Todd. "'Bringing More than I Contain': Ethics, Curriculum and the Pedagogical Demand for Altered Egos." Journal of Curriculum Studies, 33:4 (2001): 431-50; see: 431-34, 437, 449nn1-2.
- # Learning from the Other: Levinas, Psychoanalysis, and Ethical Possibilities in Education. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2003: 17-41; see: 19-21, 26, 29, ##.
- EN2002a Gabriel A. Gottlieb. Cornelius Castoriadis and the Project of the Radical Imagination. Honors Thesis in the Political Science Department. University of Massachusetts at Boston. Advisor: A.P. Simonds. May 15, 2002. 95pp.
- EN2002b Ralph Obermauer. Freedom and Emancipation in Theodor W. Adorno and Cornelius Castoriadis. Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science of the New School University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. March 2002.
- EN2002c #Gerasimos Haritopoulos. Autonomy, Creation, and Imagination in Cornelius Castoriadis. PhD Thesis. University of Warwick Department of Sociology. 2002. 225pp.
- EN2002d Dick Howard. The Specter of Democracy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002: 27, 62-72, 76-77, 83-98, 108-113 (CC and S. ou B.), 162, 294n22, 301n1, 303n5 (S. ou B.), 305n3, 306nn7,9.
- EN2002e Steve Wright. Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism. London and Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2002: 23 and 51 (Cardan/S. ou B.).
- EN2002f Timothy J. Reiss. Against Autonomy: Global Dialectics of Cultural Exchange (Cultural Memory in the Present). Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002: 3.
- EN2002g Kristin Ross. May '68 and Its Afterlives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002: 39, 68n10, 86 (S. ou B.), 191, 192.
- EN2002h Kerry H. Whiteside. Divided Natures: French Contributions to Political Ecology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002: 100.
- EN2002i Marianna Papastephanou. "Cornelius Castoriadis." Cultural Theory: The Key Thinkers. Andrew Edgar and Peter Sedgwick. Eds. London and New York: Routledge, 2002: 33-36.
- EN2002j Drucilla Cornell. Between Women and Generations: Legacies of Dignity. New York: Palgrave, 2002: 58-59, 61, 205n11, 206n14, 209nn61, 63, 209-10n64, 210n67.
- EN2002k Max Farrar. Struggle for 'Community' in a British Multi-ethnic Inner-City Area. Mellen Studies in Sociology, volume 35. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2002: 106, 343.
- EN2002l Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar. "Toward New Imaginaries: An Introduction. " Public Culture, 14:1 (Winter 2002): 1-19; see: 1, 6-11.
- EN2002m Mary Poovey. "The Liberal Civil Subject and the Social in Eighteenth-Century British Moral Philosophy." Public Culture, 14:1 (Winter 2002): 125-45; see: 130n5.
- EN2002n Craig Calhoun. "Imagining Solidarity: Cosmopolitanism, Constitutional Patriotism, and the Public Sphere." Public Culture, 14:1 (Winter 2002): 147-71; see: 152n10.
- EN2002o Nilüfer Göle. "Islam in Public: New Visibilities and New Imaginaries." Public Culture, 14:1 (Winter 2002): 173-90; see: 175-76, 189.
- EN2002p Arran Gare. Review of EN1997b. Review of Radical Political Economics, 34:1 (Winter 2002): 97-99; see: 98.
- EN2002q Susan Searls Giroux. "The Post-9/11 University and the Project of Democracy." JAC, 22:1 (Winter 2002): 57-91; see: 64, 74, 76-80, 86.
- Henry A. Giroux and Susan Searls Giroux. Take Back Higher Education: Race, Youth, and the Crisis of Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Era. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004: 15-51; see: 35, 37, 39-40, 49, 288nn9-13, 289nn47-48,50-52,55, 290n60.
- EN2002r Matthew Sharpe. "Autonomy, Reflexivity, Tragedy: Notions of Democracy in Camus and Castoriadis." Critical Horizons, 3:1 (2002): 103-29.
- EN2002t Cihan Tugal. "Islamism in Turkey: Beyond Instrument and Meaning." Economy and Society, 31:1 (February 2002): 85-111; see: 85, 90-91, 107, 109nn7-8.
- EN2002u John Clark. "Cornelius Castoriadis. Thinking about Political Theory." Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 13:1 (March 2002): 67-74.
- EN2002vDavid Freeman. Review of EN1997b. Thesis Eleven, 69 (May 2002): 103-106; see: 103.
- EN2002w Dimitrios Efthymiou Akrivoulis. The Quantum Politics Metaphor in International Relations: Revising "American Newtonianism." Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury. July 2002: 19, 176n477.
- EN2002x# John Lewis. Review of EN2001c. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, May 2002: ##-##; see: ##, ##.
- EN2002y Anthony Elliott. "The Social Imaginary: A Critical Assessment of Castoriadis's Psychoanalytic Social Theory. " American Imago, 59:2 (Summer 2002): 141-70.
- EN2002z N[eil] F[ettes]. "The Legacy of CLR James." Red & Black Notes, Summer 2002: 8-9; see: 8 (Castoriadis/Chaulieu).
- EN2002aa Dick Howard. "World History. To the Barricades: 'Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000' by Geoff Eley." Washington Post, September 1, 2002: BW04.
- EN2002bb Fernando Urribarri. "Castoriadis: The Radical Imagination and the Post-Lacanian Unconscious." Thesis Eleven, 71 (November 2002): 40-51.
- EN2002cc Johann Arnason. "Psychoanalysis and Civilizational Analysis: Preliminaries to a Debate." Thesis Eleven, 71 (November 2002): 71-92; see: 89-91.
- EN2002dd Hans Joas. "On Articulation." Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 9:4 (December 2002): 506-15.
- EN2002ee Peter Dews. "Imagination and the Symbolic: Castoriadis and Lacan." Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 9:4 (December 2002): 515-21.
- EN2002ff Yannis Stavrakakis. "Creativity and Its Limits: Encounters with Social Constructivism and the Political in Castoriadis and Lacan." Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 9:4 (December 2002): 522-39.
- EN2002gg Linda M. G. Zerilli. "Castoriadis, Arendt, and the Problem of the New." Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 9:4 (December 2002): 540-53.
- EN2002hh Laurie Naranch. "The Imaginary and a Political Quest for Freedom." Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 13:3 (2002): 64-82.
- EN2002ii Marcel Stoetzler and Nira Yuval-Davis. "Standpoint Theory, Situated Knowledge and the Situated Imagination." Feminist Theory, 3:3 (December 2002): 315-33; see: 321-22, 324-26, 329nn3-4.
- EN2003a David Ames Curtis. Translator's Forward. Jean-Marc Coicaud, Legitimacy and Politics: A Contribution to the Study of Political Right and Political Responsibility. Cambridge University Press, 2002: xiiinn.4-5, xivn6, xviii, xixnn,11-12, xxn13, xxiii.
- EN2003b History on the Couch: Essays in History and Psychoanalysis. Ed. Joy Damousi and Robert Reynolds. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press,. 2003.
- EN2003b1 Joy Damousi and Robert Reynolds. "Introduction: Psychoanalysis, Histories, and Identities." Ibid.: 1-14; see: 9-10, 13.
- EN2003b2 Miriam Dixson. "Identity: History, the Nation and the Self. Notes on a Conceptual Itinerary, 167-2001." Ibid.: 119-29; see 120, 122, 127-29, 209n18, 210n20.
- EN2003b3 Marjorie O'Laughlin. "Psychoanalytic Theory and Sources of National Attachment: The Significance of Place." Ibid.: 130-40; see: 131-32, 210n3.
- EN2003c Anthony Elliott. "Subjectivity, Culture, Autonomy: Cornelius Castoriadis." Critical Visions: New Directions in Social Theory. Lanham/Boulder/New York/Toronto/Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003: 82-104; see also: xii, 7, 12-13, 39-41, 75-77, 155, 177.
- EN2003c Abdelmajid Hannoum. "Translation and the Colonial Imaginary: Ibn Khaludûn Orientalist." History and Theory, 42 (February 2003): 61-81; see: 62-64.
- EN2003e Joshua Gunn. "Refiguring Fantasy: Imagination and Its Decline in U. S. Rhetorical Studies." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 89:1 (February 2003): 41-59; see: 41, 44-46, 50, 55n1.
- EN2003f Henry A. Giroux. "Utopian Thinking Under the Sign of Neoliberalism: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Educated Hope." Democracy & Nature, 9:1 (March 2003): 91-105; see: 91, 93, 96.
- EN2003g Henry A. Giroux. "Youth, Higher Education, and the Crisis of Public Time: Educated Hope and the Possibility of a Democratic Future." Social Identities, 9:2 (June 2003): 141-68; see: 149, 156, 157, 162.
- Slightly modified version: Henry A. Giroux. "Public Time and Educated Hope: Educational Leadership and the War Against Youth." The Initiative Anthology: An Electronic Publication about Leadership, Culture, and Schooling. Originally posted February 28, 2003. Recently posted March 7, 2003; see: 10, 18, 19.
- Henry A. Giroux and Susan Searls Giroux. "Youth, Higher Education, and the Breaking of the Social Contract: Toward the Possibility of a Democratic Future." Henry A. Giroux and Susan Searls Giroux. Take Back Higher Education: Race, Youth, and the Crisis of Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Era. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004: 217-48; see: 228, 237-38, 308n34, 309nn63-66, 310n82.
- EN2003h Graham Ward. "The Commodification of Religion or the Consummation of Capitalism.." The Hedgehog Review, 5:2 (Summer 2003): 50-65; see: 50-54, 63, 65.
- EN2003i Henry Giroux. "Dystopian Nightmares and Educated Hopes: The Return of the Pedagogical and the Promise of Democracy." Policy Futures in Education, 1:3 (2003): 468-87; see 470, 476, 482.
- EN2003j Yorgos Oikonomou. "Plato and Castoriadis: The Concealment and the Unveiling of Democracy." Democracy & Nature, 9:2 (July 2003): 247-62.
- [N.B.: Includes .pdf of the author-approved version that originally appeared in D&N, preceded by a brief note thanking "editor Takis Fotopoulos for his permission this text to be edited in the Internet."]
- [N.B.: Includes .pdf of the author-approved version that originally appeared in D&N, preceded by a brief note thanking "editor Takis Fotopoulos for his permission this text to be edited in the Internet."]
- [N.B.: This is the .pdf of the author-approved version that originally appeared in D&N.]
- and "Plato and Castoriadis: The Concealment and the Unravelling [sic] of Democracy." The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 2:1 (September 2005). 15pp. [N.B.: This 2005 internet reprint, which now includes a "Note of the EC, September 2009" blaming the author for the "discrepancy" between the D&N and the IJID versions, altered the originally published title without the consent or knowledge of the author, included a final footnote that incorrectly appears as if it were the author's, and made other unauthorized alterations not indicated as such. IJID now reports that the author has "repudiate[d]" the IJID version, terming the D&N version "the unauthorized by the Editor version."]
-!4AB911131313636C!4593.entry (apparently a partial reprint of the original EH2003h text).
- EN2003k "Trashing Georges Bataille, 'Accursed' Stalinist." Not Bored!, 35 (July 2003): 21-23; see: 336.
- Not Bored! Anthology 1983-2010. Cincinnati, OH: Colossal Books, 2011: 397-402; see: 399.
- EN2003l Ben Grazzini. Review of On Plato’s Statesman. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 24:2 (2003): 166-73.
- EN2003m Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis' Shift Towards Physis." Thesis Eleven, 74 (August 2003): 105-112. See also Introduction. Ibid.: 3-5; see: 5.
- EN2003n Peter Murphy. Review of OPS. Thesis Eleven, 74 (August 2003): 126-33.
- EN2003o Matthew F. Bokovoy. "'The Peer of Their White Conquerors': The San Diego Expositions and Modern Spanish Heritage in the Southwest, 1880-1940." New Mexico Historical Review, 78:4 (Fall 2003): 387-418; see:412n11.
- EN2003p Alexandros Gezerlis. Introduction. Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 321-31; see: 328.
- (suppressed link).
- EN2003q Michael Levin. "Still Taking Democracy Seriously." Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 333-44; see: 338.
- EN2003r Arran Gare. "Beyond Social Democracy? Takis Fotopoulos's Vision of an Inclusive Democracy as a New Liberatory Project." Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 345-58; see: 345, 347-54, 356, 358.
- EN2003s David Freeman. "Inclusive Democracy and its Prospects." Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 359-71; see: 360, 368.
- EN2003t Serge Latouche. "Can Democracy Solve all Problems?" Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 373-77; see: 374-77.
- EN2003u Jean-Claude Richard. "Vers une démocratie générale?" Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 379-80; see: 379.
- EN2003v Rafael Spósito. "The Irresistible (and Necessary) Temptation of the Liberating Projects." Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 385-92; see: 388n5, 391.
- EN2003w Takis Fotopoulos. "Inclusive Democracy and Participatory Economics." Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 401-25; see: 402n4, 410-11, 421.
- EN2003x Takis Fotopoulos. "The Inclusive Democracy Project--A Rejoinder." Democracy and Nature, 9:3 (November 2003): 429-71; see: 431-32, 440, 442-47, 449-52, 454, 456, 458, 465-66.
- EN2003y Natalie Doyle. "Democracy as Sociocultural Project of Individual and Collective Sovereignty: Claude Lefort, Marcel Gauchet and the French Debate on Modern Autonomy." Thesis Eleven, 75 (November 2003): 69–95; see: 69-75, 77-78, 80-82, 85-86, 91-92, 93n3.
- EN2003z Alan Woolfolk. "The Therapeutic Ideology of Moral Freedom." Journal of Classical Sociology, 3:3 (2003): 247-262; see: 257-58.
- EN2004a Marcela Tovar. Fields of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Configuration of Anthropology: The Case of Cornelius Castoriadis. Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science of the New School University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy. March 2004.
- EN2004b Maurice Brinton. For Worker's Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton. Ed. David Goodway. Oakland, CA and Edinburgh, Scotland: AK Press, 2004: 2-9, 11-13, 15, 61-62, 65, 67, 77n68, 98, 135-40, 169, 201-204, 209-11, 217-19, 255, 275n218, 298n256, 341n413 (Castoriadis/Chaulieu/Cardan/S. ou B.).
- Revised version of the introduction: David Goodway. "Chris Pallis." Anarchist Seeds Beneath the Snow: Left-libertarian Thought and British Writers from William Morris to Colin Ward. Liverpool Univ. Press, 2006: 288-308; see: 290-97, 299, 302-303, 305 Castoriadis/Chaulieu/Cardan/S. ou B.).
- EN2004c After the Deluge: New Perspectives on the Intellectual and Cultural History of Postwar France. Ed. Julian Bourg. Lanham, MD.: Lexington Books, 2004.
- EN2004c1 William Gallois. "Against Capitalism? French Theory and the Economy After 1945": 49-72; see: 68-69n2 (CC, Lyotard, and S. ou B.).
- EN2004c2 Christophe Premat. "A New Generation of Greek Intellectuals in Postwar France": 103-23.
- EN2004c3 Warren Breckman. "The Post-Marx of the Letter": 73-100; see: 85-87 (CC, Lefort, and S. ou B.).
- EN2004c4 Stuart Elden. "Kostas Axelos and the World of the Arguments Circle": 125-48; see: 125, 126 (CC, Lefort, and S. ou B.), f, 130 (S. ou B.), 131 (CC, Lefort, and S. ou B.).
- EN2004c5 David Berry. "'Un contradicteur permanent': The Ideological and Political Itinerary of Daniel Guérin": 149-74; see: 165 and 167 (S. ou B.), 169 (CC, Lefort, Morin, and S. ou B.).
- EN2004c6 Michael Behrent. "Religion, Republicanism, and Depoliticization: Two Intellectual Itineraries--Régis Debray and Marcel Gauchet": 325-49; see: 330 (CC, Lefort, and "the dissident Trotskyist group Socialisme ou Barbarie").
- EN2004d Mona Renate Ringvej. Interpretation of a Political Idea - The Radical Democracy of 508-462 BC. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Oslo, 2004: 259, 274.
- EN2004e David Graeber. Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, distributed by University of Chicago Press, 2004: 45, 88, 91.
- EN2004f Michael Seidman. The Imaginary Revolution: Parisian Students and Workers in 1968. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2004: 2, 3, 5-7, 176.
- EN2004g Michael Scott Christofferson. French Intellectuals Against the Left: The Antitotalitarian Movement of the 1970s. New York and Oxford: Bergham Books, 2004: 37 (S. ou B.), 41, 46 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.), 49 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.), 52 (CC and S. ou B.), 54-55 (CC, Lefort, Morin, S. ou B.), 100 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.), 138, 140 (CC, Lefort, Gauchet), 154nn128-129, 214-15 (CC and Lefort), 218-20 (CC and Lefort), 226n87, 227n103 (CC and Lefort), 228nn104-111 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.), 230 (CC and Lefort), 255-56 (CC and Lefort), 268 (Libre), 270.
- EN2004h Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. "By Way of an Introduction: The Best Books of the Twentieth Century." Serpents in the Garden : Liaisons with Culture & Sex. Ed. Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. Petrolia, CA: CounterPunch and Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2004: ix-xxii; see: xviii.
- EN2004i Sonia Arribas. The Last Conceptual Revolution? The Place of Language in Political Philosophy. Department of Political Science. New School for Social Research. Thesis advisor: Nancy Fraser, 2004: 132-82.
- EN2004j Dieter Freundlieb,Wayne Hudson, and John Rundell. "Reasoning, Language and Intersubjectivity." Critical Theory After Habermas: Encounters and Departures. Ed. Dieter Freundlich, Wayne Hudson, John Rundell. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2004: 1-34; see: 30-32.
- EN2004k Joel Whitebook."The Marriage of Marx and Freud: Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis." The Cambridge Companion to Critical Theory. Fred Leland Rush. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2004: 74-102; see: 98n8, 99n18.
- EN2004l Gavin Flood. The Ascetic Self: Subjectivity, Memory and Tradition. Cambridge University Press, 2004: 18, 31n46, 33n76.
- EN2004m Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought. Ed. Christopher John Murray. New York, NY and London, England: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2004.
- EN2004m1 Caroline Williams. "CASTORIADIS, CORNELIUS: Philosopher, Psychoanalyst, Political Theorist." Ibid: 122-24.
- EN2004m2 Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen. "DEBORD, GUY: Writer, Philosopher, and Filmmaker." Ibid: 155-57; see: 156 ("the neo-Trotskyist [sic] group Socialisme ou Barbarie headed by Cornelius Castoriadis").
- EN2004m3 Patrick FFrench. "HISTORICAL SURVEY: 1968–PRESENT." Ibid: 311-14; see: 311.
- EN2004m4 Johannes Angermüller. "INTELLECTUALS." Ibid: 344-48; see: 347 ("the anti-Stalinist circle Socialisme ou Barbarie of Claude Lefort and Cornélius [sic] Castoriadis").
- EN2004m5 Patrick FFrench. "JOURNALS AND PERIODICALS." Ibid: 361-66; see: 365 ("the leftist journals Arguments and Socialisme ou barbarie").
- EN2004m6 William Paul Simmons. "LEFORT, CLAUDE: Political Philosopher." Ibid: 413-14.
- EN2004m7 James Williams. "LYOTARD, JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Writer, Philosopher." Ibid: 442-46; see: 444 ("His ex-colleagues from Socialism or Barbary [sic], such as Cornelius Castoriadis"), 446 (S. ou B.).
- EN2004m8 Caroline Williams. "SUBJECT (SELF AND SUBJECTIVITY)." Ibid: 607-11; see: 610.
- EN2004n Joel Whitebook. "Omnipotence and Radical Evil: On a Possible Rapprochement Between Hannah Arendt and Psychoanalysis ." Pragmatism, Critique, Judgment : Essays for Richard J. Bernstein. Seyla Benhabib and Nancy Fraser. Eds. Cambridge, MA and London, England: MIT Press, 2004: 243-60; see: 254, 256-67.
- EN2004o Ian H. Birchall. Sartre Against Stalinism. Berghahn, Oxford, 2004: 5, 7, 114-15, 118nn25-26, 134-35, 147, 149-56, 164, 167-68, 169nn33,34, 174, 176, 208, 213, 214, 224 (CC/S. ou B./Chaulieu/Cardan/DM/CL).
- EN2004p Lincoln Theo. Performing the Self: Making/Remaking White Male Identities in Post-Apartheid South Africa. A dissertation submitted in fullfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts in African Studies Faculty of the Humanities University of Cape Town, 2004: 8n28, 72, 95n274, 128n405, 135n429.
- EN2004q Christopher Houston. "Islamism, Castoriadis and Autonomy." Thesis Eleven, 76 (February 2004): 49-69. See also Johan Arnason. Introduction.
Ibid: 5-8; see: 7.
- EN2004r Scott McLemee. "The Strange Afterlife of Cornelius Castoriadis: The Story of a Revered European Thinker, a Literary Legacy, Family Squabbles, and Internet Bootlegging" (article on RTI) The Chronicle of Higher Education, 50:29 (March 26, 2004): A14-16.
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- (partial reprint).
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- (partial reprint).
- EN2004s Chamsy El-Ojeili. "'Many Flowers, Little Fruit'? The Dilemmas of Workerism" (review of EN2002e ). Thesis Eleven, 79 (November 2004): 112-123; see: 114-17, 119.
- EN2004t Alex Khasnabish. Globalizing Hope: The Resonance of Zapatismo and the Political Imagination(s) of Transnational Activism. GHC Working Papers Series (Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition, McMaster University), 04/6 (December 2004). 17pp. See: 3-5, 16; see also: William D. Coleman, Editor. Preface.
- EN2004u Wayne Price. "Libertarian Marxism's Relation to Anarchism." The Utopian, 4 (2004): 74-80; 75-76, 79.
- EN2005a# Dennis L. Sepper. "Cartesian Imaginations: The Method and Passions of Imagining." A Companion to Rationalism. Ed. Alan Nelson. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005: 156-76; see: 162.
- EN2005b# Dennis L. Sepper. "Spinoza, Leibniz, and the Rationalist Reconceptions of Imagination." A Companion to Rationalism. Ed. Alan Nelson. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005: 322-42; see: 323, 341.
- EN2005c Graham Ward. Cultural Transformation and Religious Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005: 4, 119, 127-28, 142-47, 151-52, 155-57, 161-62, 166-67, 170, 172.
- EN2005d Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson. Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2005: 120.
- EN2005e Armin Medosch. "Roots Culture: Free Software Vibrations Inna Babylon." How Open Is the Future? Economic, Social & Cultural Scenarios Inspired by Free & Open-Source Software. Eds. Marleen Wynants; Jan Cornelis. Brussels, Belgium: Crosstalks, VUB Brussels University Press, 2005: 177-201; see: 179, 187, 199n3, 200n15.
- EN2005f André Green. Key Ideas for a Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Misrecognition and Recognition of the Unconscious. Trans. Andrew Weller. London and New York: Routledge, 2005: 168, 186n4, 257-58, 260n49,289n66.
- EN2005g Nick Turnbull. Policy in Question: From Problem Solving to Problematology. A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. School of Social Science and Policy. University of New South Wales, Sydney. February 2005. See: 215, 217-18.
- EN2005h Matthew F. Bokovoy. The San Diego World's Fairs and Southwestern Memory, 1880-1940. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2005: 228-29n11, 259n51, 288.
- EN2005i Benoît Challand. The Power to Promote and to Exclude: External Support for Palestinian Civil Society. Department of Political and Social Sciences. Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the Degree of Doctor of the European University Institute. Florence. 15 July 2005: 78-79, 111, 297, 304, 337.
- EN2005j Sudarsan Padmanabhan. Two Models Of Consensus. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of Philosophy. College of Arts and Sciences. University of South Florida. 2005. See: 16, 35n36.
- EN2005k Encyclopedia of Social Theory. George Ritzer. Ed. Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005.
- EN2005k1 Peter Beilharz. "Alienation." Ibid.: 9-10; see: 9.
- EN2005k2 Peter Beilharz. "Bauman, Zygmunt." Ibid.: 35-39; see: 36.
- EN2005k3 Harald Wolf. "Capitalism." Ibid.: 76-80; see: 77, 79.
- EN2005k4 Peter Murphy. "Castoriadis, Cornelius." Ibid.: 82-83.
- EN2005k5 Peter Beilharz. "Marxism." Ibid.: 478-83; see: 480 (CC/CL/S. ou B.).
- EN2005l Craig Browne. "Castoriadis on the Capitalist Imaginary." Modern Greek Studies, 13, 2005: 282-98.
- EN2005m Jean L. Cohen. "'The Self-Institution of Society and Representative Government: Can the Circle be Squared?" Thesis Eleven, 80 (February 2005): 9-37.
- EN2005n# Maria Chaidopoulou-Vrychea, Maria Kalantzopoulou, and Yorgos Melissourgos. "Seminars of the Aegean: Naxos, September 2003 - "Rethinking Radical Spatial Approaches." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 29:1 (March 2005): 180-85; see: 182.
- EN2005o David Goodway and Paul Lewis. "Christopher Pallis: An Irreverent Critic of the Bolshevik Revolution." The Guardian, Wednesday 23 March 2005: ##.
- EN2005p Neil Fettes. "Review: For Workers' Power. The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton." Red & Black Notes, 21 (Spring 2005): 14-15.
- EN2005q Neil Fettes. "Maurice Brinton- 1922-2005." Red & Black Notes, 21 (Spring 2005): 16.
- EN2005r Alice Pechriggl: "Body and Gender within the Stratifications of the Social Imaginary." Hypatia (Contemporary Feminist Philosophy in German Special Issue, Gertrude Postl, ed.), 20:2 (Spring 2005): 102-118; see: 104, 115, 117.
- EN2005s Simon Tormey. "From Utopian Worlds to Utopian Spaces: Reflections on the Contemporary Radical Imaginary and the Social Forum Process." Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization Forum, 5:2 (2005): 394-408; see: 394-95, 397, 398n6, 400, 404.
- EN2005s David Graeber. "Fetishism as Social Creativity: or, Fetishes are Gods in the Process of Construction." Anthropological Theory, 5:4 (2005): 407-38; see: 409, 431, 433n3.
- EN2005t Adam Buick. "Solidarity for Twenty-Five Years." Socialist Standard, 1210 (June 2005): 15.
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- EN2005u Paul Chatterton. "Making Autonomous Geographies: Argentina's Popular Uprising and the 'Movimiento De Trabajadores Desocupados' (Unemployed Workers Movement)." Geoforum, 36:5 (September 2005): 545-61.
- EN2005v Jeremy Smith. "Civilizational Sociology and Perspectives on The Atlantic." Atlantic Studies, 2:2 (October 2005): 199-217; see: 205-206.
- EN2005w Linda M. G. Zerilli. "Response to Thiele." Political Theory, 33:5 (October 2005): 715-720; see: 717, 719n2.
- EN2005x Michael Dillon. "A Passion for the (Im)possible: Jacques Rancière, Equality, Pedagogy and the Messianic." European Journal of Political Theory, 4:4 (October 2005): 429-52; see: 450n30, 451n44.
- EN2005y Damon Young. "Being Grateful for Being: Being, Reverence and Finitude." Sophia, 44:2 (October 2005): 31–53; see: 34, 46-48, 52-53nn101-108,123,125.
- EN2005z Castoriadis, Bauman and Others. Thesis Eleven, 83 (November 2005).
- EN2005z1 John Rundell and Peter Beilharz. "Introduction." Thesis Eleven, 83 (November 2005): 3-4.
- EN2005z2 Karl E. Smith. "Re-Imagining Castoriadis's Psychic Monad." Thesis Eleven, 83 (November 2005): 5-14.
- EN2005z3 Jeffrey Klooger. "Interpretation and Being." Thesis Eleven, 83 (November 2005): 15-24.
- EN2005z4 Suzi Adams. "Interpreting Creation: Castoriadis and the Birth of Autonomy." Thesis Eleven, 83 (November 2005): 25-41.
- EN2005z5 Kenneth H. Tucker, Jr. "From the Imaginary to Subjectivation: Castoriadis and Touraine on the Performative Public Space." Thesis Eleven, 83 (November 2005): 42-60.
- EN2005aa Warren Breckman. "Democracy Between Disenchantment and Political Theology: French Post-Marxism and the Return of Religion." New German Critique, 94 (Winter, 2005): 72-105; see: 75, 77-87, 94-95, 101, 104.
- EN2005bb Stanley Aronowitz and Peter Bratsis for the Editorial Collective. "Situations Manifesto." Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination, 1:1 (2005): 7-14; see: 11.
- EN2005cc Anders Michelsen. "Nothing has Meaning outside Discourse? On the Creative Dimension of Visuality." Lietmotiv, 5 (2005-2006): 89-114; see: 89, 91n6, 93, 96n26, 98-99n32, 105-108, 110-113.
- EN2006a Mihalis Mentinis. Zapatistas: The Chiapas Revolt and What It Means for Radical Politics. London, England and Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press, 2006: 64-71, 73, 113, 151, 181, 184.
- EN2006b Richard Barbrook. The Class of the New. London: Openmute, 2006; see: 12, 25-26, 71-72.
- EN2006c The Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought. Ed. Lawrence D. Kritzman with the assistance of Brian J. Reilly and French articles translated by M. B. DeBevoise. New York: Columbia University Press: 2006.
- EN20061c George Ross. "Gauchisme." Ibid.: 48-51; see: 48 68 (CC, Debord, Lefort, Lyotard, S. ou B.).
- EN2006c2 Mark Lilla. "New Liberal Thought." Ibid.: 67-69; see: 68 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.).
- EN2006c3 Sunil Khilnani. "The End of Ideology and the Critique of Marxism." Ibid.: 191-94; see: 192-94 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.).
- EN2006c4 Christian Delacampagne. "Cornelius Castoriadis." Ibid.: 470-71.
- EN2006c5 Thomas Pavel. "Marcel Gauchet." Ibid.: 533-35; see: 533 (CC, Lefort, S. ou B.).
- EN2006c6 Dick Howard. "Claude Lefort." Ibid.: 578-81; see: 578-79 (CC and S. ou B.).
- EN2006c7 Dick Howard. "Socialisme ou Barbarie.” Ibid.: 738-40.
- EN2006c8 Georges Van Den Abbeele. "Jean-François Lyotard." Ibid.: 598-601; see: 598 (S. ou B).
- EN2006d Ramin Jahanbegloo. "Ideas whose Time Has Come: A Conversation with Iranian Philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo, with Danny Postel." In Danny Postel. Reading Legitimation Crisis in Tehran: Iran and the Future of Liberalism. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2006: 73-124; see: 98.
- Logos, 5:2 (Spring/Summer 2006).
- EN2006e Simon Tormey and Jules Townshend. Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism. London and Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006: 7, 9, 13-37, 40, 55, 64, 80, 155, 157, 166, 220, 224.
- EN2006f Paul Blackledge and Neil Davidson. "Introduction: the Unknown Alasdair MacIntyre." Alasdair MacIntyre's Engagement with Marxism: Selected Writings. 1953-1974. Eds. Paul Blackledge and Neil Davidson. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2006: xxix (S. ou B.), xxxn47, xli-xliii (Cardan/S. ou B.).
- EN2006g Pascal Yan Sayegh. History in the Philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis. Dissertation Submitted to the University of Manchester for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Faculty Humanities. School of Arts, Histories and Cultures. 2006.
- "Minor formal corrections added in 2010."
- EN2006h Christopher Houston. "'The Never Ending Dance: Islamism, Kemalism and the Power of Self-Institution in Turkey." Australian Journal of Anthropology, 17:2 (2006): 161-178; see: 161, 162, 163, 164, 172, 175.
- EN2006i William D. Coleman. "Globalization and Co-operatives." Brett Fairbairn and Nora Russell. Eds. Co-operative Membership and Globalization: New Directions in Research and Practice. Saskatoon: Center for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan, 2006: 3-17; see: 11, 14.
- EN2006j Frédéric Vandenberghe. "The Age of Epigones: Post-Bourdieusian Social Theory in France." In Gerard Delanty. Ed. Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory. London and New York: Routledge, 2006: 69-81; see: 76 (“Socialisme et [sic] Barbarie, Lefort, Castoriadis and Lyotard”).
- EN2006k Lorraine Code. Ecological Thinking: The Politics of Epistemic Location. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006: 30-36, 51n58, 69n20, 71, 123-25, 134, 164n2, 195, 199n76, 214n24, 282, 283n5.
- EN2006l Gavin Flood. The Tantric Body: The Secret Tradition of Hindu Religion. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2006; see: 232n1.
- EN2006m Sophia Kanaouti. The Social Value of Literary Reading : Reading as Socio-Political Practice. PhD Thesis. Department of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, University of Wales, Cardiff. 2006: 79, 144, 147, 157n75, 189n95, 201n104.
- EN2006n Paul Blackledge. "Alasdair MacIntyre: Marxism and Politics." Studies in Marxism, 11 (2006): 95-116; see: 101 (Solidarity/S. ou B./CC/Lefort), 104-108 (S. ou B./Socialism Reaffirmed/Solidarity/Pallis/Pennington/CC), 110 (CC/Solidarity), 114n23, 114n24 (S. ou B.), 114n34, 114n36-37, 115n49-52, 115n62 (Cardan/Solidarity).
- EN2006o Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler. "New Imperialism or New Capitalism?" Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 29: 1 (April 2006): 1-86; see: 18n7, 20, 28, 76.
- ("This is the latest version of this eprint.")
- EN2006p Ignacio Ramonet. "Silent Thought." Translated by Donald Hounam and Harry Forster. Le Monde Diplomatique (English Edition), May 2006: 1.
- EN2006q Anson Rabinbach. "Totalitarianism Revisited." Dissent, Summer 2006: 77-84; see: 82 ("the intellectual heretics of the old (initially Trotskyist) 'Socialism or Barbarism' group--Cornelius Castoriadis, Marcel Gauchet, and Claude Lefort").
- EN2006r Alberto Toscano. "French Intellectuals against the Left: The Antitotalitarian Moment of the 1970s." Radical Philosophy, 138 (July-August 2006): 52-55; see 52 (S. ou B.), 53 (CC, Lefort et S. ou B.).
- EN2006s Claudia Strauss. "The Imaginary." Anthropological Theory, 6:3 (September 2006): 322-344; see: 322-326, 328-29, 333-36, 339, 340n2.
- EN2006t Gregory Elliott. "Parisian Impostures" (review of EN2004i). New Left Review, 41 (September-October 2006): 139-45; see: 140, 141 (S. ou B.), 143.
- EN2006u Paul Blackledge. "The New Left’s Renewal of Marxism." International Socialism, 112 (Autumn 2006): 123-53; see: 143-44 (S. ou B./Solidarity/Pallis), 152n92 (CC and Brinton/Pallis).
- EN2006v Christophe Premat. "Autonomy as a Balance of Freedom and Equality." International Social Science Journal, 190 (December 2006): 681-695; see: 684-85, 689, 694.
- EN2006w Christophe Premat. "Castoriadis and the Modern Political Imaginary--Oligarchy, Representation, Democracy." Critical Horizons, 7:1 (December 2006): 251-75
- EN2006x Marcelo Lopes de Souza. "Together with the State, Despite the State, Against the State. Social Movements as 'Critical Urban Planning' Agents." City, 10: 3 (December 2006): 327-42; see: 330-31.
- EN2006y Konstantinos Kavoulakos. "Cornelius Castoriadis on Social Imaginary and Truth," Ariadne (Rethymno), 12 (2006): 201-14.
- EN2006x Jenny Pickerill and Paul Chatterton. "Notes Towards Autonomous Geographies: Creation, Resistance and Self-management as Survival Tactics." Progress in Human Geography, 30:6 (2006): 730-46; see: 733-34, 738.
- EN2007a Robert V. Daniels. The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2007: 127.
- EN2007a Robert V. Daniels. The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2007: 127.
- EN2007b David Ames Curtis. "Afterword: Walking Together, Three Decades Later." Jean-François Augoyard. Step by Step: Everyday Walks in a French Urban Housing Project. Trans. David Ames Curtis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007: 193-219; see: 200, 208, 210, 236-37n6, 238n16, 240n27, 242n34, 243nn37,39,42-43, 244nn45-46, 245-46n53, 246-47n60. See also Jean-François Augoyard. Author's Response to the Translator's Afterword. and: David Ames Curtis. Translator's Reply to the Author's Response. .
- EN2007c Stuart Winchester. Social Transformation: Castoriadis, Sublimation and the Non-Rational Divide. M. A. Thesis in Sociology.Flinders University, Adelaide Australia.2007.
- EN2007d Lachlan Ross. The Imaginary (Self-)Creation of the 'Human Being': Cornelius Castoriadis' Ontology of the Radical and Social Imaginaries. Social Theory Department. Melbourne University Honours Thesis, 2007.
- EN2007e Aki Orr. Big Business? Big Government? or Direct Democracy? Who Should Shape Society? (World Power Politics of the 20th Century--and Their Lesson).Long Version. Printed by Aki Orr, 2007: 1 (Chris and Jeanne Palis, British "Solidarity" group, Castoriadis, S. ou B., Henri Simon, ICO), 184 ("The following two chapters answer Castoriadis's question.").
- EN2007f Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Ed. George Ritzer. 11 vols. Oxford, England and Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
- The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2nd ed. (online). Ed. George Ritzer. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016.
- EN2007f1 Peter Murphy. "Arendt, Hannah." Vol. 1: 167-75; see: 175.
- EN2007f2 Phillip Ablett. "Castoriadis, Cornelius." Vol. 2: 406-7.
- "Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)." 2nd ed. (online).
- EN2007f3 George Steinmetz. "Marxism and Sociology." Vol 6: 2815-18; see: 2815.
- EN2007f4 Gerard Delanty. "Modernity." Vol. 6: 3068-71; see: 3069.
- EN2007f5 Peter Murphy. "Politics." Vol. 7: 3463-67; see: 3466.
- EN2007g Stevphen Shukaitis and David Graeber. Introduction. Constituent Imagination: Militant Investigations//Collective Theorization. Stevphen Shukaitis and David Graeber with Erika Biddle. Ed. Oakland, CA and Edinburgh: AK Press, 2007: 11-34; see: 20 (CC, Lefort, and S. ou B.), 23, 24 (CC, S. ou B., and Françoise [sic] Lyotard "previously best known for leading the breakaway faction . . . called Communisme ou Barbarie [sic]").
- EN2007h Yannis Stavrakakis. "Antinomies of Creativity: Lacan and Castoriadis on Social Construction and the Political." The Lacanian Left: Psychoanalysis, Theory, Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007: 37-65; see also: 4, 15, 17-19, 33n23, 66, 68-69, 71, 73, 88, 103, 104n4, 105n17, 106n20, 110, 128, 158, 163, 254, 256-57, 269-70, 273.
- EN2007i Anders Michelsen. "The Peripheral Insider: De-presentation? On Antimigration Sentiments and the Crisis of Post-Colonial Critique." Peripheral Insider: Perspectives on Contemporary Internationalism in Visual Culture. Ed. Khaled D. Ramadan. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press/University of Copenhagen, 2007: 142-79: see: 152-53, 155, 158, 160, 162-63, 165,170nn19-21, 173nn62-63, 173-74n64, 174nn65-75, 174-75n77, 177nn91,95-98, 177-78n99, 178nn100-105,107-109, 179n##.
- EN2007j Marcel van der Linden. Western Marxism and the Soviet Union. A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates Since 1917. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2007: 1, 116–118 (CC/CL/S. ou B.), 158 (CC/CL), 309 (CC/CL).
- EN2007k Ron Haas. The Death of the Angel: Guy Hocquenghem and the French Cultural Revolution after May 1968. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy. Rice University. Houston, Texas. May 2007: 34, 44, 62-63, 67, 73, 89, 158.
- EN2007l Graham Giles. A Taste for Meaning: Hannah Arendt and Educational Thought. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. The Faculty of Graduate Studies (Education). The University of British Columbia. September 2007: 21, 61, 75-76, 130, 136-37, 141, 146, 154-55.
- EN2007m Recognition, Work, Politics: New Directions in French Critical Theory. Eds. Jean-Philippe Deranty, Danielle Petherbridge, John Rundell and Robert Sinnerbrink. Social and Critical Theory. Vol. 5. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007.
- EN2007m1 Jean-Philippe Deranty, Danielle Petherbridge, John Rundell. "Themes and Dialogues in Contemporary French Critical Theory." Ibid.: 1-25; see: 3, 5, 12-13, 17-18, 24nn9,17, 24-25n18.
- EN2007m2 Axel Honneth. "The Work of Negativity. A Psychoanalytical Revision of the Theory of Recognition." Ibid.: 127-136; see: 135, 136n13.
- EN2007m3 John Rundell. "Durkheim and the Reflexive Condition of Modernity." Ibid. 203-30; see: 204, 222-23, 223-24nn2-3, 226n36, 230nn60,62.
- EN2007m4 Natalie Doyle. "The Sacred, Social Creativity and the State." Ibid.: 231-62; see: 231-36, 238-39, 241, 243-46, 249-251, 253-55, 257, 258n1-7, 259n10-16,24, 260n28-29, 32, 261n34, 262n51.
- EN2007n Lea Campbell. Chemical Intent: Imagining the Drug Using Client and the Human Service Worker in Harm Minimisation Policy. A Thesis Submitted in Total Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. School of Arts and Sciences. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Australian Catholic University. 31 May 2007: 32, 55, 75n32, 78n36, 80, 84, 87, 89, 95, 96n55, 101, 113n82, 278-79.
- EN2007o Henrietta L. Moore. The Subject of Anthropology: Gender, Symbolism and Psychoanalysis. Cambridge, UK and Malden, MA: Polity, 2007: 14-15, 20, 59-62, 66-67, 70, 80, 91, 222n22, 222n3.
- Nicos Trimikliniotis. "Reconciliation and Citizenship in Cyprus: A Trans Communal Concept for Social Action." The Cyprus Review: A Journal of Social, Economic and Political Issue, 19:1 (Spring 2007): 123-60; see: 149 (Castoriades [sic]).
- EN2007p Matt Bokovoy. "Strange Species: The Boomer University Intellectual" (review of Eric Lott, The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual [New York: Basic Books, 2006]). Reviews in American History, 35: 2 (June 2007): 297-306: see: 301-302, 306n6.
- EN2007q Terry Dunne. "Agency and Strategy in Radical Ecological Thinking." Everyday Creativity, Counter Cultures and Social Change: An Activist Research Symposium on How We Can Transform this Society. Maynooth, October 13th 2007: 56-67; see: 57.
- EN2007r Radical Democracy and the Internet: Interrogating Theory and Practice. Lincoln Dahlberg and Eugenia Siapera. Eds. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007.
- Lincoln Dahlberg and Eugenia Siapera. "Introduction: Tracing Radical Democracy and the Internet." Ibid.: 1-16; see: 10-11.
- Eugenia Siapera. "Multicultural Radical Democracy and Online Islam." Ibid.: 148-67; see: 153, 158, 164.
- EN2007s Johann P. Arnason. "Imaginary Significations and Historical Civilizations." Christine Magerski, Robert Savage & Christiane Weller. Eds. Moderne begreifen: Zur Paradoxie eines sozio-ästhetischen Deutungsmusters. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag: 2007: 93-106.
- EN2007t Max Haiven. “Privatizing Resistance: AdBusters and the Culture of Neoliberalism.” The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 29:1 (2007): 85–110; see: 96.
- EN2007u Dominique Bouchet. "The Ambiguity of the Modern Conception of Autonomy and the Paradox of Culture." Thesis Eleven, 88 (February 2007): 31-54.
- EN2007v Anders Michelsen. "Autotranscendence and Creative Organization: On Self-Creation and Self-Organization." Thesis Eleven., 88 (February 2007): 55-75.
- EN2007w Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis and Autopoeisis." Thesis Eleven., 88 (February 2007): 76-91.
- EN2007x Chamsy el-Ojeili. "Forget Debord?" (review essay). Thesis Eleven, 89 (May 2007): 115–27; see: 119-20, 125-26nn8-10.
- EN2007y Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis and the Permanent Riddle of the World: Changing Configurations of Worldliness and World Alienation." Thesis Eleven, 90 (August 2007): 44-60.
- EN2007z Karl E. Smith, "Religion and the Project of Autonomy." Thesis Eleven, 91 (November 2007): 27-47.
- EN2007aa Chiara Bottici. A Philosophy of Political Myth. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press. 2007: 15, 24n7, 50, 53n10, 72n9, 73n10, 122n3, 176, 198-99, 201, 220-2641n16, 258,
- EN2007bb Kathleen Wilson. Autonomy is the Destiny of Man: Castoriadis' Sociology of the Possible. Master's Thesis. Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, 2007.
- EN2007cc Emilio Mordini. "The narrative dimension of nanotechnology." Nanotechnology Perceptions, 3:1 (2007): 15-24; see: 16.
- EN2007dd Paul Blackledge. "Morality and Revolution: Ethical Debates in the British New Left." Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 35:2 (August 2007): 211-28; see: 225 (S. ou B.) and n59 (CC), 227 (S. ou B.) and n64 (Cardan).
- EN2007ee Roberta Patalano. "Imagination and Society. The Affective Side of Institutions." Constitutional Political Economy, 18: 4 (December 2007): 223-41; see: 223, 226, 228-35, 239.
- EN2008a# Paul Anderson. "Lefort Dazzles on the State of Communism."Tribune, #January 15, 2008: ##.
- "No More Lenin."
- EN2008b The Greeks: Muses, Myths, and the Moderns. Thesis Eleven, 93 (May 2008).
- EN2008b1 David Roberts. Introduction. Ibid.: 3-4; see: 4.
- EN2008b2 Vassilis Lambropoulos. "Governance, Hubris, and Justice in Modern Tragedy." Ibid.: 22-35; see: 33-34.
- EN2008b3 Vrasidas Karalis. "Aristotle and Us: Some Observations on His Philosophical Language." Ibid.: 36-51; see: 36, 45-50.
- EN2008b4 Agnes Heller. "The Gods of Greece: Germans and the Greeks." Ibid.: 52-63; see: 54, 63.
- EN2008b5 Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr. "Greek Exercises: The Modern Olympics as Hellenic Appropriation and Reinvention." Ibid.: 72-87; see: 85n20.
- EN2008b6 Chamsy el-Ojelli. "'No, We Have Not Finished Reflecting On Communism': Beyond Post-Socialism" (review essay, including discussion of The Rising Tide of Insignificancy (The Big Sleep) and Figures of the Thinkable (Including Passion and Knowledge) ). Ibid.: 110-29.
- EN2008c Erik W. Davis. "Imaginary Conversations with Mothers about Death." At the Edge of the Forest: Essays in Honor of David Chandler. Anne R. Hansen and Judy Ledgerwood. Eds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008: 221-48; see: 223.
- EN2008d Samuel Moyn. "Marxism and Alterity: Claude Lefort and the Critique of Totality." In Warren Breckman et al. Eds. The Modernist Imagination: Intellectual History and Critical Theory (Essays in Honor of Martin Jay). New York: Berghahn Books, 2008: 99-116; see: 108 (S. ou B.).
- EN2008e Dick Howard. "The Anti-Totalitarian Left Between Morality and Politics." In Warren Breckman et al. Eds. The Modernist Imagination: Intellectual History and Critical Theory (Essays in Honor of Martin Jay). New York: Berghahn Books, 2008: 331-44; see: 332 (CC and Lefort), 342n5 (S. ou B.) and n8 (CC and Lefort), 343-44n19 (CC and Lefort).
- EN2008f Simon Pirani. The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24: Soviet Workers and the New Communist Elite. London and New York: Routledge 2008: 168.
- EN2008g Paul Blackledge and Neil Davidson. "Introduction: the Unknown Alasdair MacIntyre." Alasdair MacIntyre’s Engagement with Marxism: Selected Writings 1953–1974. Edited and with an introduction by Paul Blackledge & Neil Davidson. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2008: xiii-l; see: xxix (S. ou B.), xxxn47, xli-xliii (S. ou B./Solidarity/CC/Cardan).
- EN2008h Kenneth G. MacKendrick. Discourse, Desire, and Fantasy in Jürgen Habermas' Critical Theory. New York: Routledge, 2008: 3-4, 66, 182nn6,11, 195n119.
- EN2008i Simon Sheikh. "The End of an Idea: On Art, Horizons and the Post-Socialist Condition." Art and Theory after Socialism. Ed. Mel Jordan and Malcolm Miles. Bristol, UK/Chicago, IL: Intellect Books, 2008: 67-75; see: 70.
- EN2008j Andreas Kalyvas. Democracy and the Politics of the Extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008: iv, viii, 8, 17, 297-98.
- EN2008k Despina Daravinga. Ensembles and Magmas: A Castoriadian Reading of the Detective Tales of Edgar Allan Poe and Jorge Luis Borges. A dissertation submitted to the Department of English Literature and Culture, School of English, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. In fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 2008.
- EN2008l Maria Papanikolaou. Activist Art: The Art of Resisting. Art Resisting. Bachelor's Thesis.
The Hague: Royal Academy of Art, 2008: 28-30, 78, 105. - EN2008m Peter Gill. The Everyday Lives of Men: An Ethnographic Investigation of Young Adult Male Identity. Victoria University. Thesis Submitted for a Doctor of Philosophy Degree at Victoria University, Faculty of Arts, Education, and Human Development, School of Psychology, 2008: 42-51, 53, 55, 60-69, 71-74, 94, 99-101, 143, 152, 171-72, 176, 178, 180, 186, 193-95.
- EN2008n Christoph Lischka. "Time, Magma, Continuity: Some Remarks on In-Formation and the Fabrication of 'Poiesis.'" Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations. Uwe Seifert, Jin Hyun Kim, Anthony Moore. Eds. Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2008: 161-73: see: 163-70.
- EN2008o Matthew Quest. C.L.R. James, Direct Democracy, and National Liberation Struggles. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of American Civilization at Brown University. Providence, Rhode Island, May 2008: 17n4, 19n11, 20n12, 39n50, 76n101, 80n104, 136n39, 142n52, 176n5, 187n26, 356n20, 400n84.
- Costas Stratilatis. "Reading the Republic: Is Utopianism Redundant?" History of Political Thought, 29:4 (Winter 2008): 565-84; see: 571n25, 573n35, 578n72.
- EN2008p Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 4:1-2 (2008).
- EN2008p1 Arran Gare. "Life Questioning Itself: By Way of an Introduction." Ibid.: 1-14; see: 11, 13.
- EN2008p2 Suzi Adams. "Towards a Post-Phenomenology of Life: Castoriadis' Critical Naturphilosophie." Ibid.: 387–400.
- EN2008p3 Tim Themi. "How Lacan's Ethics Might Improve Our Understanding of Nietzsche's Critique of Platonism: the Neurosis & Nihilsm of a 'Life' Against Life." Ibid.: 328-46; see: 336n28.
- EN2008q Vladimir Fours. "(Re)thinking the 'public sphere' with Arendt and Habermas." Topos, 19 (2008): 94-100; see: 99.
- EN2008r Lambros Philippou. "Castoriadis, Arendt and Derrida: On the Faculty to Begin Something New." Diotima, 36 (2008): 163-174.
- EN2008s Catharine Rising. "Ulrich Redux: Musil’s Design for His Man Without Qualities." American Imago, 65:4 (Winter 2008): 523–545; see: 523, 528-29, 533, 540-41.
- EN2008t Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis' Long Journey Through Nomos: Institution, Creation, Interpretation." Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 70: 2 (2008): 269-95.
- EN2008u Benoît Challand. "The Evolution of Western Aid for Palestinian Civil Society: Bypassing Local Knowledge and Resources." Middle Eastern Studies, 44:3 (May 2008): 397-417; see: 399, 413nn17-20, 414n35.
- EN2008v William H. Wahl. "Pathologies of Desire and Duty: Freud, Ricoeur, and Castoriadis on Transforming Religious Culture." Journal of Religion and Health, 47:3 (September 2008): 398-414.
- EN2008w Christos Boukalas. "Counterterrorism Legislation and the US State Form: Authoritarian Statism, Phase 3." Radical Philosophy, 151 (September/October 2008): 31-41; see: 31, 41nn8,10.
- EN2008x Stevphen Shukaitis. "Dancing Amidst the Flames: Imagination and Self-Organization in a Minor Key." Organization, 15:5 (September 2008): 743-64; 756.
- EN2008y Pablo B. Markin. Cultural Accumulation in Richard Munch's Theorization of Modernity, Systems of Accumulation, and Action. A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies. University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta. Fall 2008: 26, 142, 151-54, 161.
- EN2008z Richard Gilman-Opalsky. "Guy Debord and Ideology Materialized: Reconsidering Situationist Praxis." Theory in Action, 1:4 (October 2008): 5-26; see: 18, 19.
- EN2008aa Alexandros Kioupkiolis. "Three Paradigms of Modern Freedom." European Journal of Political Theory, 8:4 (October 2008): 473–91.
- EN2008bb Alexandros Kioupkiolis. "Post-Critical Liberalism and Agonistic Freedom." Contemporary Political Theory, 7:2 (2008): 147-68.
- EN2008cc Joel Whitebook. "Hans Loewald, Psychoanalysis, and the Project of Autonomy." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 56:4 (December 2008): 1161–87; see: 1161-62; 1164n3, 1166-69, 1171, 1178 1179n14.
- EN2009a Richard Greeman. Beware of Vegetarian Sharks! Radical Rants and Internationalist Essays (Illustrated). Moscow and New York: Praxis Research and Education, 2009: 7, 9, 53 (CC and S. ou B.), 57 (CC and S. ou B.), 70, 338-39 (CC and S. ou B.).
- EN2009b Erik W. Davis. Treasures of the Buddha: Imagining Death and Life in Contemporary Cambodian Religion. Dissertation. University of Chicago Divinity School. 2009. Steven Collins, Advisor. See: ii,-iii, 2, 25-31, 44, 120-121, 135-136, 148, 248, 253-255.
- EN2009c Nader N. Chokr. Unlearning or "How NOT to Be Governed?" Exeter, England and Charlottesville, VA: Societas, 2009: 17n15, 42nn35-36, 46, 50.
- EN2009d Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler. Capital As Power: A Study of Order and Creorder. London and New York: Routledge, 2009: xi, 17, 20, 54, 102, 140, 141, 148, 306.
- EN2009e Jeffrey Klooger. Castoriadis: Psyche, Society, Autonomy. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009. Dick Howard. Foreword. Ibid.: xi-xiv.
- EN2009f Jane Kenway and Johannah Fahey. "Imagining Research Otherwise." Globalizing the Research Imagination. Eds. Jane Kenway and Johannah Fahey. London and New York: Routledge, 2009: 1-39; see: 5-6, 9-10, 25, 27-28, 33-38, 39nn4-6.
- EN2009g Giorgio Baruchello and Varlerio Lintner. "Life and Death Economics Revisited: Reflections on the Economic Crisis One Year On." Death and Anti-Death. Vol. 7: Nine Hundred Years After St. Anselm (1033-1109). Ed. Charles Tandy. Palo Alto: Ria University Press, 2009: 35-54; see: 39.
- EN2009h Serge Latouche. Farewell to Growth. Trans. David Macey. Cambridge, UK and Malden, MA: Polity, 2009: 14, 34, 65-66, 71n4, 92n25, 93, 95.
- EN2009i Stevphen Shukaitis. Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life. London/New York City /Port Watson: Minor Compositions, 2009: 14 (CC/S. ou B./Situationists), 53, 59, 72, 75-76, 132 (S. ou B./Debord/Situationists), 204-205, 227.
- EN2009j Anthony Elliott. Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction. London and New York: Routledge, 2009: 107-108, 182, 349-51.
- 2nd Edition. London and New York: Routledge, 2014: 129, 203, 375-77.
- 2nd Edition. London and New York: Routledge, 2014: 129, 203, 375-77.
- EN2009k Arran Gare. "Barbarity, Civilization and Decadence:Meeting the Challenge of Creating an Ecological Civilization." Chromatikon V. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès. Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2009: 167-89; see: 168-70, 181, 187nn5-9.
- EN2009l Benoit Challand. Palestinian Civil Society: Foreign Donors and the Power to Promote and Exclude. Abingdon, England and New York: Routledge, 2009; see: 35, 169, 174, 200, 215nm13-14.
- EN2009m Kajsa G. Eriksson. Concrete Fashion: Dress, Art, and Engagement in Public Space. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Design, with a concentration in Fashion Design at HDK, School of Design and Crafts, Faculty of Fine, Applied, and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Designed in Stockholm by Friendly Matters. Cover photography by Friendly Matters .Printed in Sundbyberg by Alfaprint, December 2009: 34, 141.
- EN2009n Panayota Gounari. "Manufacturing Fear: The Violence of Anti-Politics." Researching Violence, Democracy, and the Rights of People. John F. Schostak and Jill Schostak. Eds. London, UK: Routledge, 2009: 180-195; see 191-93.
- EN2009o The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present. Ed. Immanuel Ness. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2009.
- EN2009o1 Christian Garland. "Autonomism." Ibid.: Vol. I: 322-25; see: 325 (CC/S. ou B./Solidarity).
- EN2009o2 Christos Boukalas. "Castoriadis, Cornelius (1922–1997)." Ibid.: Vol. II: 621-23.
- EN2009o3 Peter Hudis. "Revolution, dialectics of." Ibid.: Vol. VI: 2836-40; see: 2839 (CC/S. ou B.).
- EN2009o4 Christos Boukalas. "Socialisme ou Barbarie." Ibid.: Vol. IV: 3062-63.
- EN2009p Ilana Mountian. "Some Questions around Social Imaginary and Discourse Analysis for Critical Research." Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 7 (2009): 205-22.
- EN2009q Adam Przeworski. "Self-Government in Our Times." Annual Review of Political Science, 12 ( 2009): 71-92; see: 79.
- EN2009r Delfo C. Canceran. "Social Imaginary in Social Change." Philippine Sociological Review, 57 (2009): 21-36.
- EN2009s Maximiliano E. Korstanje. Review of ES2007B . Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, 6:1 (2009): 211-14.
- EN2009t Jane Kenway and Johannah Fahey. "A Transgressive Global Research Imagination." Thesis Eleven, 96 (February 2009): 109-127.
- EN2009u Mark Chou and Roland Bleiker. "The Symbiosis of Democracy and Tragedy: Lost Lessons from Ancient Greece." Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37 (3, May 2009): 659-82; see: 662nn7-8, 664n16, 665nn19,21-22, 666, 669-70, 671n46.
- EN2009v Alexander Zevin. "Revolution to Go: Reordering 68." New Left Review, 57 (May-June 2009): 127-37; see: 133, 136.
- EN2009w Dominique Bouchet. “The Paradox of Culture.” Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication,1:2 (2009): 203-13; see: 207, 211.
- EN2009x Alexander Zevin. "Revolution to Go: Reordering 68." New Left Review, 57 (May-June 2009): 127-37; see: 133, 136.
- EN2009y Giorgio Baruchello. "Good and Bad Capitalism. Re-Thinking Value, Human Needs, and the Aims of Economic Activity." Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 4:3 (2009): 125-69; see: 150n1, 156, 162n62.
- EN2009z Christos Memos. "Dignified Rage, Insubordination and Militant Optimism." Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization, 9:3 (Auguskrumt 2009): 219-33; see: 221, 225, 232, 233.
- EN2009aa Christos Memos. "For Marx and Marxism: An Interview with Kostas Axelos." Thesis Eleven, 98 (August 2009): 129-39; see: 130, 137.
- EN2009bb Journal of Intercultural Studies, 30:3 (August 2009).
- EN2009cc Craig Browne. "Democracy, Religion and Revolution." Thesis Eleven, 99 (November 2009): 27-47.
- EN2010a Karl E. Smith. Meaning, Subjectivity, Society: Making Sense of Modernity. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2010.
- EN2010b Andrej Grubacic. Introduction. From Here to There: The Staughton Lynd Reader. Oakland: PM Press, 2010: 13 ("Castoriades"), 26n12.
- EN2010c The Routledge Companion to Social Theory. Ed. Anthony Elliott. With the assistance of Daniel Mendelson. London and New York: Routledge, 2010: 237-38, 278.
- EN2010d Joan Garvan. Maternal Ambivalence in Contemporary Australia: Navigating Equity and Care. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University. June, 2010; see: 3, 11, 16, 19-21, 23, 25, 29, 84-87, 89, 92-93, 184m58, 194, 197, 200-201, 241, 251-52, 254-56, 258-59, 261-63, 266, 268.
- EN2010e Tim Briedis. "A Map of the World that includes Utopia": The Self-Management Group and the Brisbane Libertarians. A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) at the University of Sydney, October 5, 2010: 16, 19nn58-63, 39-43, 46-47 (S. ou B./Solidarity), 63, 98.
- EN2010f Edward Jeremiah. The Emergence of Reflexivity in Greek Language and Thought: From Homer to Plato and Beyond. Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. March 2010. School of Historical Studies. The University of Melbourne: 158n50, 160.
- EN2010g Katja Diefenbach. "Living Labour, Form-Giving Fire: The Post-Workerist Reading of Marx and the Concept of Biopolitical Labour." Post-Fordism and its Discontents. Ed. Gal Kirn. Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Academie, 2010: 61-95; see: 68 (CC/CL/SouB),
- EN2010h Dominique Bouchet: "The Pragmatics of Intercultural Communication. The Bounded Openness of a Contradictory Perspective." Pragmatics and Society, 1:1 (2010): 137–154; see: 149.
- EN2010i Roberta Patalano. "Imagination and Economics at the Crossroad. Materials for a Dialogue." History of Economic Ideas, 18:1 (2010): 167-89.
- EN2010j Craig Browne."Postmodernism, Ideology and Rationality." Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 251 (1, 2010) : 79-99.
- EN2010k Christos Memos. "Neoliberalism, Identification Process and the Dialectics of Crisis." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34:1 (March 2010): 210-16; see: 211-14.
- EN2010l Lambros Philippou. "The Cypriot Paradox The Communist Way towards Political Liberalism." The Cyprus Review, 22:1 (Spring 2010): 129-49; see: 134n10, 142n21.
- EN2010m Mikael Carleheden. "The Imaginary Significations of Modernity: A Re-Examination." Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 11:2 (2010): 51-70.
- EN2010n Mark Chou. "Democracy in an Age of Tragedy: Democracy, Tragedy and Paradox." Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory, 11:2 (2010): 289-313; see: 290-97, 302-303, 304n63, 306-307.
- EN2010o Christos Memos. "Reconsidering the Marxist-Anarchist Controversy in and through Radical Praxis: Lessons Taken from the Greek Uprising, December 2008." Theory in Action: International Journal of the Transformative Studies Institute, 3:4 (October 2010): 17-37; see: 17n1, 30, 33, 36nn38,40, 37n54.
- EN2010p Maria Kaika. "Architecture and Crisis: Re-inventing the Icon, Re-imag(in)ing London and Re-branding the City." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 35:4 (October 2010): 453-74; 454, 456-57, 459, 471.
- EN2010q Tony Taylor. "What has Cornelius Castoriadis to say about Youth Work?" Youth & Policy, 105 (November 2010): 81-94.
- EN2011a Depoliticization: The Political Imaginary of Global Capitalism. Ed. I. S. Straume, and J. F. Humphreys. Malmö: NSU Press, 2011.
- EN2011a1 Ingerid S. Straume and J. F. Humphrey. Introduction. Ibid.: 9-24; see: 10, 11, 18 and 19.
- EN2011a2 Ingerid S. Straume. "The Political Imaginary of Global Capitalism." Ibid.: 27-50.
- EN2011a3 Johann P. Arnason. "Capitalism in Context: Sources, Trajectories, and Alternatives." Ibid.: 51-87.
- EN2011a4 D. T. Cochrane. "Castoriadis, Veblen and the 'Power Theory of Capital.'" Ibid.: 89-123.
- EN2011a5 J. F. Humphrey. "The Transcendental Power of Money." Ibid.: 155-88; see: 186-88.
- EN2011a6 Ingerid S. Straume. "'Learning' and Signification in Neoliberal Governance." Ibid.: 229-59.
- EN2011b Henry A. Giroux. Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011: 26n24, 27n56, 106, 108n7.
- Excerpts: "Zombie Politics, Democracy, and the Threat of Authoritarianism - Part I": and "Zombie Politics: Dangerous Authoritarianism or Shrinking Democracy - Part II":
- EN2011c Pascal Yan Sayegh. Nationalism as a Social Imaginary: Negotiations of Social Signification and (Dis)Integrating Discourses in Britain, France and Poland. Thèse de doctorat d'Etudes Transculturelles. Université de Lyon - Jean Moulin. 2011.
- "Minor formal corrections."
- EN2011d Destins d'exilés. Kostas Axelos, Cornelius Castoriadis et Kostas Papaïoannou. Ed. Servanne Jollivet, Christophe Premat and Mats Rosengren. Paris: Éditions du Manuscrit, 2011. (See also FR2011i.)
- EN2011d1 Christos Memos. "A Generation of Greeks from Paris: Early Years and Political Context." Ibid.: 19-43.
- EN2011d2 Christophe Premat. "A New Generation of Intellectuals in Postwar France." Ibid.: 75-107.
- EN2011d3 Christophe Premat. "Perspectives sur Kostas Axelos et Cornelius Castoriadis". Ibid.: 181-97.
- EN2011d4 Anders Ramsay. "Castoriadis' Critque of Marx and Marxism in 'Modern Capitalism and Revolution'". Ibid.: 199-222.
- EN2011d5 Mats Rosengren. "True and False Chaos–The Mythical Origins of the Preconditions of Creation". Ibid.: 223-34.
- EN2011d6 Suzi Adams. "Retrieving the World Problematic in Castoriadis' Thought". Ibid.: 235-51.
- EN2011e Jan-Werner Müller. Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth-Century Europe. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2011: 160, 206, 214, 269n23.
- EN2011f Chamsy El-Ojeili. "After Post-Socialism: Social Theory, Utopia, and the Work of Castoriadis in a Global Age." J. L. Shaw and M. Hemmingsen. Eds. Human Beings and Freedom: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Kolkata: Punthi Pustak, 2011: 195-218.
- EN2011g James H. Liu. "Response to Chamsy El-Ojeili: Globalisation and the (Temporary) Death of Grand Social Theories." J. L. Shaw and M. Hemmingsen. Eds. Human Beings and Freedom: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Kolkata: Punthi Pustak, 2011: 225-35; see: 231, 233.
- EN2011h Neil Davidson. "Alasdair Macintyre and Trotskyism." Virtue and Politics. Ed. Paul Blackledge and Kelvin Knight. University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 2011: 152-176; see: 161, 169-70.
- EN2011i Suzi Adams. Castoriadis's Ontology: Being and Creation. New York: Fordham University Press, 2011.
- EN2011j Ming Xie. Conditions of Comparison: Reflections on Comparative Intercultural Inquiry. London: Continuum, 2011: 13, 38-40, 42-45, 49, 53, 68, 71-72, 87-89, 95-96, 113, 137-38, 158, 171nn11-12,14-16,21-22, 172nn23,29-32,42, 174nn62-63, 176n53,9-11, 178n22, 180nn35,37.
- EN2011k Terry Eyssens. Raw Politics: Politics without the State. Thesis is submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. School of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Humanities. University of Ballarat. Submitted in January 2011. See: ii, 2-5, 7, 9, 29-31, 38, 45n21, 59n45, 79n39, 106-10, 113-29, 135n43, 139-47, 150, 158-60, 167, 175, 182-84, 193, 197, 200-201, 206-207, 214,216n2, 220, 222-23, 227n18, 231-33.
- EN2011l Sean Ryan Martin-Iverson. The Politics of Cultural Production in the DIY Hardcore Scene in Bandung, Indonesia. Thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia, School of Social and Cultural Studies, Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology. 2011. See: 45, 132, 140, 145, 317, 325.
- EN2011m The Politics of Imagination. Chiara Bottici and Benoît Challand. Eds. London: Birkbeck Law Press, 2011.
- EN2011m1 Chiara Bottici and Benoît Challand. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-15; see: 3-5, 7.
- EN2011m2 Chiara Bottici. "From Imagination to the Imaginary and Beyond: Towards a Theory of Imaginal Politics." Ibid.: 16-37; see: 20n11, 24-32.
- EN2011m3 Adriano Bugliani. "From Soul to Mind: Psychology and Political Imagination." Trans. Rachel Barritt. Ibid.: 73-85; see: 76.
- EN2011m4 Benoît Challand. "Religion and the Struggle for People's Imagination: The Case of Contemporary Islamism." Ibid.: 142-61; see: 154-56, 158.
- EN2011m5 Hayden White. "Modern Politics and the Historical Imaginary." Ibid.: 162-77; see: 172.
- EN2011m6 Meili Steele. "Literature as Public Reasoning in the Political Struggles over Imagination." Ibid.: 178-94; see: 184, 185n111.
- EN2011m7 María Pía Lara. "Feminist Imagination: The Aesthetic Role of Critique and Representation." Ibid.: 195-213; see: 196, 204.
- EN2011n Terry Eyssens. Raw Politics: Politics without the State. Thesis is submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. School of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Humanities. University of Ballarat. Submitted in January 2011.
- EN2011o Richard Rushton. The Reality of Film: Theories of Filmic Reality. Manchester: Manchester University Press and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011: 1-2, 7, 12, 47, 52, 58, 80, 191.
- see: 10- 11, 18, 25, 77-78, 86, 95, 128, 296.
- see: 10- 11, 18, 25, 77-78, 86, 95, 128, 296.
- EN2011p Ian H. Birchall. Tony Cliff: A Marxist for His Time. London: Bookmarks Publications, 2011: 116, 120, 223, 253-54, 281, 281 (CC/S. ou B./Cardan/Solidarity/MacIntyre).
- EN2011q Christopher Horner. The Fate of Judgement: Hannah Arendt, The Third Critique and Aspects of Contemporary Political Philosophy. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD. Department of Humanities. Roehampton University, University of Surrey, 2011: 11, 92, 180, 227-28.
- EN2011r Simon Sheikh. "Vectors of the Possible: Art Between Spaces of Experience and Horizons of Expectation." On Horizons : A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art. Maria Hlavajova, Simon Sheikh, and Jill Winder. Eds. Utrecht: BAK, basis voor actuele kunst; Rotterdam: Post Editions, 2011: 153-66; see: 153, 154n1, 164.
- EN2011s Costas Stratilatis. "A Counterpoint to Modernity: Laws and Philosophical Reason in Plato's Politicus." Law & Critique, 22 (February 2011): 15-37; see: 19-20, 25, 28nn7,9, 29.
- EN2011t Johann P. Arnason: Encounters and Interpretations. Special Issue. Ed. Suzi Adams, Karl E. Smith, and George Vlahov. European Journal of Social Theory, 14:1 (February 2011).
- EN2011t1 Suzi Adams, Karl E. Smith, and George Vlahov. "Introduction: Arnason’s Social Theory." Ibid.: 3-8; see: 4, 7, 8.
- EN2011t2 Wolfgang Knöbl. "Contingency and Modernity in the Thought of J.P. Arnason." Ibid. : 9-22; see: 12, 14, 18.
- EN2011t3 Willfried Spohn. "World History, Civilizational Analysis and Historical Sociology: Interpretations of Non-Western Civilizations in the Work of Johann Arnason." Ibid.: 23-39; see: 25-26, 34.
- EN2011t4 Jeremy C. A. Smith. "Modernity and Civilization in Johann Arnason’s Social Theory of Japan." Ibid.: 41-54; see: 42, 49-52, 53n2.
- EN2011t5 Suzi Adams. "Arnason and Castoriadis' Unfinished Dialogue: Articulating the World." Ibid: 71–88.
- EN2011t6 Peter Wagner. "From Interpretation to Civilization—And Back: Analyzing the Trajectories of Non-european Modernities." Ibid.: 89-106; see: 94.
- EN2011t7 Johann P. Arnason. "Response to Comments and Criticisms." Ibid.: 107-18; see: 114-16.o
- EN2011t8 Paul Blokker and Gerard Delanty. "An Interview with Johann P. Arnason: Critical Theory, Modernity, Civilizations and Democracy." Ibid.: 119-32; see: 120-21, 129.
- EN2011u Giorgio Baruchello. "Your Money or Your Life: John McMurtry and Martha Nussbaum on the For-profit Assault upon Life-capabilities." Journal of Philosophy of Life, 1:1 (2011): 13-48; see: 15n2.
- EN2011v Giorgio Baruchello and Rachael Lorna Johnstone. "Rights and Value: Construing the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Civil Commons." Studies in Social Justice, 5:1 (2011): 91-125; see: 112, 114n23.
- EN2011w Jeff Klooger. "From Nothing: Castoriadis and The Concept of Creation." Critical Horizons, 12:1 (2011): 29-47.
- EN2011x Mark Chou. "When Democracies Fail." Political Studies Review, 9 (2011): 344–356; see: 350-51.
- EN2011y Max Haiven. "Are Your Children Old Enough to Learn About May '68?: Recalling the Radical Event, Refracting Utopia, and Commoning Memory." Cultural Critique, 78:1 (Spring 2011): 60–87; see: 68.
- EN2011z Christopher Holman. "Autonomy and Psychic Socialization: From Non-Alienated Labor to Non-Surplus Repressive Sublimation." Critical Horizons, 12:2 (2011): 139-62.
- EN2011aa Mathieu Potte-Bonneville. "Risked Democracy: Foucault, Castoriadis and the Greeks." Trans. Shane Lillis. Radical Philosophy, 166 (March/April 2011): 29-38.
- EN2011bb Maria Nikolakaki. "Critical Pedagogy and Democracy: Cultivating the Democratic Ethos." Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 9:1 (May 2011): 47-70; see: 48-49, 52, 55-57, 59-64.
- EN2011cc Ute Eickelkamp. "Changing Selves in Remote Australia? Observations on Aboriginal Family Life, Childhood and 'Modernisation.'" Anthropological Forum, 21:2 (July 2011): 131-51; see: 146n2.
- EN2011dd Rebecca Boden and Debbie Epstein. "A Flat Earth Society? Imagining Academic Freedom." The Sociological Review, 59:3 (August 2011): 476-495; see: see: 477, 492n1.
- ("penultimate version of the paper published in Sociological Review")
- EN2011ee Chiara Bottici. "Imaginal Politics." Thesis Eleven, 106 (August 2011): 56-72.
- EN2011ff Benoit Challand. "The Arab Revolts and the Cage of Political Economy." Insurgent Notes: Journal of Communist Theory and Practice, 4 (August 2011): 128-48; see: "11."
- EN2011gg Benoit Challand. "The Counter-Power of Civil Society and the Emergence of a New Political Imaginary in the Arab World." Constellations, 18:3 (September 2011): 271-83; see: 272, 275-77, 271nn7-8, 272nn25-26,28, 283n37.
- EN2011hh Tim May and Beth Perry. "Urban Research in the Knowledge Economy: Content, Context and Outlook." Built Environment, 37: 3 ( 2011): 352-367; see: 363.
- EN2011ii Christos Memos. "Pannekoek and Castoriadis on the Question of Stalinism." Critique, 39:4 (December 2011): 525-44.
- EN2011jj Diane Whitehouse, Lorenz Hilty, Norberto Patrignani, and Marc van Lieshout. Introduction. Politeia, 27 (104, 2011): 3-12; see: 7.
- EN2011kk Jason Harman. "Demanding the Impossible: An Immanent Critique of the 2008-09 CUPE Strike." Problématique, 13 (2011): 95-122; see: 118n47, 120.
- EN2011ll Theofanis Tassis. "Human Creation, Imagination and Autonomy: A Brief Introduction to Castoriadis' Social and Psychoanalytical Philosophy." Philosophica (Lisboa) 37 (2011): 197-213.
- EN2012a Giorgio Baruchello. “Contingency, Autonomy and Inanity: Cornelius Castoriadis on Human Mortality.” Death and Anti-Death Volume 9: One Hundred Years After Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911). C. Tandy. Ed. Palo Alto: Ria Press: 27-54.
- EN2012b Marcela Tovar-Restrepo. Castoriadis, Foucault, and Autonomy: New Approaches to Subjectivity, Society, and Social Change. London and New York: Continuum, 2012.
- EN2012c Giorgio Baruchello. "Contingency, Autonomy and Mysticism: Three Critical Remarks on Cornelius Castoriadis' Understanding of Human Mortality." Death and Anti-Death, vol. 10: Ten Years After John Rawls (1921-2002). C. Tandy. Ed. Palo Alto: Ria Press, 2012: 21-30.
- EN2012d Benoît Challand. "Socialisme ou Barbarie or the Partial Encounters between Critical Marxism and Libertarianism." Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red. Ed. Alex Prichard, Ruth Kinna, Saku Pinta, David Berry. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.: 210-31.
- EN2012e Alexandros Kioupkiolis. Freedom After the Critique of Foundations: Marx, Liberalism, Castoriadis and Agonistic Autonomy. Houndmills, Basingstoke, England; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- EN2012f Anthony Elliott and Bryan S. Turner. On Society. Cambridge, UK and Malden, MA: Polity, 2012: 101, 116, 120-23, 153, 178n1, 180nn33-34.
- EN2012g Jennifer Maksymetz. Emancipation Through Creation: In Pursuit of Empathy Through Radical Art Practices. MA in Art and Politics. Goldsmiths University of London. June 2012: 7, 29-30, 32, 46.
- EN2012h Maria Nikolakaki. "Critical Pedagogy in the New Dark Ages: Challenges and Possibilities: An Introduction." Critical Pedagogy in the New Dark Ages: Challenges and Possibilities. Maria Nikolakaki. Ed. Foreword Henri Giroux. Afterword Ana-Maria Freire. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, 422. New York: Peter Lang, 2012: 3-31; see: 4, 11-15, 17-18, 20-24, 28.
- EN2012i Helge Peukert. "The Legacy of Karl Marx." Chapter 12. Handbook of the History of Economic Thought Insights on the Founders of Modern Economics. Ed. Jürgen Georg Backhaus. New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London: Springer, 2012: 323-50; see: 345n58 ("Castoriades [sic]").
- EN2012j Marcelo Lopes de Souza. "Challenging Heteronomous Power in a Globalized World: Insurgent Spatial Practices, 'Militant Particularism,' and Multiscalarity." Transnationalism and Urbanism. Stefan Krätke, Kathrin Wildner, Stephan Lanz. Eds. London and New York: Routledge, 2012: 172-96; see: 175, 177-81, 188-89, 192n3, 192-93n5, 193n6.
- EN2012k Nathan Jun. Anarchism and Political Modernity. New York: Continuum, 2012: 101, 207nn123,125, 208nn128,130
- EN2012l Andrei Deacu. The Architecture of Excess: Image Fabrication between Spectacle and Anaesthesia. A Master's Thesis for the Degree Master of Arts (Two Years) in Visual Culture. Supervisor: Anders Michelsen. Spring semester 2012. See: 6-8.
- EN2012m Simon Sheikh. Exhibition-Making and Political Imaginary: On Modalities and Potentialities of Curatorial Practice. Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, 2012: 10, 74-78, 82-85, 135, 138, 164, 205, 217, 229, 245nn48-50, 246nn53-54, 255n130.
- EN2012n Critical Horizons, 13:1 (2012).
- EN2012n1 Suzi Adams, Jeremy C. A. Smith, Ingerid S. Straume. "Political Imaginaries in Question." Ibid.: 5-11.
- EN2012n2 Nathalie Karagiannis and Peter Wagner. "Imagination and Tragic Democracy." Ibid.: 12-28.
- EN2012n3 Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis and the Non-Subjective Field: Social Doing, Instituting Society and Political Imaginaries." Ibid.: : 29-51.
- EN2012n4 Jeremy C. A. Smith. "Revolutionary Doctrines and Political Imaginaries: American Modernities in the Republican Age." Ibid.: 52-73.
- EN2012n5 Raf Geenens. "Modernity Gone Awry: Lefort on Totalitarian and Democratic Self-Representation." Ibid.: 74-93; see: 75-77.
- EN2012n6 Chiara Bottici and Angela Kühner. "Between Psychoanalysis and Political Philosophy: Towards a Critical Theory of Political Myth." Ibid.: 94-112; see: 102n26.
- EN2012n7 Ingerid S. Straume. "The Survival of Politics." Ibid.: 113-33; see: 114-15, 117n16, 120n24, 121-23, 125-26.
- EN2012o Jeff Klooger. "The Meanings of Autonomy: Project, Self-limitation, Democracy and Socialism." Thesis Eleven, 108 (February 2012): 84-98.
- EN2012p Karl E. Smith. Review of Jeff Klooger, Castoriadis: Psyche, Society, Autonomy. Thesis Eleven, 108 (February 2012): 136-40.
- EN2012q Marcus Bussey. "When No Crisis Is the Real Crisis! The Endless Vertigo of Capitalist Education." Surviving Economic Crises through Education. Ed. David R. Cole. New York: Peter Lang, 2012: 247-55; see: 248.
- EN2012r Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos. "Envisioning Autonomy through Improvising and Composing: Castoriadis Visiting Creative Music Education Practice." Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44:2 (March 2012): 151-82.
- EN2012sSophia Kanaouti. "The Dehumanised Citizen: Politics versus a Machine-like Existence under the Pretext of the Greek Crisis". Nyx, a Noctournal (special issue on Machines), Goldsmith's University of London, 7 (Spring / Summer 2012): 36-45. See: 43, 45n6, 45n34.
- EN2012t Special Issue: Cornelius Castoriadis: Critical Encounters. European Journal of Social Theory, 15:3 (August 2012).
- EN2012t1 Suzi Adams and Ingerid S. Straume. "Castoriadis in Dialogue." Ibid.: 289-94.
- EN2012t2 Johann P. Arnason. "Castoriadis as a Civilizational Analyst: Sense and Non-sense in Ancient Greece." Ibid.: 295-311.
- EN2012t3 Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis at the Limits of Autonomy? Ecological Worldhood and the Hermeneutic of Modernity." Ibid.: 313-29.
- EN2012t4 Natalie J. Doyle. "Autonomy and Modern Liberal Democracy: From Castoriadis to Gauchet." Ibid.: 331-47.
- EN2012t5 Anthony Elliott. "New Individualist Configurations and the Social Imaginary: Castoriadis and Kristeva." Ibid.: 349-65.
- EN2012t6 Ingerid S. Straume. "A Common World? Arendt, Castoriadis and Political Creation." Ibid.: 367-83.
- EN2012t7 Alexandros Kioupkiolis. "The Agonistic Turn of Critical Reason: Critique and Freedom in Foucault and Castoriadis." Ibid.: 385-402.
- EN2012t8 Nathalie Karagiannis and Peter Wagner. "What Is to Be Thought? What Is to Be Done?: The Polyscopic Thought of Kostas Axelos and Cornelius Castoriadis." Ibid.: 403-17.
- EN2012u Christos Memos. "Crisis of Theory, Subversive Praxis and Dialectical Contradictions: Notes on Luxemburg and the Anti-Capitalist Movement". Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 40: 3 (August 2012): 405-21; see: 411n11, 413n19, 414.
- EN2012vChristos Boukalas. "Government by Experts: Counterterrorism Intelligence and Democratic
Retreat." Critical Studies on Terrorism, 5:2 (August 2012): 277-96; see: 277-81, 291. - EN2012w "Castoriadis, Genealogy, History: Remaining Revolutionary, Remainibng Open." Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 8:2 (2012).
- EN2012w1 Editor C & H. "Editorial Introduction: Castoriadis, Genealogy, History." Ibid.: 1-2.
- EN2012w2 John Rundell. "Violence, Cruelty, Power: Reflections on Heteronomy." Ibid.: 3-20.
- EN2012w3 Toula Nicolacopoulos, George Vassilacopoulos. "'What ought we to think?' Castoriadis ' Response to the Question for Thinking." Ibid.: 21-33.
- EN2012w4 Nana Biluš Abaffy. "The Radical Tragic Imaginary: Castoriadis On Aeschylus & Sophocles." Ibid.: 34-59.
- EN2012w5 Vladimir Tasić. "Mathematics and Revolutionary Theory: Reading Castoriadis after Badiou." Ibid.: 60-77.
- EN2012w6 Andrew Cooper. "Being or Chaos? Heidegger and Castoriadis at the Crossroads." Ibid.: 78-99.
- EN2012w7 Christos Memos. "Castoriadis on Althusser and the Crisis of Marxism." Ibid.: 100-116.
- EN2012w8 Sean McMorrow. "Concealed Chora in the Thought of Cornelius Castoriadis: A Bastard Comment on Trans-Regional Creation." Ibid.: 117-129.
- EN2012x Christos Memos. "Anarchism and Council Communism on the Russian Revolution." Anarchist Studies, 20:2 (2012): 22-47; see: 45nn67,68 (S. ou B.).
- EN2012y Christopher Houston. "Anthropology, Autonomy and the Art of Cultural Revolution." Anthropological Theory, 12:3 (September 2012): 252–70.
- EN2012z Jane E. Kenway. "Commentary: Cultivating a Defiant Global Research Imagination in International Education," Canadian and International Education/Education canadienne et internationale, 41:3 (2012):
- EN2012aa Max Haiven."Can Pikachu Save Fannie Mae? Value, Finance and Imagination in the New Pokeconomy." Cultural Studies, 26:4 (2012): 516–41; see: 521.
- EN2012bb Jeff Klooger. "Plurality and Indeterminacy: Revising Castoriadis's Overly Homogeneous Conception of Society." European Journal of Social Theory, 15:4 (November 2012): 488–504.
- EN2012cc Giorgio Baruchello. Review of Free Markets and the Culture of Common Good by M. Schlag and J.A. Mercado (eds.). Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 7:4 (December 2012): 276-291; see: 284, 286, 291.
- EN2013a Creation, Rationality and Autonomy. Essays on Cornelius Castoriadis. Ed. Ingerid S. Straume and Giorgio Baruchello. Copenhagen: NSU Press and Nordiskt Sommaruniversitet, 2013.
- EN2013a1 Ingerid Straume and Giorgio Baruchello. Preface. Ibid.: 7-8
- EN2013a2Ingerid Straume and Giorgio Baruchello. "Creation, Rationality and Autonomy: A Brief Introduction." Ibid.: 11-27.
- Part I: Creation
- EN2013a3 Angelos Mouzakitis. "Chaos and Creation in Castoriadis's Interpretation of Greek Thought." Ibid.: 31-48.
- EN2013a4 Catharina Gabrielsson. "Origins as a Sign of Pathology in Architectural Thinking." Ibid.: 49-73.
- EN2013a5 Suzi Adams. "Castoriadis, Arnason and the Phenomenological Question of the World." Ibid.: 75-98.
- Part II: Rationality
- EN2013a6 Giorgio Baruchello. "Odd Bedfellows: Cornelius Castoriadis on Capitalism and Freedom." Ibid.: 101-32
- .EN2013a7 Sophie Klimis. "From Modernity to Neoliberalism: What Human Subject?" Ibid.: 133-58.
- EN2013a8 Andrea Gabler. "Artistic Critique? Socialisme ou Barbaries's and Castoriadis's Concept of Revolutionary Work Research." Ibid.: 159-82.
- Part III: Autonomy
- EN2013a9 Harald Wolf. "The Power of the Imaginary." Ibid.: 185-202.
- EN2013a10 Ingerid Straume. "Castoriadis, Education and Democracy." Ibid.: 203-28.
- EN2013a11 Kristina Egumenovska. "The Wreath of Subjectivity and Time." Ibid.: 229-41.
- EN2013a12 Stathis Gourgouris. "Autonomy and Self-Alteration." Ibid.: 243-68.
- EN2013b Warren Breckman. Adventures of the Symbolic: Post-Marxism and Radical Democracy. New York: Columbia University Press: xii-xiii, 6-9, 86, 96-138, 140, 142-43, 148-49 (CC/Lefort/S. ou B.), 167 (CC/Lefort/S. ou B.), 174-75, 197 (S. ou B.), 265, 284-85, 287-88, 289n9, 305n119 (S. ou B.), 306nn3-4, 307nn5-21, 308nn22-30,32,35-38,41-43,46, 309nn48-49,52-53,55-56,61,63, 310nn64,66-69,72,74-75,78-81,83-84, 311nn86-88,90-93,98-99, 312nn105-106,108-12,114-17,121-25, 313nn126,129,135-45, 314nn146-48,3-4, 315nn30-32 (S. ou B), 319nn99 (CC/Lefort), 321nn125,127, 337nn33,48, 339n82.
- EN2013c Nicholas Taylor Rogerson. Self Creation and Social Critique: Kierkegaard, Arendt, and Castoriadis on Thinking and Discourse. Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts Degree in Philosophy, The University of Toledo. May 2013. 132pp.
- EN2013d David Black. The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism: Essays in History, Culture and Dialectical Thought. Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2013: 59-62, 64, 70, 75nn41,43-45,54, 99, 101, 106, 107, 110nn66,68.
- EN2013e Brian C. Lovato. Democracy, Dialectics, and Difference: A Critical Representation of the Hegelian Marxist Tradition. Dissertation. University of California, Santa Barbara. 2013. Kevin Anderson, Advisor. See: vii, 5-13, 24, 32n14, 37-44, 62, 66n29, 70-73, 82-93, 177-181, 194.
- EN2013f Vitor Hugo Klein Jr. Organizations and Imagination: The Imaginary Institution of Risk Management. Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doctor rerum politicarum der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/ Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg vorgelegt von geboren in Lages/SC-Brasilien. Hamburg 2013.
- EN2013g Nick Garside. Democratic Ideals and the Politicization of Nature: The Roving Life of a Feral Citizen. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013: 3, 87-88, 98-100, 145-46, 153.
- EN2013h SamFantoSamotnaf. Cop-Out: The Significance of Aufhebengate. Berkeley: Little Black Cart, 2013: 37, 100n37 (S. ou B./Solidarity).
- EN2013i Lorraine Code. "Self, Subjectivity, and the Instituted Social Imaginary." The Oxford Handbook of the Self. Ed. Shaun Gallagher. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013: 720-21.
- EN2013j Neal Curtis. Idiotism: Capitalism and the Privatization of Life. London: Pluto Press, 2013: 156-58, 162.
- EN2013k Shifting Social Imaginaries in the Hellenistic Period: Narrations, Practices, and Images (Mnemosyne Supplements 363). Eftychia Stavrianopoulou. Ed. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013.
EN2013k1 Eftychia Stavrianopoulou. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-21; 3-6. - EN2013k2 Eleni Fassa. "Shifting Conceptions of the Divine: Sarapis as Part of Ptolemaic Egypt's Social Imaginaries." Ibid: 115-39; see: 115-16.
- EN2013k3 Eftychia Stavrianopoulou. "Hellenistic World(s) and the Elusive Concept of 'Greekness.'" Ibid.: 177-205; see: 179-80.
- EN2013l# L'autonomie en pratique(s). Cahiers Castoriadis 8. Sous la direction de Philippe Caumières et Klimis. Bruxelles: Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis, 2013. See also FR2013k.
- EN2013l1 Stathis Gourgouris. "Confronting Heteronomy." Ibid.: ##-##.
- EN2013l2 Ingerid S. Straume. "That Which Depends on Us: Responsibility, Democratic Courage and Shame." Ibid.: ##-##.
- EN2013l3 Theofanis Tasis. "Re-entering the Labyrinth: an Attempt Towards a Politics of Bios." Ibid.: ##-##.
- EN2013m Neal Curtis. "The Politics of Creation: Lyotard, Castoriadis and Malraux." Rereading Jean-François Lyotard: Essays on His Later Works. Heidi Bickis and Rob Shields. Eds. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2013: 138-39, 143-46, 148-53.
- EN2013n José Medina. The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013: 67n4, 270-71, 274, 277.
- EN2013o Noelle Kateri Brigden. Uncertain Odysseys: Migrant Journeys and Transnational Routes. A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. August 2013: 47n35, 62.
- EN2013p The Imaginary Worlds: American Studies after the Transnational Turn. Laura Bieger, Ramón Saldívar, and Johannes Voelz. Eds. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2013.
- EN2013p1 Laura Bieger, Ramón Saldívar, and Johannes Voelz. "The Imaginary and Its Worlds: An Introduction." Ibid.: vii-xxviii; see: xvi–xix, xxii.
- EN2013p2 Lawrence Buell. "The Necessary Fragmentation of the (U.S.) Literary-Cultural Imaginary." Ibid.: 23-41; see: 25.
- EN2013p3 Heinz Ickstadt. "Imaginaries of American Modernism." Ibid.: 42-63; see: 44.
- EN2013p4 Herwig Friedl. "William James versus Charles Taylor: Philosophy of Religion and the Confines of the Social and Cultural Imaginaries." Ibid.: 67-83; see: 67-68, 73.
- EN2013p5 Lene Johannessen. "Russia's Californio Romance: The Other Shores of Whitman's Pacific." Ibid.: 107-26; see: 109.
- EN2013p6 Winfried Fluck. "Coda. The Imaginary and the Second Narrative: Reading as Transfer." Ibid.: 237-64; see: 259n16.
- EN2013q Warren Breckmann. "Castoriadis, Cornelius." Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought. Vol. 1. Gregory Claeys. Ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013: 121-22.
- EN2013r Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, 2 (2013).
- EN2013s John Rundell. "Re-reading Fichte's Science of Knowledge after Castoriadis: The Anthropological Imagination and the Radical Imaginary." Thesis Eleven, 119 (2013): 3-21.
- EN2013t David S. Moon. "Autonomy and Alienated Subjectivity: A Re-Reading of Castoriadis, through Žižek." Subjectivity, 6 (2013): 424–44.
- EN2013u Jeff Klooger, "The Guise of Nothing: Castoriadis on Indeterminacy, and its Misrecognition in Heidegger and Sartre." Critical Horizons, 14:1 (2013): 1-21.
- EN2013v Viviana Asara, Emmanuele Profumi, Giorgos Kallis. "Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy." Environmental Values, 22:2 (April 2013): 217–39.
- EN2013w Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg, Christian De Cock, and Gail Whiteman. "Future Imaginings: Organizing in Response to Climate Change." Organization, 20:5 (2013): 647-658; see: 648-49, 652, 654.
- EN2013x Christopher Holman, "Reconsidering the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform Phenomenon: Castoriadis and Radical Citizen Democracy." New Political Science, 35:2 (2013): 203-26.
- EN2013y Giorgio Baruchello. "Häring, Norbert, and Niall Douglas, Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards" (review essay). Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 8:2, 2013: 216-24; see: 216.
- EN2013z Barbara Muraca. "Décroissance: A Project for a Radical Transformation of Society." Environmental Values, 22:2 (April 2013): 147-169; 154, 160-66.
- EN2013aa Benoït Challand. "Citizenship against the Grain: Locating the Spirit of the Arab Uprisings in Times of Counterrevolution." Constellations, 20:2 (June 2013): 169-87; see: 187n63.
- EN2013bb Deniz Ertug. "Crisis as an Ideological Problem." International Journal of Modern Social Sciences, 2:3 (2013): 216-28.
- EN2013cc Shannon Speed. "Women's Rights and Sovereignty/Autonomy: Negotiating Gender inIndigenous Justice Spaces." Journal of Legal Anthropology, 1:3 (September 2013): 360-93; see: 380.
- Lynn Stephen. "Comment on Shannon Speed's Article Women's Rights and sovereignty/Autonomy: Negotiating Gender in Indigenous Justice Spaces." Journal of Legal Anthropology, 1:3 (September 2013): 379-82; see: 380.
- EN2013dd Max Farrar. "How Can We Meet 'The Demands of the Day'? Producing an Affective, Reflexive, Interpretive, Public Sociology of 'Race.'" Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36:9 (September 2013): 1446-64; see: 1447, 1458, 1460-62.
- EN2013ee Christos Boukalas. "Politics as Legal Action/Lawyers as Political Actors: Towards a Reconceptualisation of Cause Lawyering." Social & Legal Studies, 22:3 (September 2013): 395-420; se1e: 408-409.
- EN2013ff Stavros Moutsios. "Imaginary Significations and Education as a Social Institution." Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2:11 (October 2013): 144-49.
- EN2013gg Christos Memos. "Axelos, Castoriadis, Papaioannou and Marx: Towards an Anti-Critique." Philosophy and Social Criticism, 39:10 (December 2013): 1029–1047.
- EN2013hh Christian De Cock. "Imagination and Organization: A Review of Cornelius Castoriadis’s The Imaginary Institution of Society." Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29:4 (December 2013): 406-408.
- EN2014a Stephen Hastings-King. Looking for the Proletariat: Socialisme ou Barbarie and the Problem of Worker Writing. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014.
- Paperback ed. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books : 2015.
- EN2014b Henry A. Giroux. The Violence of Organized Forgetting: Thinking Beyond America’s Disimagination Machine. San Francisco: Open Media Series/City Lights Books, 2014: 82-83, 241n29,30.
- EN2014c Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy. Ed. Vrasidas Karalis. [Trans. from the Greek by Vrasidas Karalis and Anthony Stephens.] Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014.
- EN2014c1 Acknowledgements. Ibid.: xii.
- EN2014c2 Notes on Contributors. Ibid.: viii-xi.
- EN2014c3 Vrasidas Karalis and Anthony Stephens. Note on Translation. Ibid.: xii.
- EN2014c4 Vrasidas Karalis. Prologue. Ibid.: xiii-xviii.
- EN2014c5 Vrasidas Karalis. "Introduction to Cornelius Castoriadis' Early Essays." Ibid.: 1-19.
- EN2014c6 Anthony Stephens. "The Choral Ode from Antigone: “πολλὰ τὰ δεινὰ [. . .]" Refracted Through Cornelius Castoriadis and Martin Heidegger " Ibid.: 67-86.
- EN2014c7 Andrew Cooper. "Aesthetics and Autonomy." Ibid.: 88-116.
- EN2014c8 George P. Pefanis. "Philosophy and Theatre: Cornelius Castoriadis on the Imaginary Structure of Meanings in Theatre and Performance." Ibid.: 117-36 .
- EN2014c9 Peter Murphy. "Bureaucratic Capitalism and the work of Cornelius Castoriadis." Ibid.: 137-57 .
- EN2014c10 Jeremy Smith. "Contexts of Capitalism: From the 'Unlimited Extension of "Rational Mastery"' to Civilizational Varieties of Accumulation and Economic Imagination." Ibid.: 158-76.
- EN2014c11 Simon Tormey. "Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Castoriadis and the Politics of Heterodox Marxism." Ibid.: 177-95.
- EN2014c12 Craig Browne. "Between Creative Democracy and Democratic Creativity." Ibid.: 196-217.
- EN2014c13 Jeff Klooger. "Imagining Democracy." Ibid.: 218-34.
- EN2014c14 John Rundell. "Autonomy, Oligarchy, Statesman: Weber, Castoriadis and the Fragility of Politics." Ibid.: 235-61.
- EN2014c15 Toula Nicolacopoulos and George Vassilacopoulos. "Radical Democratic Subjectivity: Possibilities and Limits." Ibid.: 262-90.
- EN2014c1 Acknowledgements. Ibid.: xii.
- EN2014d Cornelius Castoriadis: Key Concepts. Ed. Suzi Adams. London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2014.
- EN2014d1 Notes on Contributors. Ibid.: ix-x.
- EN2014d2 Elucidating Castoriadis: Editor's Preface. Ibid.: xi-xii.
- EN2014d3 Acknowledgements. Ibid.: xiii.
- EN2014d4 Suzi Adams. Autonomy. Ibid.: 1-12.
- EN2014d5 Karl E. Smith. "Heteronomy." Ibid.: 13-21.
- EN2014d6 Johann P. Arnason. "Social Imaginary Significations." Ibid.: 23-42.
- EN2014d7 Johann P. Arnason. "Creative Imagination." Ibid.: 43-51.
- EN2014d8 Angelos Mouzakitis. "Creation ex nihilo." Ibid.: 53-64.
- EN2014d9 Mats Rosengren. "Magma." Ibid.: 65-74.
- EN2014d10 Karl E. Smith. "Psyche." Ibid.: 75-87.
- EN2014d11 Angelos Mouzakitis. "Social-Historical." Ibid.: 89-100.
- EN2014d12 Johann P. Arnason. "Institution." Ibid.: 101-106.
- EN2014d13 Jeff Klooger. "Ensemblistic-Identitarian Logic (Ensidic Logic)." Ibid.: 107-16.
- EN2014d14 Jeff Klooger. "Legein and Teukhein." Ibid.: 117-26.
- EN2014d15 Jeff Klooger. "Anlehnung (Leaning On)." Ibid.: 127-34.
- EN2014d16 Suzi Adams. "Living Being." Ibid.: 135-41.
- EN2014d17 Ingerid S. Straume. "Paideia." Ibid.: 143-53.
- EN2014d18 Jeremy C.A. Smith. "Capitalism." Ibid.: 155-66.
- EN2014d19 Anders Ramsay. "Socialism." Ibid.: 167-77.
- EN2014d20 Karl E. Smith. "Modernity." Ibid.: 179-90.
- EN2014d21 Ingerid S. Straume. "Democracy." Ibid.: 191-204.
- EN2014d22 Sophie Klimis. "Tragedy." Ibid.: 205-18.
- EN2014e Christos Memos. Castoriadis and Critical Theory: Crisis, Critique and Radical Alternatives. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- EN2014f Paul Lucardie. Democratic Extremism in Theory and Practice: All Power to the People. New York: Routledge, 2014: 87-89 (CC/Lefort/S. ou B.), 91-92, 97, 110.
- EN2014g Ingerid S. Straume. "Castoriadis, Cornelius." Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. D.C. Phillips. Ed. London: Sage 2014, 106-107.
- EN2014h Marcel van der Linden. "Did Castoriadis Suppress a Letter from Pannekoek? A Note on the Debate regarding the 'Organizational Question' in the 1950s." A Usable Collection: Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History. Ed. Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen and Huub Sanders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014: 252-62.
- EN2014i Sophia Kanaouti. "From Self-Punishment to the Desire and Practices of Punishing the Politicians: Emotions and the Crisis of Representation in Greece". Reframing Punishment: Silencing, Dehumanisation and the Way Forward. Eds. Selina E. M. Doran and Laura Bouttell. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2014 (in the future available from Brill, Boston, Massachusetts): 147-167, see: 151, 157-58, 159.
- EN2014j Johann P. Arnason. "The Religio-political Nexus: Historical and Comparative Reflections." Religion and Politics: European and Global Perspectives. Johann P. Arnason and Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski. Eds. Annual of European and Global Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014: 8-36: see: 19-22.
- EN2014k Richard Shiff. Ellsworth Kelly: New York Drawings 1954 –1962. New York: Matthew Marks Gallery, 2014: 55n43.
- EN2014l Richard Shiff. “Morality, Materiality, Apples.” The World Is an Apple: The Still Lifes of Paul Cézanne. Ed. Benedict Leca. Foreword Philippe Cézanne. London: D Giles, 2014: 145-95; see: 190n3.
- EN2014m Max Haiven. Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power: Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons: Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons. London: Zed and Winnipeg: Fernwood, 2014: 234, 239, 282n19, 287n33.
- EN2014n Max Haiven, and Alex Khasnabish. The Radical Imagination: Social Movement Research in the Age of Austerity. London and New York: Zed Books/ Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2014: 6.
- EN2014o Anthony Elliott and Charles Lemert. Introduction to Contemporary Social Theory. London and New York: Routledge, 2014: 168, 281, 430–431.
- EN2014p Paul Blokker. "'The Political' in the 'Pragmatic Sociology of Critique': Reading Boltanski with Lefort and Castoriadis." Simon Susen and Bryan S. Turner. Eds. The Spirit of Luc Boltanski. London: Anthem Press, 2014: 369-90.
- EN2014q Graham Giles. An Ethical Inquiry: Toward Education in an Infinite Condition. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education). The University of British Columbia (Vancouver). January, 2014. 301pp. See: 98n115, 159n175.
- EN2014r Nick Turnbull. Michel Meyer's Problematology: Questioning and Society. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014; see: 62, 77, 90, 93-99, 102.
- EN2014s Ioannis Rigkos. Democracy, a Tale of Sustainability. Degree of Master of Science (Two Years) in Human Ecology: Culture, Power and Sustainability. 30 ECTS. CPS: International Master's Programme in Human Ecology. Human Ecology Division. Department of Human Geography. Faculty of Social Sciences Lund University. Supervisor: Pernille Gooch. 2014: passim.
- EN2014t Cristina Medina Prado. Our Money: Our Place Exploring "Puma LETS as a Micro-political Tool in the Context of Economic Crisis." A Research Paper presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of Master of Arts in Development Studies. International Institute of Social Studies. The Hague, The Netherlands. December 2014. 63pp. See: 16.
- EN2014u Christos Boukalas. Homeland Security, its Law and its State: A Design for Power for the 21st Century. London and New York: Routledge, 2014: 7, 11-13, 17, 39, 46, 160-63, 166.
- EN2014v Paloma Duong. Amateur Citizens: Culture and Democracy in Contemporary Cuba. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Columbia University. 2014: 17, 38, 45-46n15, 177nn17,18.
- EN2014w Stavros Tombazos. Time in Marx: The Categories of Time in Marx's Capital. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014: 41, 239.
- EN2014x Tim Briedis. "Lessons from the Past? Reflections on the History of the Brisbane Self-Management Group." Imminent Rebellion, 13 (2014): 11-19; see: 12 (CC/S. ou B.).
- EN2014y David S. Moon. Review of Freedom after the Critique of Foundations: Marx, Liberalism, Castoriadis and Agonistic Autonomy. Political Studies Review, 12:1 (January 2014): 99-100.
- EN2014z Toula Nicolacopoulos and George Vassilacopoulos. "The Time of Radical Autonomous Thinking and Social-Historical Becoming in Castoriadis." Thesis Eleven, 120:1 (February 2014): 59-74.
- EN2014aa Christos Boukalas. "No Exceptions: Authoritarian Statism. Agamben, Poulantzas and Homeland Security." Critical Studies on Terrorism, 7:1 (February 2014): 112-30; see: 123.
- EN2014bb Peter Gill, Robert Teese, Christopher Sonn. "Masculine Identity Negotiation in Everyday Australian Life: An Ethno-Discursive Study in a Gym Setting." International Journal of Men's Health, 13:1 (Spring 2014): 42-59; see: 44, 54-55.
- EN2014cc Sean Leneghan. "Catch-22: Anthropology, Autonomy and the Trial." Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai: Philosophia, 59:1 (April 2014): 5-27; see: 6, 8, 22-26.
- EN2014dd Ingerid S. Straume. "Education in a Crumbling Democracy." Ethics and Education, 9:2 (2014): 187-200.
- EN2014ee Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg. "Creative Self-Destruction: Corporate Responses to Climate Change as Political Myths." Environmental Politics, 23:2 (2014): 205-23; see: 205-206, 215.
- EN2014ff Giorgio Baruchello. “The Presupposed Oncological Model of Paul Krugman’s Banking Metastases: An Introduction to John McMurtry’s Philosophy.” Annuaire international des droits de l’homme, VII (2012-3): 353-71; see: 356n8, 359, 361, 368-69.
- EN2014gg Christopher Holman. "Democracy against the State: Marx and the Machiavellian Moment." Rethinking Marxism, 26:3 (2014): 434-42; see: 440.
- EN2014hh Isaac Kamola. "US Universities and the Production of the Global Imaginary." British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 16:3 (August 2014): 515-33; see: 519, 522, 530n5, 531.
- EN2014ii Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization Forum, 14:3 (August 2014). The Politics of Workers' Inquiry. Joanna Figiel, Stevphen Shukaitis and Abe Walker. Eds.
- EN2014ii1 Bianca Elzenbaumer and Caterina Giuliani. "Designers' Inquiry: Mapping the Socio-Economic Conditions of Designers in Italy." Ibid.: 451-59; see; 451n1.
- EN2014ii2 Jamie Woodcock. "The Workers' Inquiry from Trotskyism to Operaismo: a Political Methodology for Investigating the Workplace." Ibid.: 489-509; see: 493, 497-98.
- EN2014jj Raluca Soreanu. "Death, Gold and the Square: Rhythm-analysis in a Time of Protests." Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Sociologia, 59:2 (2014): 117-36.
- EN2014kk Stathis Gourgouris. "Democracy Is a Tragic Regime." PMLA, 129:4 (October 2014): 809-18.
- EN2015a Johann Michel. Ricoeur and the Post-Structuralists: Bourdieu, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Castoriadis (translation of FR2013b). Trans. Scott Davidson. London and New York: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2015: 8-10, 14, 25-26, 150, 201-30.
- EN2015b Christos Memos. "Castoriadis and Social Theory: From Marginalization to Canonization to Re-radicalization." Alex Law and Eric Royal Lybeck. eds. Sociological Amnesia: Cross-Currents in Disciplinary History. Surrey, England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015: 181-96.
- EN2015c Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg. Climate Change, Capitalism and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015: 33, 44, 172.
- EN2015d Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. Giacomo D'Alisa, Federico Demaria, and Giorgos Kallis. Eds. New York and Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2015.
- EN2015d1 Giorgos Kallis, Federico Demaria and Giacomo D'Alisa. Introduction: Degrowth. Ibid.: 1-17; see: 5, 8.
- EN2015d2 Mauro Bonaiuti. "Bioeconomics." Ibid.: 25-28; see: 26-27.
- EN2015d3 Marco Deriu. "Autonomy." Ibid.: 55-58; see: 55, 57-58.
- EN2015d4 Serge Latouche. "Imaginary, Decolonization of." Ibid.: 117-120; see: 117-120.
- EN2015e Allen Feldman. Archives of the Insensible: Of War, Photopolitics, and Dead Memory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015: 69, 112n1, 286n8, 344-47, 349n12, 353nn99,100,105.
- EN2015f# Stine Krøijer. Figurations of the Future: Forms and Temporalities of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015: 26, 92.
- EN2015g Ben Gook. Divided Subjects, Invisible Borders: Re-Unified Germany After 1989. London and New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015: 44, 53n1, 83n122.
- EN2015h Sophia Kanaouti. "Open Deception in the Media: the Cynical Exercise of Passing the Responsibility to the Citizen". Deception: An Interdisciplinary Exploration. Eds. Emma Williams and Iman Sheeha. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2015 (in the future available from Brill, Boston, Massachusetts): 165-177, see: 170, 171.
- EN2015i Shahin Nasiri. A Path to Freedom: A Methodological Study. MA Thesis. Philosophy. Philosophical Anthropology. Supervisor: Dr. Rico Sneller. Leiden University, 2015: 5, 30-43, 45.
- EN2015j Styliani-Mirsini Kazakou. Dispatches from Greece: "We Were Sleeping as Individuals and We Woke up as Citizens." Democracy and Development Revisited: Exploring Openings Through the Social Movement in Skouries, Chalkidiki. Master Thesis in International Development and Management. Lund Universitet. Supervisor: Elsa Coimbra. May, 2015: 2, 9-10, 19-29, 40-41, 46, 48-49.
- EN2015k Antri (Andriana) Efthymiou. Teaching Critical Thinking in Primary Schools in Cyprus: A Collective Case Study. Institute of Education, University of Warwick. June 2015: 61-62, 69-70, 220, 248, 286, 300, 351.
- EN2015l Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics: The Betrayal of Politics. Ed. Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker and Michael J. Thompson. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
- EN2015m Nick Stevenson. "The War Against Democracy in the UK." Media and Left. Ed. Savaş Çoban. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015: 104-14; see: 105.
- EN2015n Alex Khasnabish, and Max Haiven. "Outside but Along-Side: Stumbling with Social Movements as Academic Activists." Studies in Social Justice, 9:1 (2015): 18-33; see: 24.
- EN2015o Vangel[i]s Papadimitropoulos. "Indeterminacy and Creation in the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis." Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 11:1 (2015): 256-68.
- EN2015p Vitor Hugo Klein Jr. "Bringing Values Back In: The Limitations of Institutional Logics and the Relevance of Dialectical Phenomenology." Organization, 22:3 (2015): 326-50.
- EN2015q Maria Kli. "Human Nature in the Political Philosophy of Modernity." Dialogue and Universalism, 25: 2 (2015): 153-163; see: 160n30.
- EN2015r Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou and Marianna Fotaki. "A Theory of Imagination for Organization Studies Using the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis." Organization Studies, 36:3 (March 2015): 321-42.
- EN2015s Shiv Visvanathan. "AAP Paradox: Whole is Less Than the Sum of Parts." Deccan Chronicle, March 15, 2015: 9.
- EN2015t Christopher Holman and James McMahon. "From Power over Creation to the Power of Creation: Castoriadis on Democratic Political Creation and the Case of Hollywood." TOPIA, 33 (Spring 2015): 157-81.
- EN2015u Social Imaginaries, 1:1 (Spring 2015).
- EN2015u1 Suzi Adams, Paul Blokker, Natalie J. Doyle, John W.M. Krummel and Jeremy C.A. Smith. "Social Imaginaries in Debate." Ibid.: 15-52.
- EN2015u2 Suzi Adams. "Johann Arnason on Castoriadis and Modernity: Introduction to 'The Imaginary Dimensions of Modernity.'" Ibid.: 131-34.
- EN2015u3 Johann P. Arnason. "The Imaginary Dimensions of Modernity: Beyond Marx and Weber." Trans. Suzi Adams. Ibid.: 135-50.
- EN2015u4 Natalie J. Doyle. "Introduction to Marcel Gauchet's Democracy: From One Crisis to Another." 151-61; see: 152-53, 155, 159n6, 160nn9-11.
- EN2015v Dimitrios E. Akrivoulis. "Metaphors Matter: The Ideological Functions of the Kosovo–Holocaust Analogy." Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 17:2 (2015): 222-42; see: 225, 239nn22,26-27.
- EN2015w Christopher Friel. Review of Freedom after the Critique of Foundations: Marx, Liberalism, Castoriadis and Agonistic Autonomy. The Heythrop Journal, 56:3 (May 2015): 523–524.
- EN2015x Sabrina Melenotte. "Zapatista Autonomy and the Making of Alter-native Politics: Views from its Day-to-day Praxis." Focaal—Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 72 (June 2015): 51-63; see: 53-54, 60.
- EN2015y John Asimakopoulos. Review of EN2014e. Anarchist Studies, 23:2 (Autumn 2015): 110-12.
- EN2015z Suzi Adams. "On Ricœur’s Shift from a Hermeneutics of Culture to a Cultural Hermeneutics." Études Ricœuriennes/Ricœur Studies, 6:2 (2015): 130-53; see: 139, 142, 149n27, 152n91.
- EN2015aa Ingerid S. Straume. "The Subject and the World: Educational Challenges." Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47 (2015): 1465-76.
- EN2015aa Kristin Lawler. "The Mediterranean Imaginary: a Nationalism of the Sun, a Communism of the Sea." Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination, 6:1-2 (Winter 2015-16): 29-54; 46, 48-50, 53.
- EN2016a Vitor Hugo Klein Jr. and Christian Huber. "Imagination and the Political Use of Images." In Exploring Morgan's Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in Organizational Studies. Anders Örtenblad, Kiran Trehan, and Linda L. Putnam. Eds. Los Angeles/London/New Delhi/Singapore//Washington, DC/Melbourne: Sage Publications, 2016#: 186, 194-95, 198-201; see also Introduction, ibid.: 11.
- EN2016b Christian De Cock. "From Creativity to Imagination with Cornelius." Chris Steyaert, Timon Beyes, and Martin Parker. Eds. Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education. London and New York: Routledge, 2016: 234-48.
- EN2016c Christian De Cock, Alf Rehn, and David Berry. "For a Critical Creativity: The Radical Imagination of Cornelius Castoriadis." Kerry Thomas and Janet Chan. Eds. Handbook of Research on Creativity. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2013: 150-61.
- EN2016d Thinking Radical Democracy: The Return to Politics in Post-War France. Martin Breaugh, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi, Devin Penner. Eds. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2015.
- EN2016d1 Christopher Holman, Martin Breaugh, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzochchi, Devin Penner. "Introduction: Radical Democracy and Twentieth-Century French Thought." Ibid.: 9, 13 (CC/CL/S ou B.), 19, 20, 23 (CC/CL/S. ou B.), 24(CC/Debord/S. ou B.), 27n9, 29n39, 29-30n41.
- EN2016d2 Christopher Holman. "Hannah Arendt: Plurality, Publicity, Performativity." Ibid.: 37, 57n21.
- EN2016d3 Carlo Invernizzi Accetti. "Claude Lefort: Democracy as the Empty Place of Power." Ibid.: 121 (CC/S. ou B.),139n10.
- EN2016d4 Brian Singer. "Cornelius Castoriadis: Auto-Institution and Radical Democracy." Ibid.: 141-64.
- EN2016d5 Devin Penner. "Guy Debord and the Politics of Play." Ibid.: 171, 181, 184n31, 186nn67,75.
- EN2016d6 James D. Ingram. "Democracy and Its Conditions: Étienne Balibar and the Contribution of Marxism to Radical Democracy." Ibid.: 212, 229n5.
- EN2016d7 Martin Breaugh. "From a Critique of Totalitarian Domination to the Utopia of Insurgent Democracy: On the 'Political Power' of Miguel Abensour." Ibid.: 234, 251n14, 252n35.
- EN2016e Andrew Cooper. The Tragedy of Philosophy: Kant's Critique of Judgment and the Project of Aesthetics. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2016: 7, 17-20, 136, 156, 189-215, 220-22, 256n47.
- EN2016f Ethics, Democracy, and Markets. Ed. G. Baruchello, J.D. Rendtorff, and A. Sorensen. Malmö: NSU Press, 2016.
- EN2016g The Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Ed. Anthony Elliott and Jeffrey Prager. London, England and New York: Routledge, 2016.
- EN2016g1 Anthony Elliott and Jeffrey Prager. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-9; see: 8.
- EN2016g2 Matt Ffytche. "Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious." Ibid.: 13-42; see: 27.
- EN2016g3 Sean Homer. "Jacques Lacan: Freud's French interpreter." Ibid.: 97-114; see: 109.
- EN2016g4 Anthony Elliott. "Contemporary European Psychoanalysis." Ibid.: 169-84; see: 169-73, 181, 183.
- EN2016h Anthony Elliott. Identity Troubles: An Introduction. London and New York: Routledge, 2016: vi-vii, 15, 69, 73-78, 83-86, 132, 144, 190.
- EN2016i Jodie Lee Heap. The Imagination: The Seed of Indeterminacy in the Writings of Kant, Fichte, and Castoriadis. Ph.D.-Arts. Department of Social Theory. School of Social and Political Science. University of Melbourne. December 2016.
- EN2016j Neal Curtis. On Sovereignty and Superheroes. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2016: 171-73, 178nn23-25, 181.
- EN2016k# Suzi Adams. "On the Significance of the Ancient Greek "Polis" for Patočka and Castoriadis: Philosophy, Politics, and History." Thinking After Europe: Jan Patocka and Politics. Eds. Francesco Tava, Darian Meacham. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016: ##-##.
- EN2016l Ingerid S. Straume. "Imagining the End." The Imaginary Reader. Ed. Marie Nerland. Bergen: V.O.L.T., 2016: 110-13.
- EN2016m Theories of Resistance, Anarchism, Geography, and the Spirit of Revolt. Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Richard J. White, and Simon Springer. Eds. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., 2016.
- EN2016m1 Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Richard J. White, and Simon Springer. "Introduction: Subverting the Meaning of 'Theory.'" Ibid.: 1-18; see: 1-5, 7, 9, 13, 16nn1,2, 16-17n3.
- EN2016m2 Marcelo Lopes de Souza. "'Libertarian,' Libertaire, Libertario . . . : Conceptual Construction and Cultural Diversity (and Vice Versa)." Ibid.: 19-25; see: 20-22, 23n2, 24n4.
- EN2016m3 Marcelo Lopes de Souza. "'Feuding Brothers'? Left-Libertarians, Marxists and Socio-Spatial Research at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century." Ibid.: 123-53; see: 127, 130, 131 (CC/S. ou B.), 132-35, 137, 140, 142-44, 146nn5-6,9, 146-47n13, 147nn13,16,24, 148n29.
- EN2016m4 Nick Garside. "Celebrating the Invasive: The Hidden Pleasures and Political Promise of the Unwanted." Ibid.: 237-52; see: 252nn20,23.
- EN2016n The Practice of Freedom: Anarchism, Geography, and the Spirit of Revolt. Richard J. White, Simon Springer, and Marcelo Lopes De Souza. Eds. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., 2016.
- Richard J. White, Simon Springer, and Marcelo Lopes De Souza. "Introduction: Performing Anarchism, Practising Freedom, Pursuing Revolt." Ibid.: 1-22; see: 2-4.
- EN2016o YouthDOCs: Documentary Theatre & Video in Youth Culture, Personal Identity and Contemporary Reality. A Handbook for Practitioners & Teachers. Christina Zoniou. Ed. Athens: Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica, Greece, 2016.
- Katerina Alexiadi. "Youth Culture and YouthDOCs." Ibid.: 15-18; see: 18.
- Myrto Pigkou-Repousi. "Two Drama Models for Youth Civic Engagement." Ibid.: 95-100; see: 96
- EN2016p Kevin Olson. Imagined Sovereignties. The Power of the People and Other Myths of the Modern Age. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016: 15-16, 39-53, 144-45, 166, 178, 186nn2-11,30, 199n2.
- EN2016q Cordelia Sand. In Theory, There's Hope: Queer Co-(m)motions of Science and Subjectivity. Submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts Amherst in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geography. September 2016: 10-12, 219, 221-23, 225nn4-6.
- EN2016r Marios Kampouris. The Technological Field: Technological Innovation in the UK Marine Energy Technology Sector. PhD in Sociology. The University of Edinburgh, 2016: passim.
- EN2016s Matthias Schmelzer. The Hegemony of Growth: The OECD and the Making of the Economic Growth Paradigm. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University, 2016: 6, 142n1, 215n2, 255n46, 260-62, 351n29, 357.
- (front matter and first 10 pages only)
- (front matter and first 10 pages only)
- EN2016t Ingerid S. Straume. "Democracy, Education and the Need for Politics." Studies in Philosophy and Education, 35:1 (January 2016): 29-45.
- EN2016uDeniz Ertug. "On Creation of Autonomous Man: A Castoridian Perspective." The Proceedings Book- PHILHIST '16 / III. International Multitrack Conference on History of Philosophy, April 22-23, 2016, Istanbul, organized by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center). Ed. Hande Tulum. Istanbul, 2016: 162-67.
- EN2016v FIAR. The Forum for Inter-American Research: Journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, 9:1 (May 2016). Geopolitical Imaginaries in the Americas.
- EN2016v1 Clara Buitrago, Mirko Petersen, Paul-Matthias Tyrell & Dorothea Wehrmann. "Introduction: (Geo-)Political Imaginaries in the Americas." Ibid.: 4-18; see: 6-9, 13.
- EN2016v2 Eric Selbin. "Spaces and Places of (Im)Possibility and Desire: Transversal Revolutionary Imaginaries in the Twentieth Century Americas." Ibid.: 19-40; see: 20.
- EN2016v3 Angelika Epple and Kirsten Kramer. "Globalization, Imagination, Social Space: The Making of Geopolitical Imaginaries." Ibid.: 41-63; see: 46-47, 59n11.
- EN2016v4 Klaus Weinhauer. "Imaginaries of Urban Threat: Perceptions of Collective Protest and Violence in the USA and in Argentina during the 20th Century." Ibid.: 89-109; see: 90.
- EN2016w Jean-Louis Martin, Virginie Maris, and Daniel S. Simberloff. "The Need to Respect Nature and its Limits Challenges Society and Conservation Science." PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), 113:22 (May 31, 2016): 6105-12; see: 6106-6107, 6111n29.
- EN2016x Angelos Mouzakitis. Review of EN2014e and EN2014A. Thesis Eleven, 134 (1; June 2016): 128-34.
- EN2016y Social Imaginaries, 2:1 (Spring 2016).
- EN2016z Chamsy el-Ojeili. "Book review: Looking for the Proletariat: Socialisme ou Barbarie and the Problem of Worker Writing." Thesis Eleven, 135:1 (August 2016): 154-57.
- EN2016aa# Social Imaginaries, 2:2 (Autumn 2016).
- EN2016aa Christophe Premat. "Acting and Thinking as a Revolutionary Organ: The Case of the French Review Socialisme ou Barbarie (1948-1965)." Journalism and Mass Communication, 6:9 (September 2016): 499-511.
- EN2016bb Maria Kaika, Lazaros Karaliotas. "The Spatialization of Democratic Politics: Insights from Indignant Squares." European Urban and Regional Studies, 23:4 (October 2016): 556-70; see: 557, 558, 566.
- EN2016cc Marcelo Lopes de Souza. "Lessons from Praxis: Autonomy and Spatiality in Contemporary Latin American Social Movements." Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 48:5 (November 2016): 1292-1316; see: 1294-96, 1304, 1306-1307, 1308-1309n2, 1309nn5-6, 1309-1310n7.
- EN2016cc Proceedings of The Australian Sociological Association Conference. Mark Chou. Ed. The Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, Melbourne, 28 November – 1 December 2016.
- EN2016dd1 Erin J. Carlisle. "A Whole New World: On Peter Wagner and the Political Project of World-Making." Ibid.: 19-24; see: 19nn1-2, 21n3, 23.
- EN2016dd2 George Sarantoulias. "On Castoriadis and Ricoeur's Conceptions of Creative Social Imaginaries." Ibid.: 318-23.
- EN2017a Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red. Ed. David Berry, Ruth Kinna, Saku Pinta, and Alex Prichard. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2017 .
- EN2017a1 Ruth Kinna and Alex Prichard. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-16; see: 7, 11 (CC/CL/S. ou B.).
- EN2017a2 Christian Høgsbjerg. "A'Bohemian Freelancer'? C.L.R. James, His Early Relationship to Anarchism and the Intellectual Origins of Autonomism." Ibid.: 143-66; see: 153-54 (CC/Mothé/S. ou B.), 157 (S. ou B.), 160n2, 164n66, 164n68 (S. ou B.), 165n76.
- EN2017a3 Andrew Cornell. "'White Skin, Black Masks': Marxist and Anti-racist Roots of Contemporary US Anarchism." Ibid.: 167-86; see: 177-78 (CC/S.ou B./Solidarity), 182 (J-F Tendency/S. ou B./Solidarity), 185n41.
- EN2017a4 David Berry. "The Search for a Libertarian Communism: Daniel Guérin and the 'Synthesis' of Marxism and Anarchism." Ibid.: 187-209; see: 194-95 (Chaulieu-Montal Tendency/S. ou B./CC/CL/Morin), 199 (Gabriel Cohn-Bendit/S. ou B.), 206n45, 208n72.
- EN2017a5 Benoît Challand. "Socialisme ou Barbarie or the Partial Encounters between Critical Marxism and Libertarianism." Ibid.: 210-31.
- EN2017a6 Jean-Christophe Angaut. "Beyond Black and Red: The Situationists and the Legacy of the Workers’ Movement." Ibid.: 232-250; see: 232 (PO/S.ou B.), 233 (S. ou B.), 247n12 (ICO/S.ou B./CL/Simon).
- EN2017a7 Toby Boraman. "Carnival and Class: Anarchism and Councilism in Australasia during the 1970s." Ibid.: 251-74; see: 252 (S. ou B.), 257-58 (CC/S.ou B./Solidarity), 271n3 (S. ou B.), 272nn26-27.
- EN2017a8 Saku Pinta and David Berry. "Conclusion: Towards a Libertarian Socialism for the Twenty-First Century?" Ibid.: 294-303; see: 294critic, 299 (S. ou B./Facing Reality/Solidarity), 301-302n1.
- EN2017b Giorgio Baruchello. "The Collective Creation of Civil Commons: The Life-Ground of Business Practice." Collective Creativity for Responsible and Sustainable Business Practice. Ed. Z. Fields. Hershey: IGI Press, 2017: 121-39; 122 and 135.
- EN2017c Giorgio Baruchello. Mortals, Money, and Masters of Thought. Collected Philosophical Essays. Gatineau: Northwest Passage Books, 2017: xi-xii, 132, 136, 182-214, 248-9, 297n280, 305nn492,493, 306-205nn494-584 passim.
- EN2017d Jeremy C. A. Smith. Debating Civilisations: Interrogating Civilisational Analysis in a Global Age. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017: 17–20, 37, 65, 186.
- EN2017e Martyn Hudson. Ghosts, Landscapes and Social Memory. London and New York: Routledge, 2017: viii.
- EN2017 fMartyn Hudson. Species and Machines: The Human Subjugation of Nature. London: Routledge and New York, 2017: 84, 92, 99.
- EN2017g Martyn Hudson. Centaurs, Rioting in Thessaly: Memory and the Classical World. New York: Punctum, 2017: xi, 24, 29-31, 35, 42-43, 47n3, 49n6, 53-55, 75, 94.
- EN2017h John Krummel. "Creative Imagination, Sensus Communis, and the Social Imaginary: Miki Kiyoshi and Nakamura Yujiro in Dialogue with Contemporary Western Philosophy." The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Philosophy. Ed. Michiko Yusa. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017: 255-84.
- EN2017i Kiff Bamford. Jean-François Lyotard. London: Reaktion Books Ltd, 2017; CC: 50, 53-56, 62, 77, 101, 148, 157n; S. ou B.: 17-18, 21, 32-34, 37-41, 45-46, 49-50, 52-56, 58, 61-63, 66-68, 77, 85, 101, 148, 157nn19-22, 158n25.
- EN2017j Christopher Smith. "The Social Imaginary and Political Change in Magna Graecia: Towards a Model." Ibridazione e integrazione in Magna Grecia. Forme modelli dinamiche. Atti Del Cinquantaquattresimo Convegno Di Studi Sulla Magna Grecia. Taranto 25 - 28 Settembre 2014. Taranto: Istituto per la Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia, 2017: 151-65: see: 153-54, 156, 160-61.
- EN2017k Joel Whitebook. Freud: An Intellectual Biography. Cambridge, UK/New York, NY: Cambridge University Press 2017: 96, 162, 164, 166, 169, 173-74, 223-24, 238 n14), 384-85.
- EN2017l Anthony Paul Hayes. How the Situationist International Became What it Was. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University. April, 2017: 20, 31, 38, 40, 77, 182, 184, 188-90, 198, 200-204, 2062-11, 226l, 246-47, 252, 254n709, 258-59, 262, 263n745, 264n747, 269-71, 284n801, 291-95, 309-16.
- EN2017m Migration, Squatting and Radical Autonomy. Pierpaolo Mudu, Sutapa Chattopadhyay. Eds. London and New York: Routledge, 2017: 7, 27.
- EN2017n Phedeas Stephanides. Crisis as Opportunity? An Ethnographic Case-study of the Post-capitalist Possibilities of Crisis Community Currency Movements. Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of East Anglia – School of Environmental Sciences. June 2017: 42, 47, 51, 258.
- EN2017o Philipp Lottholz. Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia: a Decolonial Perspective on Community Security Practices and Imaginaries of Social Order in Kyrgyzstan. A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. International Development Department. School of Government and Society. College of Social Sciences. University of Birmingham. December 2017: 77-80, 82-85, 98, 342.
- EN2017p Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World. Vol. 2. Ed. Golfo Maggini, Vasiliki P. Solomou-Papanikolaou, Helen Karabatzaki Konstantinos D. Koskeridis. Foreword João J. Vila-Chã. University of Ioannina, Sector of Philosophy. Washington DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2017.
- EN2017p1 Theofanis Tasis. "Crisis, Image and Mortality: Defining Iconic Capitalism." Ibid.: 177-89; see: 187n17, 188.
- EN2017p2 Yannis Prelorentzos. "Dealing with the Crisis via Contemporary French Philosophy (and Some Other Thinkers)." Ibid.: 191-200; see: 193n15, 194, 200.
- EN2017p3 Athanasia Glycofrydi-Leontsini. "National Crises and Self-Awareness in Modern and Contemporary Greece." Ibid.: 307-21; see: 308, 318-19.
- EN2017p4 Maria Sozopoulou. "How to Discern the Genuine Politician in a Period of Crisis." Ibid.: 431-55; see: 433.
- EN2017q Christos Memos. "The Concept of 'Crisis' in the Thought of Cornelius Castoriadis." Culture & Civilization, 8 (2017): 119-36; see also Gabriel R. Ricci. Introduction. Ibid: xiii.
- EN2017r Ingerid S. Straume. Castoriadis, Cornelius (entry). Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Ed. D. C. Phillips. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC: Springer, 2017: 106-107.
- EN2017s Ravi Malhotra. "The Legal Politics of Marta Russell: A Castoriadan Reading." Disability Politics in a Global Economy: Essays in Honour of Marta Russell. Ed. Ravi Malhotra. London and New York: Routledge, 2017: 3-23; see: 3, 9-18.
- EN2017t Border Aesthetics: Concepts and Intersections. Eds. Johan Schimanski and Stephen F. Wolfe. Berghahn Books 2017.
- EN2017t1 Mireille Rosello and Stephen F. Wolfe. Introduction. Ibid.: 1-24; see: 17
- EN2017t2 Lene M. Johannessen and Ruben Moi. "Imaginary." Ibid.: 50-67; see: 53-54, 56-57, 59, 61-62.
- EN2017t3 Johan Schimanski and Stephen F. Wolfe. "Intersections: A Conclusion in the Form of a Glossary"Ibid.: 148-69; see: 150.
- William Barclay. "Niccolo Machiavelli, the Baron De Montesquieu and the Destabilizing Effects of International Migration." Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 2:3 (January 2017): 9-43; see: 42n2.
- EN2017u Kjetil Rommetveit. "Technoscience, Imagined Publics and Public Imaginations." Public Understanding of Science, 26:2 (February 2017): 133-47; see: 137, 144n1.
- EN2017v Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory, 18:2 (2017).
- EN2017w #Erin Carlisle. "On the Possibilities of Political Action in-the-World Pathways Through Arendt, Castoriadis and Wagner." Social Imaginaries, 3:1 (Spring 2017): 83-117; see: ##, ##.
- EN2017x Vusi Shongwe. "In Search of Solution to Moral Rot." Pretoria News, 26 May 2017: 8.
- EN2017y Jeff Klooger. "In Which We Find Ourselves: The Otherness of Self and the Truth of Heteronomy." Diritto & Questioni Pubbliche: Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto e Cultura Giuridica, 17 (1, Guigno 2017): 167-192.
- EN2017z Maria Cristina Clorinda Vendra. Review in English of FR2016A. Études Ricœuriennes/Ricœur Studies, 8:2 (2017): 100-105.
- EN2017aa Marcelo Lopes de Souza. "What Is 'Autonomy,' and How Can We Make it Possible? Reflecting on Concrete Experiences from Latin America." Community Development Journal, 52:3 (July 2017): 436-53.
- EN2017bb Christos Boukalas. "U.K. Counterterrorism Law, Pre-emption, and Politics: Toward 'Authoritarian Legality'?" New Criminal Law Review, 20:3 (August 2017): 355-90; see: 359.
- EN2017cc Kevin Duong. "'Does Democracy End in Terror?' Transformations of Antitotalitarianism in Postwar France." Modern Intellectual History, 14:2 (August 2017); 537–63; see: 542n11, 543, 545, 547, 549-50, 553, 563.
- EN2017dd Xabier E. Barandiaran. "Autonomy and Enactivism: Towards a Theory of Sensorimotor Autonomous Agency." Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy, 36 (September 2017): 409-30; see: 412, 427, 428.
- EN2017ee Alexandros Schismenos. "Time in the Ontology of Cornelius Castoriadis." Socrates, 5:3 and 4 (September and December 2017): 64-81.
- EEN2017ff vangelos Papadimitropoulos. "From the Crisis of Democracy to the Commons." Socialism and Democracy, 31:3 (2017): 110-22.
- EN2017gg Max Haiven. “The Uses of Financial Literacy: Financialization, the Radical Imagination, and the Unpayable Debts of Settler-Colonialism.” Cultural Politics, 13:3 (2017): 348-69; see 359-360.
- EN2017hh Marcus Bussey, Mei Mei Song, Shang-Hsien Hsieh. "Anticipatory Imagination as a Tool for Rethinking Engineering Education." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 143:4 (October 2017): 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000342, 02517004.
- EN2017ii Elias Vavouras. "Nietzsche and Castoriadis's Anaximander." Dia-noesis: A Journal of Philosophy, 4 (October 2017): 105-13.
- EN2017jj Noelle McAfee. "Neoliberalism and Other Political Imaginaries." Philosophy and Social Criticism, 43:9 (November 2017): 911-31; see: 911-12, 917, 924-27, 928n27, 930nn47,50
- EN2017kk Tim May & Beth Perry. "Knowledge for just urban sustainability." Local Environment:
The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 22 ( supplement 1, 2017): 23-35; see: 31. - EN2017ll Mark Purcell. "For John Dewey (And Very Much Also for Contemporary Critical Theory)." Urban Geography, 38:4 (2017): 495-501; see: passim.
- EN2017mm# Simon Tabet. "Interview with Zygmunt Bauman: From the Modern Project to the Liquid World" (trans. FR2017o). Theory, Culture & Society, 34:7-8 (December 2017): 131-46; see: ##.
- EN2018a Mitchell Abidor. May Made Me: An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France. Chico, Oakland, Edinburgh, Baltimore: AK Press, and London: Pluto Press, 2018: 12-13 (CC/Mothé/S. ou B.), 126 (CC/S. ou B.), 189 (CC/S. ou B.).
- EN2018b Giorgio Baruchello. The Business of Life and Death. Volume I: Values and Economies. Collected Philosophical Essays. Gatineau: Northwest Passage Books, 2018: iv, xx, 110, 154-85, 186, 224, 231, 258, 295nn293,295,300, 296n305, 304nn478-480,483-484,487,488-489,500, 305nn502,505,512-514,517,521,525-528, 306nn529,531-532,536-540,542-544,546,554, 307nn556-558,562-563, 311n712, 313n740, 314n757, 317nn799-800 (see also previous versions: EN2013n, EN2014n, as well as: ).
- EN2018c Giorgio Baruchello. The Business of Life and Death. Volume II: Politics, Law, and Society. Collected Philosophical Essays. Gatineau: Northwest Passage Books, 2018: iv, x-xii, 15-23, 25, 61, 209, 211, 248n4, 251-52nn63-108,110, 270n504, 294n980,983 (see also previous versions:,, and
- EN2018d Demetra Kasimis. The Perpetual Immigrant and the Limits of Athenian Democracy. Cambridge , New York, Melbourne, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2018: 9, 180.
- EN2018e Dominique Bouchet. "Beyond Constructivism, Reductionism and Arbitrary Sampling thanks to Cornelius Castoriadis." The Routledge Companion to Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory. Ed. Søren Askegaard & Benoît Helbrunn: London: Routledge, 2018: 256-65.
- EN2018f John W.M. Krummel. "Imagination, Formation, and Place: An Ontology." Eds. Hans-Georg Moeller and Andrew Whitehead. Imagination: Cross-Cultural Philosophical Analyses. London: Bloomsbury, 2018: 163-85.
- EN2018g Natalie Doyle. Marcel Gauchet and the Loss of Common Purpose: Imaginary Islam and the Crisis of European Democracy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018: viii, ix, xi, xvii-xxi, xxiv-xxv n1, xxv n5, xxv-xxvi nn6, xxvi-xxvii n12, xxvii n 14, 1-5, 10-37, 39-43, 45-52, 54-60, 64-70, 73, 75-76, 80-85, 87-88, 92-95, 97, 99, 105-106, 108-109, 115-19, 122-25, 129-34, 139-41, 144, 146, 149, 162-64, 167, 170-71, 181-82, 189-91, 199, 212, 217-19, 232-33.
- EN2018h# Suzi Adams. "On Castoriadis and the Social Imaginary Institution of the Real: Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Affinities and Critiques via His Dialogue with Merleau-Ponty." Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Ed. Saulius Geniusas. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018: 163-86.
- EN2018i Toula Nicolacopoulos and George Vassilacopoulos. (Un)willing Collectives: On Castoriadis, Philosophy and Politics. Melbourne:, 2018.
- EN2018j Council Democracy: Towards a Socialist Democratic Politics. Ed. James Muldoon. New York and London: Routledge, 2018.
- EN2018j1 James Muldoon."Council Democracy: Towards a Democratic Socialist Politics." Ibid.: 1-30; see: 5, 9-10, 22-23, 25n10.
- EN2018j2 Christopher Holman. "The Councils as Ontological Form: Cornelius Castoriadis and the Autonomous Potential of Council Democracy." Ibid.: 131-49.
- EN2018j3 Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen. "The Self-Limiting Revolution and the Mixed Constitution of Socialist Democracy: Claude Lefort's Vision of Council Democracy." Ibid.: 168-88; see: 169-71, 176-77, 181-82, 184, 186n67.
- EN2018k Luis I. Prádanos. Postgrowth Imaginaries: New Ecologies and Counterhegemonic Culture in Post-2008 Spain. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2018: 11-13.
- EN2018l Katia Zagoritou. Self-Organization and Social Movements in Greece and Spain in Times of Austerity. University of the Peloponnese. Department of Political Sciences and International Relations. Comparative Politics and Government in the Mediterranean. Academic Year 2017-2018. Athens, January 2018: 3, 6-7, 13n28, 19.
- EN2018m Hans Arentshorst. Perspectives on Freedom: Normative and Political Views on the Preconditions of a Free Democratic Society. Perspectieven op vrijheid: Normatieve en politieke zienswijzen betreffende de voorwaarden voor een vrije democratische samenleving (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands). Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. H.R.B.M. Kummeling, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 27 juni 2018 des ochtends te 10.30 uur. See: 46 (CC/CL/SouB.), 71 (CC/CL), 72n189 (CC/CL/"Socialism et Barbarie [sic]"), 237 (CC/CL), 240 (CC/CL).
- EN2018n Jennifer Kitchen. Power of Play: Facilitating Ensemble 'Third Space' for Active Citizenship in Shakespeare Education. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Arts Education. University of Warwick, Centre of Education Studies November 2018: 19-21, 23, 30, 44, 122.
- EN2018o Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen. Between Form and Formlessness: Thinking Council Democracy with Cornelius Castoriadis, Hannah Arendt and Claude Lefort. PhD Dissertation. Department of Political Science. University of Copenhagen. March 2018.
- EN2018p Christos Memos. "Open Marxism and Critical Theory: Negative Critique and Class as Critical Concept." Beverley Best, Werner Bonefeld, Chris O'Kane. Eds. Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. Vol. 3, Sage, 2018: 1314-1331; 1316.
- EN2018q Sophie Wustefeld. "Institutional pedagogy for an autonomous society: Castoriadis & Lapassade." Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50:10 (2018): 936-46.
- EN2018r Maria Kli. "Eros and Thanatos: a Non-Dualistic Interpretation: The Dynamic of Drives in Personal and Civilizational Development from Freud to Marcuse ". Psychoanalytic Review, 105:1 (February 2018): 67-89; see: 71, 77, 82.
- EN2018s J. Matthew Hoye. "The Elusive Politics of Radical Democratic Philosophy" (review essay of EN2013b). Contemporary Political Theory, 17, Supplement 1 (February 2018,): 43–50; see: 45, 46.
- EN2018t# Richard Greeman. "The Merry Month of May: A Firsthand History of ’68 France" (review of Mitchell Abidor’s May Made Me: An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France). The Indypendent, May 2018: ##.
- EN2018u Gerasimos Karavitis. "On the Concept of Politics: A Comparative Reading of Castoriadis and Badiou." Constellations, 25:2 (June 2018): 256-71.
- EN2018v Gerasimos Karavitis. "Castoriadis versus Michels: A Reflection on the Iron Law of Oligarchy." Thesis Eleven, 146:1 (June 2018): 24-41.
- EN2018w Lachlan Ross. "The Mad Animal: on Castoriadis’ Radical Imagination and the Social Imaginary." Thesis Eleven, 146:1 (June 2018): 71–86.
- EN2018x Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. "Reflections on the Contradictions of the Commons." Review of Radical Political Economics, 50:2 (June 2018): 317-31; see: 323-24, 327-28.
- EN2018y#Antonios Broumas. "Commons' Movements and 'Progressive' Governments as Dual Power: the Potential for Social Transformation in Europe." Capital & Class, 42:2 (June 2018): 229-51; see: 232#.
- EN2018z Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. "The Rational Mastery in the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis." Capitalism Nature Socialism, 29:3 (September 2018): 51-67.
- EN2018aa Angelos Vouldis. "Cornelius Castoriadis on the Scope and Content of Neoclassical and Marxian Economics." Journal of Economic Issues, 52:3 (September 2018): 795-815.
- EN2018bb Angelos T. Vouldis. "Cornelius Castoriadis on Institutions: A Proposal for a Schema of Institutional Change." Cambridge Journal of Economics, 42:5 (September 2018): 1435–58.
- EN2018cc Neil T. Ramjewan, Christy Guthrie & Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández. "Publishing as Pedagogy: Essays from the 2017 Curriculum Inquiry Writers' Retreat." Curriculum Inquiry, 48:3 (2018): 261-72; see: 263.
- EN2018dd Philippe de Lara. "Facing the War: Why Is There Lack of Understanding of Character of Conflict Between Russia and Western World." The Ukrainian Week, 11:129 (Novembre 2018): 34-36.
- EN2018ee George Sarantoulias. "Ricoeur and Castoriadis in Dialogue: Key Themes and Contexts of Action." Proceedings of The Australian Sociological Association Conference. Deakin University, Burwood Campus, Melbourne, 19-22 November 2018: 13-16.
- EN2018ff J. Hoberman. "Looking Into the Past." The New York Times, Nov. 25, 2018: AR15.
- "'The Owl’s Legacy' Explores the Glory That Was Greece."
- "'The Owl’s Legacy' Explores the Glory That Was Greece."
- EN2018gg Maria Kli. "Auto-Poiesis: The Self and the Principle of Creativity in the Philosophical Anthropology and Psychoanalysis of Cornelius Castoriadis." Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14:3 (2018): 125-46.
- EN2018hh Cooperation as the Institution of the Common. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 27 (1, 2018).
- EN2018hh1 Stefano Lucarelli. "Between Money and Sovereignty: Is a New Monetary Thinking Needed to Institute the Common?" Ibid.: 226-51; see: 244.
- EN2018gg2 Felipe Ziotti Narita. "Unlimited Capitalism and the Politics of the Common: Review of Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval's Commun: essai sur la revolution au XXIe siècle." Ibid.: 286-303; see: 289.
- EN2018gg3 Justyna Zielinska and Jacek Zych. "Call Centre: Ecrasez l'infame! Review of Jamie Woodcock's Working the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centres." Ibid.: 304-13; see: 306.
- EN2018hh Giorgos Kallis, Vasilis Kostakis, Steffen Lange, Barbara Muraca, Susan Paulson, and Matthias Schmelzer. "Research On Degrowth." Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 43 (2018): 291-316; see: 307, 316n146.
- EN2018ii Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. "Sustainability and Resilience in the Collaborative Economy: An Introduction to the Cloughjordan Ecovillage." Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 2,4 (December 2018): 49-60; see: 49, 59nn1-2.
- EN2019a Martyn Hudson. Critical Theory and the Classical World. London and New York: Routledge, 2019: 15, 19-20, 125, 129, 176.
- EN2019b Misty Sailors. "Re-Imagining Teacher Education." Theoretical Models and Processes of Literacy. Seventh edition. Donna E. Alvermann, Norman J. Unrau, Misty Sailors, Robert B. Ruddell. Eds. New York: Routledge, 2019: 430-48; see: 441, 443, 446.
- EN2019c Max Haiven. "Currencies of the Undercommons: the Hidden Ledger of Proletarian Money Sabotage." The Statemachines Reader. Amsterdam: Institute for Network Cultures, 2019: 95-114; see: 109.
- EN2019d Max Haiven. "The Art of Unpayable Debts: Poisoned Reproduction, Financial Sovereignty and Settler Colonial Bonds." The Sociology of Debt. Ed. Mark Featherstone. Bristol: Policy Press, 2019: 195-230; see: 196.
- EN2019e Martyn Hudson. Visualising the Empire of Capital. Abingdon, England and New York: Routledge, 2019: vi, 4-5, 10, 14-15, 24, 33, 87, 136.
- EN2019f Dimitri Courant. "Sortition and Democratic Principles. A Comparative Analysis." Legislature by Lot: Transformative Designs for Deliberative Governance. John Gastil and Erik Olin Wright. Eds. The Real Utopia Project Series. London/New York: Verso, 2019: 229-47; see: 237, 383n33.
- EN2019g Social Ecology and the Right to the City: Towards Ecological and Democratic Cities. Ed. Federico Venturini, Emet Deirmenci, Inés Morales. Montréal/Chicago/London: Black Rose Books, 2019.
- EN2019g1 Federico Venturini. "Reconceptualising Rights and Spatial Justice through Social Ecology." Ibid.: 86-100; see: 94.
- EN2019g2 Alexandros Schismenos. "Direct Democracy, Social Ecology, and Public Time." Ibid.: 128-40; see: 128, 130-31, 138-39
- EN2019h Craig Browne. "Two Critiques of Identity: Adorno and Castoriadis on the Capitalist Imaginary." Reading Adorno: The Endless Road. Ed. Amirhosein Khandizaji. Gewerbestrasse, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019: 1-35.
- EN2019i Yavor Tarinski. Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality. Ed. Eve Olney. Ireland: Durty Books, 2019: 8, 17, 23, 25, 40, 42, 43 (CL/S. ou B.), 47, 51, 61, 62, 63, 67, 74, 86.
- EN2019j Sean McMorrow. The Power to Assume Form: Cornelius Castoriadis and Regulative Regimes of Historicity. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Monash University. Faculty of Arts. 2019.
- EN2019k George Sarantoulias. The Creativity of Social Action and the Social Imaginaries Field: Cornelius Castoriadis and Paul Ricoeur in Dialogue. Thesis Submitted to Flinders University for the degree of Master of Arts by research College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. August 2019.
- EN2019l The Meanings of Violence: From Critical Theory to Biopolitics. Gavin Rae and Emma Ingala. Eds. London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
- EN2019m Gavin Rae. "Forming the Individual: Lacan and Castoriadis on the Socio-Symbolic Function of Violence." Violence and Meaning. Lode Lauwaert, Laura Smith, and Christian Sternad. Eds. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019: 239-65.
- EN2019n Christopher Smith. "Architectural Terracottas and the Historian." Deliciae Fictiles V: Networks and Workshops. Architectural Terracottas and Decorative Roof Systems in Italy and Beyond. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference held at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples (March 15-17, 2018). Patricia Lulof, Ilaria Manzini, Carlo Rescigno . Eds. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2019: 1-5; see: 4, 5nn14-16.
- EN2019o Noelle McAfee. Fear of Breakdown: Politics and Psychoanalysis. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019: 3-5, 48, 77-79, 102, 106, 113, 199, 208-11, 241nn1-4, 250n48, 257nn6-10.
- EN2019p Giorgos Kallis. Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care. Standord: Stanford University Press, 2019: 6, 54-58, 77, 79-80, 88-89, 93, 108-109, 143nn18-24,29, 146n55, 147nn17-20,22, 148nn28-29,35,48-49, 149nn51-53,58-59, 152nn20-21.
- EN2019q Christos Zographos. "Direct Democracy." Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary. Ashish Kothari, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria and Alberto Acosta. Eds. New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2019: 154-57; see: 155.
- EN2019r Nirmal Selvamony. "Communitas Harmonia in Wordsworth: A Musicosociological Glance." Transformative Harmony. Ed. Ananta Kumar Giri. New Delhi: Studera Press, 2019: 741-62; see: 758n14.
- EN2019s Anders Michelsen. "Transvisuality: On Visual Mattering." Linguagens Visuais: Literatura. Artes. Cultura. Heidrun Krieger Olinto, Karl Erik Schøllhammer, Danusa Depes Portas. Orgs. Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio, [2019]: 67-92; see: 69-70, 84-85.
- EN2019t# Paul Blokker. "Political and Constitutional Imaginaries." Social Imaginaries: Critical Interventions in a Paradigm-in-the-Making. London and New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019: ##-##.
- EN2019u The German Revolution and Political Theory. Gaard Kets and James Muldoon. Eds. London: Palgrave, 2019.
- Veronica Yepez-Reyes. "Alter-Globalisation Social Imaginaries: a Theoretical Review." Globalización, futuro, mercado inmobiliario, perros y gatos, Cornelius Castoriadis, Gilbert Durand. Imagonautas. Revista Interdisciplinaria sobre Imaginarios Sociales, 13 (2019): 1-22: see: 2-5, 7, 10, 16-17.
- EN2019v Gavin Rae. "Castoriadis: Evil and the Social Imaginary." In Evil in the Western Philosophical Tradition. Edinburgh University Press, 2019: 236-58.
- EN2019w Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. "Politics and the Political in Castoriadis." Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory, 20: 1 (2019): 40-53.
- EN2019x Mark Purcell. "Democracy Beyond Hegemony." Global Discourse, 9:2 (2019): 285-300; see: 285, 299n10.
- EN2019y Nicos Trimikliniotis. "100 years of Sociology in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cyprus: Mapping Public Sociology and Critical Thought of a Small Divided Island-Country." The Cyprus Review, 31:1, (Spring 2019): 133-91; see: 171.
- EN2019z John V. Garner. "Creativity and Historical Non-Being in Nikulin's The Concept of History." Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts, 14:1 (Spring 2019): 78- ; 80n6, 82-83.
- EN2019aa Thomas Telios. "Resisting the Creativity Narrative: Cornelius Castoriadis on the Fundaments of Capitalist Subjectivity." Symposium, 23: 1 (Spring/Printemps 2019): 31-55; see: 33, 40n9, 41-55.
- EN2019bb Suzi Adams. "Beyond a Socio-centric Concept of Culture: Johann Arnason's Macrophenomenology and Critique of Sociological Solipsism." Thesis Eleven, 151 (April 2019): 96-116.
- EN2019cc Davide Gallo Lassere and Frédéric Monferrand. "Inquiry: Between Critique and Politics." South Atlantic Quarterly, 118 (2, April 2019): 444-56; see: 445 (SouB), 448 (SouB), 449-51 (CC/SouB), 453 (SouB).
- EN2019dd Social Imaginaries, 5.2 (2019).
- EN2019ee Joshua Maloy Hall. "Sociohistorical Self-Choreography: A Second Dance with Castoriadis." Culture and Dialogue, 7:1 (May 2019): 87-104.
- EN2019ff Evangelos Papadimitropoulos. "Beyond Neoliberalism: Digitization, Freedom and the Workplace." Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization Forum, 19:3 (August 2019): 565-89; 566, 576-79, 583.
- EN2019gg Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 24:4 (August 2019).
- EN2019gg1 Danielle Celermajer, Millicent Churcher, Moira Gatens & Anna Hush. "Institutional Transformations." Ibid.: see: 3-21; 4, 8, 15.
- Anna Hush. "The Imaginary Institution of the University." Ibid.: 136-150.
- EN2019hh Giuseppe Feola. "Degrowth and the Unmaking of Capitalism: Beyond 'Decolonization of the Imaginary'?" ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 18:4 (2019): 979-97; 981.
- EN2019ii Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy, 33:5 (2019). Conceptualizing the Political Imaginary.
- EN2019ii1 Craig Browne & Paula Diehl. "Conceptualising the Political Imaginary: An Introduction to the Special Issue:" Ibid: 393-97; see: 394-96.
- EN2019hii Craig Browne. "The Modern Political Imaginary and the Problem of Hierarchy." Ibid.: 398-409.
- EN2019ii3 Paula Diehl."Temporality and the Political Imaginary in the Dynamics of Political Representation." Ibid.:
- EN2019ii4 Chiara Bottici. "Imagination, Imaginary, Imaginal: Towards a New Social Ontology?" Ibid.: 433-41; see: 434-36, 440n5.
- EN2019ii5 Johannes Grave. "The Politics of Pictures: Approaching a Difficult Concept." Ibid., 442-51; see: 442-43, 449n1.
- EN2019ii6 Wolfgang Knöbl. "Debating the Political Imaginary: A Critical Assessment." Ibid.: 452-61; see: 454-56.
- EN2019jj Phillip Ablett and Christine Morley. "Social Work as Revolutionary Praxis? The Contribution to Critical Practice of Cornelius Castoriadis's Political Philosophy." Critical and Radical Social Work, 7:3 (November 2019): 333-48.
- EN2019kk Stavros Moutsios. "The European Comparative Gaze." European Education, 52:1 (November 2019): 1-15; see: 6, 12.
- EN2019ll Yanki Doruk Doganay. "The Contemporary Turkish Government, Ideological Strategies and the Symbolic: A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Contemporary Politics of Turkey." POLITIKON: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science, 43 (December 2019): 65-85: see: 68, 73.
- EN2019ll Christopher Holman. "Hobbes and the Tragedy of Democracy." History of Political Thought, 40:4 (Winter 2019): 649-75; see: 652n13.
- EN2019mm Parrhesia, 30 (2019).
- EN2019mm1 Louise Richardson-Self. "Reflections on Imagination and Embodiment in the Work of Moira Gatens, 1983-2008." Ibid.: 29-47; see: 33.
- EN2019mm2 Timothy Laurie. "Thinking Without Monsters: the Role of Philosophy in Moira Gatens." Ibid.: 48-68; see: 51.
- EN2020a Phillip Ablett and Christine Morley. "Critical Social Work Education as Democratic Paideía: Inspiration from Cornelius Castoriadis to Educate for Democracy and Autonomy." Chapter 15 in The Routledge Handbook of Critical Pedagogies for Social Work. Christine Morley, Phillip Ablett, Carolyn Noble, Stephen Cowden. Eds. London: Routledge, 2020: 176-88.
- EN2020b Gavin Rae. "Castoriadis, Agency and the Socialised Individual." Poststructuralist Agency: The Subject in Twentieth-Century Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020: 219-46.
- EN2020c Jean-Francois Lyotard: The Interviews and Debates. Ed. Kiff Bamford. London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2020.
- EN2020c1 Kiff Bamford. "'Publish or Perish!': An Introduction to the Interviews and Debates." Ibid.: 1-11; see: 2 (S.ou B.), 4-5 (CC/JFL/DB/S. ou B.), 7 (JFL/S. ou " B.) 179nn9,10.
- EN2020c2 Jean-Francois Lyotard. "Doing away with the Illusion of Politics." With Gilbert Lascault. Translation of FR1972d. Ibid.: 29-32; see: 181n3 (JFL/PO/S. ou B.).
- EN2020c3 Jean-Francois Lyotard. A 'Barbarian' Speaks about Socialism." With Bernard-Henri Lévy. Trans. of FR1976f by Roger McKeon. Ibid.: 41-43; see: 41 (S. ou B.), 182n2 (JFL/S. ou B.).
- EN2020c4 Jean-Francois Lyotard. "'Incommensurable Narrations.'" With Patrick de Haas, Art Press International, 1977. Trans. of FR1977i by Roger McKeon. Ibid.: 43-47; see: 46 (S. ou B.).
- EN2020c5 Jean-Francois Lyotard. "The Enlightenment, the Sublime: Philosophy and Aesthetics." With Willem van Reijen and Dick Veerman, 1987. Trans. of FR1988k1 by Roy Boyne. Ibid.: 105-27; see: 119 (S. ou B.).
- EN2020c6 Jean-Francois Lyotard. "Lyotard and Vidal-Naquet talking about the Algerian war still." With Pierre Vidal-Naquet (FR1989l). Ibid.: 129-34; see: 130-31 (S. ou B.), 132 (CC/S. ou B.), 187n7 (CC/CL/JFL/PO/S. ou B.).
- EN2020c7 Jean-Francois Lyotard. "Before the Law, after the Law." With Elisabeth Weber. Trans. of FR1996h by Rachel Bowlby. Ibid.: 135-47; see: 146 (S. ou B.), 189n34 (CC/CL/S ou B.).
- EN2020c8 Jean-Francois Lyotard. "'What Is Just?' (Ou Justesse)." With Richard Kearney, 1994. From States of Mind: Dialogues with Contemporary Thinkers on the European Mind, 1995. Trans. Richard Kearney. Ibid.: 149-58; see: 149, 151.
- EN2020d Antonios Broumas. Intellectual Commons and the Law: A Normative Theory for Commons-Based Peer Production. London: University of Westminster Press, 2020: 120.
- EN202oe Ingerid S. Straume. "What children ask from us: Education and worldlessness in the Anthropocene". Between Closeness and Evil: A Festschrift to Arne Johan Vetlsesen. Ed. Odin Lysaker. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press: 2020: 231-62; see 235-6, 252.
- EN2020f Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. The Commons: Economic Alternatives in the Digital Age. London: University of Westminster Press, 2020: 3, 60-65, 102, 109-10, 115, 117, 125-26, 128, 139-41, 148-50, 162-63, 165, 183, 210-11, 215, 220.
- EN2020g Susi Ferrarello. "The Ethics of the Transcendental". In Husserl, Kant and Transcendental Phenomenology. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020: 41-55; see: 41n1.
- EN2020h María Pía Lara. Beyond the Public Sphere: Film and the Feminist Imaginary. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2020: 4, 12, 57, 70, 73-76, 80-82, 84, 90, 185n11, 196n86, 197nm93,96.
- EN2020i Anthony Hayes. "The Situationist International and the Rediscovery of the Revolutionary Workers' Movement." The Situationist International: A Critical Handbook. Eds. Alastair Hemmens and Gabriel Zacarias. London: Pluto Press, 2020: 71-93; see: 74-78, 88n22-23,25-31, 89n37, 90n44.
- EN2020j Vaios Papanagnou. The Digital Newsroom: Social Media and Journalistic Practice in the Guardian. A thesis submitted to the Department of Media and Communications of the London School of Economics and Political Science for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. London, October 2020: 68, 240.
- EN2020k Degrowth in Movement(s): Exploring Pathways for Transformation. Eds. Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer, and Nina Treu. Winchester, UK and Washington, USA: Zero Books, 2020.
- EN2020k1 Eric Pineault. "The Growth Imperative of Capitalist Society." Ibid.: 29-43; see: 32.
- EN2020k2 Gualter Barbas Baptista. "Free-Software: Re-decentralizing the Internet and Developing Commons." Ibid.: 201-15; see: 208, 211, 213.
- EN2020l Paola Pierri. Creative Democracy: An Anthropology of and by Means of Design. University of the Arts London. London College of Communication. A Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of the Arts London. February 2020.
- EN2020m Jacob Collins. The Anthropological Turn: French Political Thought After 1968. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020: 19-20, 81-91, 93, 96, 99-103, 112-13, 117-18, 230n49, 240n10, 241nn12-16,21,23, 242nn29-31, 243n65, 243-44n76, 244n94.
- EN2020n Joan Garvan. "Ambivalence and Identification: Avenues for Reification or Change." The Maternal Tug: Ambivalence, Identity, and Agency. Sarah LaChance Adams, Tanya Cassidy, Susan Hogan. Eds. Coe Hill, Ontario, Demeter Press, 2020: 199-217; see 200, 213.
- EN2020o Nicos Trimikliniotis. Migration and the Refugee: Dissensus in Europe Borders, Security and Austerity. London and New York: Routledge, 2020: 48, 159.
- EN2020p Ulrike E. Auga. An Epistemology of Religion and Gender Biopolitics–Performativity–Agency. London and New York: Routledge, 2020: 20, 24n42, 77n74, 175n43, 217, 221n64, 235-36, 241nn60,66, 260, 281, 282n13, 285n76, 329-31, 336n61.
- EN2020q "Castoriadis Ex Nihilo." Thesis Eleven, 161:1 (December 2020).
- EN2020q1 Peter Beilharz. "Editorial: Forty Years Ago Today–Thesis Eleven, a Bookmark." Ibid.: 3-4.
- EN2020q2 Peter Beilharz. "Remembering Castoriadis." Ibid.: 5-13.
- EN2020q3 Timothy Andrews. "Between Athens and Paris: The Life and Intellectual Contribution of Cornelius Castoriadis." Ibid.: 14-22.
- EN2020q4 Peter Murphy. "From 'Capitalism and Revolution' to 'Capitalism and Managerialism'. " Ibid.: 23-34.
- EN2020q5 Andrew Cooper. "Judgment, Normativity and the Subject." Ibid.: 35-50.
- EN2020q6 Craig Browne. "The Antinomies of the Modern Imaginary and the Double Dialectic of Control." Ibid.: 51-75.
- EN2020q7 Toula Nicolacopoulos and George Vassilacopoulos. "Castoriadis, Racist and Anti-Racist Ontologies." Ibid.: 76-88.
- EN2020q8 Jeff Klooger. "Burrowing a Way: Plato's Cave and the Labyrinth of Creation." Ibid.: 89-100.
- EN2020q9 Peter Beilharz. "Castoriadis Before Castoriadis: How Did Paul Cardan Become Cornelius Castoriadis?" Ibid.: 101-107.
- EN2020r Christos Boukalas. "Overcoming Liberal Democracy: 'Threat Governmentality' and the Empowerment of Intelligence in the UK Investigatory Powers Act." Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 82 (2020): 1-25; see: 15-16.
- EN2020s Las Torres de Lucca. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, 9:16 (Enero-Junio 2020). Dossier: Cornelius Castoriadis: un filósofo para pensar el presente.
- EN2020s1 María Cecilia Padilla. "A Theory of Tragedy in Cornelius Castoriadis." Ibid.: 83-108.
- EN2020t Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. "The Radical Freedom of the Imaginary in Castoriadis." Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 16:1 (2020): 24-46.
- EN2020u Fotis Rodis. "The Ex Nihilo Creation in the Work of Cornelius Castoriadis: The Special Case of Legal Rules." AICHI-Philosophia, 31 (2020): 95-136.
- EN2020v Fotis Rodis. "Striving Towards Sustainability: the Path from Social Imaginary to Physics and Environmental Ethics." Journal of Innovative Ethics, 13 (March 2020): 54-73; see: 55-57, 67nn4-11, 68-69nn13-31, 70nn46-47.
- EN2020w Lambros Philippou. "Cyprus: Solution as Liberalization." Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 7:2 (April 2020): 131-50; see: 132n2, 134n8.
- EN2020x# Jill Frank. "Pearl Diving." Contemporary Political Theory, 19:2 (June 2020): 306-40: see: ##, ##.
- EN2020y Ingerid S. Straume. "What May We Hope For? Education in Times of Climate Change." Constellations, 27:3 (September 2020): 540-52; see: 544, 547, 549n2.
- EN2020z Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou and Marianna Fotaki. "The Imaginary Constitution of Financial Crises." The Sociological Review, 68:5 (2020): 932-47.
- EN2020aa Cornelius Castoriadis e l'educazione. Con un testo inedito in italiano di Castoriadis. Paideutika: Quaderni di formazione e cultura, 32 (2020). (See also: ES2020g, IT2020A, and IT2020a.)
- EN2020aa1 Contributing Guest Editor: David Ames Curtis; Contributing Co-Editor: Gianluca Giachery. "Cornelius Castoriadis and Education." Ibid.: 9-10
- EN2020bb Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, 12:2 (December 2020).
- EN2020bb1 Márcio Bustamante and Bruno M. Fiuza. "Autonomist Political Culture in Brazil and the Peoples' Global Action Oral History Project." Ibid.: 42-69; see: 51.
- EN20202bb2 Mark Purcell. "The Project of Democracy and the 15M Movement in Spain." Ibid.: 182-214; see: 184.
- EN2021a Chris Spannos, Alexandros Schismenos, Nikos Ioannou. Castoriadis and Autonomy in the 21st Century. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
- EN2021b Eric-John Russell. Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord: Why Everything is as it Seems. With a Foreword by Étienne Balibar. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021: 179 (S. ou B.), 201 (CC/S. ou B.), 218n10 (S. ou B.), 219n4 (S. ou B.). 227n6 (CC/S. ou B.).
- EN2021c Jodie Lee Heap. The Creative Imagination: Indeterminacy and Embodiment in the Writings of Kant, Fichte, and Castoriadis. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021: ##, ##.
- EN2021d Christos Memos. Global Economic Crisis as Social Hieroglyphic: Genesis, Constitution, and Regressive Progress. London and New York: Routledge, 2021: 29, 38nn101-102, 48, 50, 63nn26,39,41,43, 64nn53,69, 70, 72, 75, 77, 80, 81nn18,22, 82nn37,39,49,52,65, 83n66, 93, 98nn43-44, 102, 113, 116-118, 120nn27,33, 122nn81, 90,96, 123nn123,127,134, 143, 147n115, 127, 157n5.
- EN2021e Dr Dimitra Ntzani. "Troublesome Pedagogies: Introducing 'Otherness' to 1st Year Design Studio." Initiations: Practices of Teaching 1st Year Design in Architecture. 23-25 October / Nicosia. Conference Proceedings of the TFYD 2019. Christakis Chatzichristou, Popi Iacovou, Leonidas Koutsoumpos. Eds. Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus. 2021: 195-204; see: 199-200.
- EN2021f Christopher Houston. Theocracy, Secularism, and Islam in Turkey: Anthropocratic Republic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021: 7-8, 12-13, 22, 42n6, 49, 66, 83.
- EN2021g Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen. Visions of Council Democracy: Castoriadis, Lefort, Arendt. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
- EN2021h Ranjan Ghosh. Trans(in)fusion: Reflections for Critical Thinking. New York and London: Routledge, 2021: 12-14, 24, 32nn22,24-26, 38n37, 39nn55-57.
- EN2021i Aria Spinelli. Politicising Curatorial Discourse: Performativity and the Radical Imaginary in the Curated Encounter. Thesis for Ph.D. Advisor: Gillian Whiteley. December 2021: passim.
- EN2021j Anne-Lise François. "Fire, Water, Moon: Supplemental Seasons in a Time Without Season." Climate Realism: The Aesthetics of Weather and Atmosphere in the Anthropocene. Lynn Badia, Marija Cetinic, Jeff Diamanti. Eds. London and New York: Routledge, 2021: 47-64: see: 57-59.
- EN2021k Christopher Holman. "Pierre Clastres as Comparative Political Theorist: The Democratic Potential of the New Political Anthropology." European Journal of Political Theory, 20:1 (January 2021): 67-94; see: 82, 85-86.
- EN2021l Chris Spannos. "Ken Weller: Libertarian Socialist and Member of the Direct-Action Group Spies for Peace Who Became a Prolific Writer." The Guardian, March 18, 2021: 11.
- EN2021m Mark Purcell. "Space and the Desire for Democracy in the 15M." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:1 (March 2021): 223-235; see: 224, 230, 233n3.
- EN2021n Ian R. Lamond. "Disruptive and Adaptive Methods in Activist Tourism Studies: Socio-Spatial Imaginaries of Dissent." Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 23:1-2 (2021): 75-96; see: 77.
- EN2021o Dominique Bouchet. "A Transdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Introduction to the Issue of Human Rights in a 'Glocal' World: About the Reversal of the Relation Between the Local and the Glocal and its Consequences for the Fertility and Quality of Human Relations." Politeja, 71 (2, 2021): 19-66.
- EN2021p Vangelis Papadimitropoulos. "Beyond the State and Market: Theoretical Perspectives on the Commons." The Political Economy of Communication, 9:2 (2021): 21-44; see: 33
- EN2021q Michael J. Thompson. "Reification as an Ontological Concept." Metodo: International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy, 9: 2 (2021): 417-45; see: 435n17, 438n27.
- EN2021r James Muldoon. "After Council Communism: The Post-war Rediscovery of the Council Tradition." Intellectual History Review, 31:2 (2021), 341-62; see: passim.
- EN2021s Nikos Govas. "Antigone in Kolkata: Sophocles's Play as a Forum Theatre Performance by Jana Sanskriti." Education & Theatre, 21 (2021): 41n11.
- EN2021t Christina Zoniou. "From Performing Heteronomy to Devising a Theatricality of Autonomy: A Presentation of an Ongoing Process of Theatre of the Oppressed, Documentary Theatre and Critical Ethnography in a Multicultural Community in Rome." Education & Theatre, 22 (2021): 24-35; see: 31-32, 33n13.
- EN2021u Joel Whitebook. "The Misuse of Winnicott: On Axel Honneth's Appropriation of Psychoanalysis." Constellations, 28:3 (September 2021): 306-21; see: 310, 313.
- EN2022a Janet Sarbanes. Letters on the Autonomy Project. Earth, Milky Way: dead letter office, babel Working Group, an imprint of punctum books, 2022.
- EN2022b Gavin Butt. No Machos or Pop Stars: When the Leeds Art Experiment Went Punk. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022: 159-60.
- EN2022c Tobias Kleemans. Between Autonomy and Heteronomy: An Exploration of Cornelius Castoriadis's Philosophy on Self-Creation. Supervisor: Prof. dr. Matthias Lievens. A thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Research Master of Philosophy Abridged Programme. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2022.
- EN2022d Spiros Gangas and Georgia Lagoumitzi. Sociology in Greece: Its History and Development. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022: passim.
- EN2022e Michael J. Thompson. Twilight of the Self: The Decline of the Individual in Late Capitalism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2022: 202-203, 244, 277n32, 285n65, 306n12, 311n21.
- EN2022f Ravi Malhotra. "The Politics of Death-Making/Assisted Suicide: A Castoriadan Reading." Disability Injustice: Confronting Criminalization in Canada. Kelly Fritsch, Jeffrey Monaghan, Emily van der Meulen. Eds. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2022: 259-88; see: 259, 270-77.
- EN2022g Alexandros Schismenos. Castoriadis against Heidegger: Time and Existence. Alexandros Schismenos, 2022.
- Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2024.
- Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2024.
- EN2022h Sabine Neumann. "Spatializing 'Divine Newcomers' in Athens." Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean: Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries. Ed. Thomas Galoppin , Elodie Guillon , Max Luaces , Asuman Lätzer-Lasar , Sylvain Lebreton , Fabio Porzia , Jörg Rüpke , Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli and Corinne Bonnet. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022: 825-51; see: 826-27, 833, 843.
- EN2022i Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter, Aaron Vansintjan. The Future Is Degrowth: A Guide to a World beyond Capitalism. London and New York: Verso, 2022: 129, 130n108, 203-204, 209n75.
- EN2022j Shahin Nasiri. "Freedom and the Imaginary Dimension of Society." Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology, 1:1 (2022): 217-38.
- EN2022k Shmuel Lederman. Review of EN2021g. The Review of Politics, 84:2 (Spring 2022): 303-306; see: 304-305.
- EN2022l# Maxwell Ackerman. Book review of EN2021a. Journal of Social Justice, 10 (2022): ##-##.
- EN2022m Irena Ristić. "Collectives and Commoning in Small Arts." Amfiteater, 10:2 (2022): 104-18; see: 105.
- EN2023a Christos Boukalas. Biosecurity, Economic Collapse, the State to Come: Political Power in the Pandemic and Beyond. New York and London: Routledge, 2023: 9, 65, 186.
- EN2023b Ingerid S Straume. How Does a Society Change? Reflexivity in Politics and Education. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023: 4-5, 10, 12nn6,10,13, 41, 44-50, 52, 56-57nn12-23,27-30, 60-61, 63, 65-66, 77, 79, 81-82, 83nn4-7,27, 86nn83,89-91, 88-89, 94-97, 111, 113, 114nn3-4,8, 115-16nn23-25,34-37, 124, 129, 130n1.
- EN2023c Vasilis Grollios. A Study of Nietzsche, Benjamin, Castoriadis and the Situationists. Routledge: 2023: see: 3, 5, 117-51; see also: viii, x (John Holloway's introduction).
- EN2023d Irena Ristić. "Paths of Radical Imagination or How to Make a Collective". Another Artworld: Pursuing New Organisational Modes. Nina Mihaljinac, Bojana Matejić, & Milan Đorđević. Eds. New York: Atropos Press, 2023: 59-76; see: 59.
- EN2023e Alexandros Schismenos. "Telepresence as a Social-historical Mode of Being: Chatgpt and the Ontological Dimensions of Digital Representation." Lessico di Etica Pubblica, 1-2 (2023): 37-52; see: 39, 44, 50.
- EN2023f# "Henri Simon with Dominik Müller: An Active Life" (interview). The Brooklyn Rail: Critical Perspectives on Arts, Politics, and Culture, March 2023: ##-##.
- EN2023g Dominik Finkelde. "Fantasy Fatigue: In Need of a Ministry of Imagination and Transgression." Philosophy Today, 67:3 (Summer 2023): 311–29; see: 314, 318, 320-22, 325, 326n7.
- EN2023h Pavel Barkouski. "Working with the Imaginary in the Fascist and Communist Societies and Overcoming Social Heteronomy in the Theory of C. Castoriadis." TOPOS: Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studies, 1 (2023): 44-67.
- EN2023i Andrey Rolyenok & David Ames Curtis. "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Cornelius Castoriadis but Were Afraid to Ask David Ames Curtis." TOPOS: Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studies, 1 (2023): 68-88.
- EN2023j Vladimir Fours. "The Dynamic Conception of the Social in the Philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis." Trans. Veranika Furs of RU2005a. TOPOS: Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studies, 1 (2023): 105-120.
- EN2024a The Athenian Funeral Oration: After Nicole Loraux. Ed. David M. Pritchard. Foreword Paul Cartledge. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
- EN2024a1 David M. Pritchard. "The Funeral Oration after Loraux." Ibid.: 1-55; see: 3n14, 7-8, 28, 46, 47n369.
- EN2024a2 Vincent Azoulay and Paulin Ismard. "Between Ideology and the Imaginary: The Invention of The Invention of Athens." Trans. David M. Pritchard. Ibid.: 74-88; see: 75, 81-86.
- EN2024a3 Dominique Lenfant. "The Funeral Oration as a Self-Portrait of Athenian Democracy." Trans. David M. Pritchard. Ibid.: 357-75; see: 359n9, 360mn14, 367-68, 369n64.
- EN2024b Giorgio Baruchello, Ársæll Már Arnarsson. Humour and Cruelty. Vol. 3: Laughing Matters. Part 1: Prolegomena. Berlin, Germany and Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2024: 7, 8n32, 97n65, 115, 130n265.
- EN2024c Giorgio Baruchello, Ársæll Már Arnarsson. Humour and Cruelty. Vol. 3: Laughing Matters. Part 2: Theses and Discussions. Berlin, Germany and Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2024: 29n170, 36, 37n205, 50n263, 52n273, 53, 56n300, 61, 63, 67n354, 68n360, 121-22, 130, 133, 210, 287, 321, 340.
- EN2024d Victoria Konidari. "The Symbiotic Autonomy of Polis. Leading Schools to Be Critical Infrastructures." PEA–Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts Conference: Polis. A cura di Sabina Langer, Evi Agostini, Denis Francesconina, Zario Zambaldi. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2024: 51-58; see: 52-54.
- EN2024e David Hansen. Visions of Statesmanship: A Statesman's Imagination and Autonomy. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books, 2024: 1-5, 14-16, 17n5, 19n49, 24-27, 65, 69, 71, 74, 75nn2-5, 7-9,14, 77n47, 80nn85,95, 81n108, 83nn137,141-42, 84nn177,186,189-90,194,199,202-203, 85n205, 87nn248,255,261, 92-93, 98n7, 99-165, 167-68, 186, 196, 214, 219, 230n119, 232n186, 241-45.
- EN2024f Anton Pannekoek. The Workers' Way to Freedom and Other Council Communist Writings. Ed. Robyn K. Winters. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2024; see: 213-24 (CC/Chaulieu).
- EN2024g Caroline Nielsen and Christophe Premat. "Beyond the Performance Principle: Marcuse and the Modern Work Ethic." The Marcusean Mind. Eduardo Altheman C. Santos, Jina Fast, Nicole K. Mayberry, Sid Simpson. Eds. London: Routledge, 2024: 304-315; see: 310, 314n40.
- EN2024h Libidinal Economies of Crisis Times: The Psychic Life of Contemporary Capitalism. Ben Gook Ed. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024.
- EN2024h1 Ben Gook. "Libido, Economy, Crisis." Ibid.: 7-40; see: 14.
- EN2024h2 Julie Gaillard. "'Out of Your System': After Lyotard's Libidinal Set-Ups." Ibid.: 57-71; see: 61 (SouB).
- EN2024i Ian Birchall. Letter to the Editor. London Review of Books, 46:5 (7 March 2024): 4.
- EN2024j Nikos Nikoletos. "Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Ellul on the Dilemmas of Technical Autonomy." Thesis Eleven, 182 (June 2024): 41-56.
Last updated: 30 x 2024.